
--That's too expensive. How about a discount?
--You are pricing yourself out of the market!
--It's a daylight robbery! To charge 50 yuan for a mere cup of tea!
--My offer is reasonable.
--He's pulling the wool over your eyes.
--Don't fall for it.
--It's a done deal.
--You're ripping me off.
--Let's meet in the middle.
--I won't change.

--That's too expensive. How about a discount?
--You are pricing yourself out of the market!
--It's a daylight robbery! To charge 50 yuan for a mere cup of tea!
--My offer is reasonable.
--He's pulling the wool over your eyes.
--Don't fall for it.
--It's a done deal.
--You're ripping me off.
--Let's meet in the middle.
--I won't change.


A: Good morning! What can I do for you, sir?
B: Morning! I'd like to buy a cellphone.
A: We have different brands of cell phones here. Do you have any particular brands in your mind?
B: Well, I like Nokia very much. I've been using Nokia all the time.
A: What about this E66? It's the latest smartphone.
B: Oh, it's nice.
B: What's the price?
A: 1860 Yuan.
B: 1860 Yuan? That's too rich for my blood.
B: To be frank, the price is reasonable because the quality is superior.
A: If you bought it somewhere else, it would cost more.
B: But this price is beyond my budget. You know, cell phones with similar functions of other brands are usually around 1500 Yuan.
B: I will consider it if you bring down the price.
A: What about 1790 Yuan? That's our rock bottom price.
B: OK. I will buy it.


A: Excuse me, I want to know what's your price per dozen for exercise book?
B: 15 dollars per dozen.
A: Could you give me an idea of how large an amount you want?
B: About 300 dozens.


  1. 太贵了。打个折吧?
  2. 你这是漫天要价!
  3. 简直是抢劫!一杯茶要50元。
  4. 我开的价是合理的。
  5. 他把你给蒙了。
  6. 别上当受骗了。
  7. 那就这么说定了。
  8. 你这是在宰我。
  9. 我们各让一步。
  10. 我不能让价。
