Keil C51中通过printf函数进行串口调试

1. C51中的printf函数

keil→Help→μVision Help→C51 Development Tools→Cx51 Compiler Users' Guide→Library Reference→Include Files→stdio.h→printf
通过以上路径可以找到Keil C51帮助手册中printf函数的信息。



int printf (
  const char *fmtstr       /* format string */
  <[>, arguments ... <]>);   /* additional arguments */


% <[>flags<]> <[>width<]> <[>.precision<]> <[>{b|B|l|L}<]> type

Type Argument Type Input Format 描述
d int Signed decimal number 有符号整型数
u unsigned int Unsigned decimal number 无符号整型数
o unsigned int Unsigned octal number 无符号八进制数
x unsigned int Unsigned hexadecimal number using "0123456789abcedf" 无符号十六进制数
X unsigned int Unsigned hexadecimal number using "0123456789ABCDEF" 无符号十六进制数
f float Floating-point number formatted as<[>-<]>dddd.dddd. float浮点型
e float Floating-point number formatted as <[>-<]>d.dddde<[>-<]>dd float浮点型,以指数形式输出单精度实数
E float Floating-point number formatted as <[>-<]>d.ddddE<[>-<]>dd. float浮点型,以指数形式输出双精度实数
g float Floating-point number using either the e or f format, whichever is more compact for the specified value and precision. 以%f或%e中较短的输出宽度输出单精度实数
G float Floating-point number using either the E or f format, whichever is more compact for the specified value and precision. 以%f或%e中较短的输出宽度输出双精度实数
c char A single character 输出单个字符
s * A string of characters terminated by a null character ('\0') 输出字符串
p * A generic pointer formatted as t:aaaa where t is the memory type and aaaa is the hexadecimal address 指针
字符 含义 描述
b/B char b或B字符可以紧接在类型字符(d,i,u,o,x和X类型)之前,表示char类型。
l/L long l或L字符可以紧接在类型字符(d,i,u,o,x和X类型)之前,表示long类型。


格式 含义 针对类型
%d 两个字节变量 int
%bd 一个字节变量 char
%ld 四个字节变量 long int
Flag Description 描述
- Left justify the output in the specified field width. 结果左对齐,右边填空格
+ Prefix the output value with a + or - sign if the output is a signed type. 输出符号(正号或负号)
blank (' ') Prefix the output value with a blank if it is a signed positive value. Otherwise, no blank is prefixed. 空格,输出值为正时冠以空格,为负时冠以负号
# Prefixes a non-zero output value with 0, 0x, or 0X when used with o, x, and X field types, respectively. When used with the e, E, f, g, and G field types, the # flag forces the output value to include a decimal point. The # flag is ignored in all other cases. 对c、s、d、u类无影响;对o类,在输出时加前缀o;对x类,在输出时加前缀0x/0X;对e、E、g、G、f 类当结果有小数时才给出小数点。
int main() 
    char c, s[20]; 
    int a=1234;
    float f=3.141592653589; 
    double x=0.12345678912345678; 
    strcpy(s, "Hello,World"); 
    printf("a=%d\n", a);//按照十进制整数格式输出,显示 a=1234
    printf("a=%d%%\n", a);//输出%号 结果 a=1234%
    printf("a=%6d\n", a);//输出6位十进制整数 左边补空格,显示 a= 1234
    printf("a=%06d\n", a);//输出6位十进制整数 左边补0,显示 a=001234
    printf("a=%2d\n", a);//a超过2位,按实际输出 a=1234
    printf("a=%-6d\n", a);///输出6位十进制整数 右边补空格,显示 a=1234
    printf("f=%f\n", f);//浮点数有效数字是7位,结果 f=3.141593
    printf("f=%6.4f\n", f);//输出6列,小数点后4位,结果 f=3.1416
    printf("x=%lf\n", x);//输出长浮点数 x=0.123457
    printf("x=%18.16lf\n", x);//输出18列,小数点后16位,x=0.1234567891234567
    printf("c=%c\n", c);     //输出字符 c=A
    printf("c=%x\n", c);//以十六进制输出字符的ASCII码 c=41
    printf("s[]=%s\n", s);//输出数组字符串s[]=Hello,World
    printf("s[]=%6.9s\n", s);//输出最多9个字符的字符串 s[]=Hello,Wor
    return 0;



void tst_printf (void) {
  char a = 1;
  int b  = 12365;
  long c = 0x7FFFFFFF;

  unsigned char x = 'A';
  unsigned int y  = 54321;
  unsigned long z = 0x4A6F6E00;

  float f = 10.0;
  float g = 22.95;

  char buf [] = "Test String";
  char *p = buf;
  TI = 1;
  printf ("char %bd int %d long %ld\n",a,b,c);
  printf ("Uchar %bu Uint %u Ulong %lu\n",x,y,z);
  printf ("xchar %bx xint %x xlong %lx\n",x,y,z);
  printf ("String %s is at address %p\n",buf,p);
  printf ("%f != %g\n", f, g);
  printf ("%*f != %*g\n", (int)8, f, (int)8, g);
  TI = 0;

在Keil C51中进行调试

Keil C51中printf函数的用法


char putchar (char c)  {

  if (c == '\n')  {
    if (RI)  {
      if (SBUF == XOFF)  {
        do  {
          RI = 0;
          while (!RI);
        while (SBUF != XON);
        RI = 0; 
    while (!TI);
    TI = 0;
    SBUF = 0x0d;                         /* output CR  */
  if (RI)  {
    if (SBUF == XOFF)  {
      do  {
        RI = 0;
        while (!RI);
      while (SBUF != XON);
      RI = 0; 
  while (!TI);
  TI = 0;
  return (SBUF = c);

putchar函数是先判断TI是否为0,若TI为0,则在while (!TI);循环中等待TI非0,TI非0时将TI清0,然后送出一个字符。因此,在使用printf函数时需要先将TI置1再使用printf函数发送数据。

3. 通过串口打印printf函数输出信息

在Keil C51中进行调试时,通过View→Serial Windows→UART # 1可以打开串口调试窗口。在进行调试运行时,printf打印的信息就会显示在该窗口。

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