
  Qiu's Rhetoric(11)

  Ma Xiaoqiu:Absorb the energy from the Tao


  The Chinese nation,the great country,has a 5,000-year cultural history.The five thousand years is just a record of the history of the descendands of Yellow Emperor.What is the five thousand years ago?When did the earth come into being?How was the world born?For thousands of years,during the process of human exploration of the mysteries of the universe,many human philosophers,historians,and scientists have been produced...


  Lao Tzu,a sage created by the heaven and the earth,left us with the Book of Morals,the"Tao Teh King".Lao Tzu revealed the truth of the universe just five thousand words:“There was something mixed in one nebulous that existed before the heaven and the earth.Silent,isolated,changing not,running around without stopping,it can be the mother of the whole world.But I don’t know its name,just named"Tao".This existence before the heaven and the earth.What is the hybrid that runs before and after the generation of the heaven and the earth,which has been working independently forever and ever since then?"What is the hybrid that operates on a regular basis?It is the Tao.Tao is intangible,colorless and tasteless,untouchable with hands,invisible with eyes.It is seemingly nonexistent thing,but it has infinite,unsurpassed energy.


  The"Sutra of Pure and Calm"further elaborated the role of Tao by Lao Tzu:"The Tao is intangible,creating the heaven and the earth;The Tao operates the sun and the moon without affection;The Tao is nameless,cultivating all things of the universe."From this we understand the meaning of Tao:The invisible Tao can create the heaven and the earth.The merciless Tao can promote the operation of the sun and the moon.The nameless Tao can nourish the growth of all things.This powerful and invincible power is the function of the Tao.


  People can realize the existence of Tao through learning and practice,and gain the energy from the Tao.


  "The Tao is invisible.It created the heaven and the earth".The reason why the Tao has such an energy to breeding the heaven and the earth is because the Tao is invisible and like the void,and it can accommodate everything.If the people want to have the skills to succeed,they will have to achieve selflessness and altruism in order to achieve all good wishes.


  "The Tao operates the sun and the moon without affection,"Tao can promote the operation of the sun and the moon,because the Tao is ruthless.Here the merciless is a kind of ruthless better than emotion,that is,let us not cling to personal love,such as affection,friendship and love.Any individual's love is the ego,enlarge the love,love everyone in the world,you can have the pattern of the big world.


  "The Tao is nameless,breeding all things of the universe."The Tao itself has no name or for name,and Lao Tzu wants us to understand the truth.Therefore,he reluctantly named it"Tao".


  From this,it can be seen that if one wants to accomplish something,he must be indifferent to fame and fortune,not seeking fame and fortune to gain the same energy as Tao!I like the same successful person to say:"Good quality from great morality and splendid pattern is on the Tao."


  Ma Xiaoqiu Shared on December 4,2016
