Fundraising Proposal (The Unbiased Violist) 众筹活动

豁出去了,为了音乐产业拉筹款!严肃滴说-音乐产业像很多其他行业一样受到Covid打击,很多音乐人需要申请funding来支持音乐事业,无论是职业音乐人或者是音乐爱好者都需要稳定的经济支持来继续延续艺术生命。最近宅在家,在现在的高科技的支持下,我荣幸认识了一位有着远大梦想的古典音乐人—Brandon Tran 他从13岁开始学习小提琴,从那时候起,他不但爱上了音乐还有他的乐器。像很多国内学乐器的朋友一样,大学的专业他并没有学习音乐表演而是生物科技。然而他并没有放弃追求他的音乐梦想,Brandon又拿起了琴弓学习中提琴。直到现在,在工作之余,他依然利用自己的时间练琴,学习新的曲子。在受到疫情影响的时候,他利用现代科技的便捷,希望通过网络媒体频道-油管和Patreon讲解乐器制作人的故事,为什么一件乐器的发声和乐器制作,选材等密不可分,为什么乐器制作人的工作对古典音乐的发展尤其重要,演出现场的设计对演奏会的声音表达有什么影响?古典乐乐团的乐器位置安排是怎么发展来的?等等好玩又专业得古典乐知识通过Brandon得频道The Unbiased Violist展现出来。 我们现在在众筹的初级阶段,一块两块不嫌少,一百两百不嫌多!感谢各位朋友的关注和支持!筹款目标达成了我们拉琴唱歌大家随便点节目。如果想更多了解,请继续读下去。

Photo credit: Krissy Zhang



                  Fundraising Proposal-The Unbiased Violist

Ever since I picked up keyboard and piano at age 4, I fell in love with classical music. Since then, I have been searching for the meaning of my life, the ultimate question: what do I really want to do for my life? After two-year study arts and humanities with a marketing preoccupied mindset, I finally pursued music management as a well-balanced combination of music and business. As my career path continues, I have realized the importance of understanding the philanthropy system in non-profit organizations in America. I believe that it is the core and foundation of art organizations itself. Artists and non-profit organizations need funding support not only for their personal or organizational artist goals, but most importantly to promote arts and music to a larger potential audience around the world.

艺术和音乐为人类生活添加了丰富的色彩。尤其是我们现在面临的世界疫情时,是艺术和音乐紧紧把我们联系在一起。现在我们通过使用现代网络科技,令我们的生活更加紧密。尤其是艺术机构和演出团体利用线上媒体去初次公演,新一季的演出,个人演出和线上活动等。个人艺术家和音乐人正在利用线上媒体去为艺术发声和艺术表达。没有了网络科技,这篇文章也将不复存在。这是多么令人兴奋呀!这都是因为人类伟大的智慧,我才能在这里和你诉说音乐的美好和对我的特殊的意义。在工作和学习之中,我的老师,同学,同事,朋友,甚至一面之交的人给了我很大的生命启示。 最近,我非常有幸通过网络认识了一位古典乐手,自从我们初次见面,古典乐就成了我们说不完的话题。他对古典乐的热爱让我动容。我非常荣幸地在这里介绍,小提琴和中提琴乐手:Brandon Tran 我希望他的古典乐旅程可以让你对古典乐更加感兴趣。以及我们众筹的项目:The Unbiased Violist。

Arts and music enriches our life and souls. Especially during this challenging moment, arts and music unites us. Now, we all benefit from modern technologies, especially these technologies make online communities flourish during the pandemic. We have seen many organizations and performing arts organizations use online platforms to premiere works, new seasons, individual performances, and online events etc. Individual artists and musicians are using social media to promote their work and love for arts and music. Without modern technologies, you wouldn’t read this article here. How magical is that for us? It is all because of people's beautiful mind and kindness, I come across this far in music and life meaning search. Along my study and career journey, I am so inspired by my teachers, colleagues, fellow students, friends, and even strangers etc. Recently, I am so lucky and grateful to have a chance to meet another great artist and human being in my life and I happen to know more about his passion in classical music. With my great joy and honor, I am introducing a violist and violinist: Brandon Tran. My love and passion for classical music has never meant so much for me only because of him. I hope you enjoy his journey in classical music as you read along the way and understand why he wants to establish his channel: The Unbiased Violist.


Tran 不仅仅是一个热忱的古典乐人,他想把古典乐带到下一个层次。尽管他是一个上班族,他抓紧每一分钟去练习提琴。虽然不像很多人一样从很小的时候开始学习乐器,然而,Tran有他的独特的视角,尤其体现在弦乐的乐器知识和古典乐历史等话题。

Tran has started playing violin when he was 13 and he falls in love with classical music as well as instrument itself. As his music journey continues, he picks up viola in college where he continue to practice. From the first day I met him, Personally I am very impressed by his passion and knowledge about classical music. We could go on and on talking about classical music from sunrise to sunset.

Tran is not only a passionate musician, he is taking his music to a next level. Even though he has a full time job in bio-tech industry, he seizes every single minute to practice violin and viola. Not like most of musicians starting at a very young age to learn music, however, Tran has developed a keen vision about classical music and instrument knowledge.


During the pandemic, with more time on hands, Tran wanted to create a classical music Youtube Channel and Patreon page with a vision to reach potential audience and classical music fans. In his videos, Tran will talk about a lot of general knowledge and fun facts about string instruments, including string price comparisons, string instrument design, roles in orchestra, orchestra instrument, orchestra traditions, architecture of concert halls, opera house etc. You will gain knowledge about classical music history with a his unique humors.

Designed by Krissy Zhang


Now, we are in the preparation stage of Youtube channel. We have a budget around $3000 to fully compensate digital equipment in order to make this happen. Now, I am raising fund for this project with a potential growth in future. Hopefully, this channel will reach more audience and to promote classical music in near future.

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