Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem - 拉格朗日中值定理

Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem - 拉格朗日中值定理

Lagrange [lə'ɡrɑndʒ]:n. 拉格朗日 (法国著名数学家,力学家)


拉格朗日中值定理是罗尔中值定理的推广,同时也是柯西中值定理的特殊情形,是泰勒公式的弱形式 (一阶展开)。

1. Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem - 拉格朗日中值定理

Lagrange’s mean value theorem (MVT) states that if a function f ( x ) f\left( x \right) f(x) is continuous on a closed interval [ a , b ] \left[ {a,b} \right] [a,b] and differentiable on the open interval ( a , b ) \left( {a,b} \right) (a,b), then there is at least one point x = c x = c x=c on this interval, such that
拉格朗日中值定理 (MVT) 指出,如果函数 f ( x ) f\left( x \right) f(x) 在闭合区间 [ a , b ] \left[ {a,b} \right] [a,b] 上是连续的,并且在开放区间 ( a , b ) \left( {a,b} \right) (a,b) 上是可导的,那么在这个间隔上至少有一个点 x = c x = c x=c,这样

f ( b ) – f ( a ) = f ′ ( c ) ( b – a ) . f\left( b \right) – f\left( a \right) = f'\left( c \right)\left( {b – a} \right). f(b)f(a)=f(c)(ba).

This theorem (First Mean Value Theorem) allows to express the increment of a function on an interval through the value of the derivative at an intermediate point of the segment.
该定理 (First Mean Value Theorem) 允许通过区间的中间点处的导数的值来表示函数在间隔上的增量。

如果函数 f ( x ) f(x) f(x) 满足,
(1) 在闭区间 [ a , b ] [a, b] [a,b] 上连续 ( f ( x ) f(x) f(x) is continuous in the closed interval a ≤ x ≤ b a \leq x \leq b axb)
(2) 在开区间 ( a , b ) (a, b) (a,b) 内可导 ( f ( x ) f(x) f(x) is differentiable in the open interval a < x < b a < x < b a<x<b)
那么在开区间 ( a , b ) (a, b) (a,b) 内至少有一点 c   ( a < c < b ) c\ (a < c < b) c (a<c<b) 使等式 f ( b ) − f ( a ) = f ′ ( c ) ( b − a ) f(b) - f(a) = f'(c)(b - a) f(b)f(a)=f(c)(ba) 成立。

Then according to Lagrange’s Theorem, there exists at least one point c c c in the open interval ( a , b ) (a, b) (a,b) such that:
然后根据拉格朗日定理,在开放区间 ( a , b ) (a, b) (a,b) 中至少存在一个点 c c c,使得:
f ′ ( c ) = f ( b ) − f ( a ) b − a f'(c) = \frac{f(b) - f(a)}{b - a} f(c)=baf(b)f(a)

Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem - 拉格朗日中值定理_第1张图片

Lagrange’s theorem says that if there is a path between two points A ( a , f ( a ) ) A(a, f(a)) A(a,f(a)) and B ( b , f ( a ) ) B(b, f(a)) B(b,f(a)) in a 2-D plain then there will be at least one point c c c on the path such that the slope of the tangent at point c c c, i.e., ( f ′ ( c ) ) (f'(c)) (f(c)) is equal to the average slope of the path, i.e., f ′ ( c ) = f ( b ) − f ( a ) b − a f'(c) = \frac{f(b) - f(a)}{b - a} f(c)=baf(b)f(a)
拉格朗日定理表明如果在二维平面上两个点 A ( a , f ( a ) ) A(a, f(a)) A(a,f(a)) and B ( b , f ( a ) ) B(b, f(a)) B(b,f(a)) 之间存在一条路径,那么至少会有一个点 c c c 在路径上,以使点 c c c 处的切线斜率即 ( f ′ ( c ) ) (f'(c)) (f(c)) 等于路径的平均斜率,即 f ′ ( c ) = f ( b ) − f ( a ) b − a f'(c) = \frac{f(b) - f(a)}{b - a} f(c)=baf(b)f(a)

Verify mean value theorm for f ( x ) = x 2 f(x) = x^{2} f(x)=x2 in interval [ 2 , 4 ] [2, 4] [2,4].
验证区间 [ 2 , 4 ] [2, 4] [2,4] f ( x ) = x 2 f(x) = x^{2} f(x)=x2 的均值定理。

First check if the function is continuous in the given closed interval, the answer is Yes. Then check for differentiability in the open interval ( 2 , 4 ) (2, 4) (2,4), Yes it is differentiable.
首先检查该函数在给定的闭区间内是否连续,答案为是。然后检查开区间 ( 2 , 4 ) (2, 4) (2,4) 中的可导性,是的,它是可导的。

f ′ ( x ) = 2 x f'(x) = 2x f(x)=2x
f ( 2 ) = 4 f(2) = 4 f(2)=4 and f ( 4 ) = 16 f(4) = 16 f(4)=16

f ( b ) − f ( a ) b − a = 16 − 4 4 − 2 = 6 \frac{f(b) - f(a)}{b - a} = \frac{16 - 4}{4 - 2} = 6 baf(b)f(a)=42164=6

Mean value theorm states that there is a point c ∈ ( 2 , 4 ) c \in (2, 4) c(2,4) such that f ′ ( c ) = 6 f'(c) = 6 f(c)=6. But f ′ ( x ) = 2 x f'(x) = 2x f(x)=2x which implies c = 3 c = 3 c=3. Thus at c = 3 ∈ ( 2 , 4 ) c = 3 \in (2, 4) c=3(2,4), we have f ′ ( c ) = 6 f'(c) = 6 f(c)=6.
均值定理指出存在点 c ∈ ( 2 , 4 ) c \in (2, 4) c(2,4) 使得 f ′ ( c ) = 6 f'(c) = 6 f(c)=6,但是 f ′ ( x ) = 2 x f'(x) = 2x f(x)=2x 意味着 c = 3 c = 3 c=3。因此,在 c = 3 ∈ ( 2 , 4 ) c = 3 \in (2, 4) c=3(2,4),我们有 f ′ ( c ) = 6 f'(c) = 6 f(c)=6
