
a7f4a3f590493a1e451dd952a488fd7c.gif 职业高中英语第三册教案.doc




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Unit2 My DutiesPeriod 1Warning up & listening & speaking ABTeaching aims:Knowledge and ability: students will be able to understand and express their duties and responsibilities.obtain key information during listening activity and use the useful expressions to talk about health and safety rules.Process and Method: Students will learn to be cooperative by group or pair work; use note-taking strategy and repetition strategy; and develop the communicative competence.Emotion, Attitude and Value: Students will be interested in this unit, build confidence in speaking English; consolidate their duties in future work;.Difficult points: To appreciate and understand the proverbs about duties and responsibilities and students can express their own opinions on the topics.Teaching contents: key words and phrases Teaching proceduresStep1:Lead in : to arise the students’ interest by paying attention to the free questions.Free talkDo you know your duties now?Do you know your responsibilities now?Do you want to know the duties and responsibilities in future work? And how can you know the points?If you can’t answer the last question, let’s find the answer in this unit.Step 2Pre-task: To make the students curious about the duties of the different occupations.1. Read the four information, and try to give the occupation each piece of information.2. Match the information with the occupations.Cashier: He receives cash from customersReceptionist: He greets visitors and directs them to appropriate persons.Waiter: He serves food and drinks to customers.cook: He prepares food, using various cooking methods, i.e., boiling, roasting, baking.Step 3While-task: Listening:1. Extensive listening for main ideaWhich is true about the man? a. He was late for work today. b. He can’t follow what the woman says. c. He has difficulty in doing his tasks.2. Intensive listening for details responsibility → response →responsible be responsible for 3. Listen again and underline the sentences expressing lack of understanding. I beg your pardon, but what should I do before distributing the reports? Now, wait a second.Speaking:1. Read the expressions for fluency and accuracy.2. Use the expressions they’ve learned to ask for clarification.Grasp the drills of how to ask for clarification. I beg your pardon, but I don’t quite understand. What did you say? Please say again. Are you able to give an example of that point? Could you say that again, please? What?3. Work in pairsRearrange the useful expressions listed above according to polite/ formal, neutral, and least polite/ informal.Polite/ formal: I beg your pardon, but I don’t quite understand. Could you say that again, please?Neutral: Please say again. Are you able to give an example of that point?Least polite/ informal: What did you say? What?Step 4Post-task:Practise: use the useful expressi。省略部分。, many companies do not allow their employees to use this feature.1. Who is the sender of the e-mail?James Brown.2. To whom the e-mail is sent?Anna Jones.3. What is this e-mail mainly about? Welcome to Phoenix Company.Activity7: suppose you are Anna and you don’t know how to use the OA system (office automation system). Write an e-mail to Mr. Brown to ask for help.Keys to refer to:To : “James Brown”Subject: Do me a favorDear Mr. Brown,I’m so excited to be one member of your team, and I hope that I will be qualified with my new position as soon as possible.I feel so sorry that I am not familiar with the OA (office automation system) because I learned and used another system in my technical school. They are quite different from each other, so I have to spend a whole day in dealing with a document.I’m looking forward to your helps for improving my work efficiency.Best regards,Anna JonesStep3: homeworkRead the passage after class.Go over the exercises.Period8Teaching contents: real skills & further readingTeaching aim and demands: know some skills in the real occupations.Key points: how to grasp the skills in the real worldDifficult points: how to grasp the main idea of the passage in the further readingProcedure:Step1: do with the real life skillsActivity1: John is a new employee at a trading company. Here are some questions he has written. Read the questions and underline the key words of each one.How much can I get in a month?2. How long do I work in a week?3. what if I get sick?4. can I take a few days off for holidays?5. will I get extra pay if I work overtime?Activity2: Below is the “table of contents” of John’s employee manual. Read the contents and circle the words with the same or similar meaning as the ones you underlined in John’s questions.Table of contentsINTRODUCTION2. EMPLOYMENT INTRODUCTION A. Key definitions B. terms of Employment C. probationary period D. salary E. overtime F. health care and other benefits3. POSITION/SALARY A. Position description /salary B. merit increase C. promotion4…….Keys to refer to:Salary, schedule. Health care.Sick leave. Holiday, overtimeActivity3: work with your partner to role-play a short conversation to tell John where to find the information he needs.A: I wonder how much I can get in a month.B: You may refer to page 11 in the employee manual.Activity4: what else do you want of know about John’s new work? Write down your questions. Then use the “table of contents” to locate the information in the employee manual.Your questions:Step2: further reading1. Read the passage yourselves, solving the new words in it.2. have a brief explanation to make the students have a general meaning of the passage.3. read and think hard, trying to answer the question:A fast-food restaurant is drawing up an induction training program. What do you think should be included in the program?Step3:Homework 关 键 词: 第三 教案 职业高中 英语

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