


①基于 flexible.js + rem 智能大屏适配

② VScode cssrem 插件

③ Flex 布局

④ Less 使用

⑤基于 ECharts 数据可视化展示

⑥ ECharts 柱状图数据设置

⑦ ECharts 地图引入


① series

—系列列表,每个系列通过 type 决定自己的图表类型。


② xAxis:直角坐标系 grid 中的 x 轴

— boundaryGap:坐标轴两边留白策略 true,这时候刻度只作为分割线,标签和数据点都会在两个刻度之间的带(band)中间。

② yAxis:直角坐标系 grid 中的 y 轴

③ grid:直角坐标系内绘图网格

④ title:标题组件

⑤ tooltip:提示框组件

⑥ legend:图例组件

⑦ color:调色盘颜色列表

——数据堆叠,同个类目轴上系列配置相同的 stack 值后,后一个系列的值会在前一个系列的值上相加








折线图-人员变化 2020 2021


  • 12334
  • 21323
  • 前端需求人数
  • 市场供用人数





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(function () {
    var myChart = echarts.init(document.querySelector(".bar .chart"));
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        color: ['#2f89cf'],
        tooltip: {
            trigger: 'axis',
            axisPointer: {            // 坐标轴指示器,坐标轴触发有效
                type: 'shadow'        // 默认为直线,可选为:'line' | 'shadow'
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(function () {
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                    //1.声明颜色数据 代码99行声明
                    color: function(params) {
                        var num = myColor.length;
                        return myColor[params.dataIndex];
                label: {
                    show: true,
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                    //{c}会自动解析数据 data内的数据
                    formatter: "{c}%",
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(function () {
    var yearData = [
            year: '2020',
            data: //两条线所以两个数组
            year: '2021',
            data: //两条线所以两个数组

    var myChart = echarts.init(document.querySelector(".line .chart"));
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            trigger: 'axis'
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            axisTick: {
                show: false,
            axisLabel: {
                color: '#4c9bfd',
            axisLine: {
                show: false,
            boundaryGap: false,
            data: ['1月', '2月','3月', '4月','5月', '6月','7月','8月','9月','10月','11月','12月']
        yAxis: {
            type: 'value',
            axisTick: {
                show: false,
            axisLabel: {
                color: '#4c9bfd',
            splitLine: {
                lineStyle: {
                    color: '#012f4a'

        series: [
                name: '新增粉丝',
                type: 'line',
                //让折线带弧度显示 true默认0.5
                smooth: true,
                data: yearData[0].data[0]
                name: '新增游客',
                type: 'line',
                smooth: true,
                data: yearData[1].data[1]

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    //5、点击 a 切换效果
    $(".line h2").on("click", "a", function () {
        //点击a之后 根据当前索引号 找到对应的yearData的相关对象
        var obj = yearData[$(this).index()];
        option.series[0].data =[0];
        option.series[1].data =[1];


(function () {
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            trigger: 'axis',
            axisPointer: {
                type: 'cross',
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                    backgroundColor: '#6a7985'
        legend: {
            top: '0%',
            textStyle: {
                color: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)",
                fontSize: 12,
            data: ['邮件营销', '联盟广告']
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                    show: false
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        series: [
                name: '播放量',
                type: 'line',
                smooth: 'true',
                lineStyle: {
                    color: "#0184d5",
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                areaStyle: {
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                                offset: 0,
                                // 渐变色的起始颜色
                                color: "rgba(1, 132, 213, 0.4)"
                                offset: 0.8,
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                                color: "rgba(1, 132, 213, 0.1)"
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                symbol: "circle",
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                    color: "#0184d5",
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                data: [
                    120, 132, 101, 134, 90,
                    230, 210, 150, 255, 164,
                    210, 279, 130, 345, 180,
                    120, 132, 101, 134, 90,
                    210, 279, 130, 345, 180,
                    220, 270 ,190,279, 130
                name: '转发量',
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                                offset: 0,
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                                color: "rgba(0, 216, 135, 0.4)"
                                offset: 0.8,
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                                color: "rgba(0, 216, 135, 0.1)"
                    shadowColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)"
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                symbol: "circle",
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                itemStyle: {
                    color: "#00d887",
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                data: [
                    220, 182, 191, 234, 290,
                    210, 279, 130, 345, 180,
                    220, 270 ,190,279, 130,
                    220, 182, 191, 234, 290,
                    330, 310,210, 279, 130,
                    120, 132, 101, 134, 90,
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(function () {
    var myChart = echarts.init(document.querySelector(".pie .chart"));
    var option = {
        color: [
        tooltip: {
            trigger: 'item',
            formatter: '{a} 
{b}: {c} ({d}%)' }, legend: { //底部距离 bottom: "0%", //修改小图标的宽度和高度 itemWidth: 10, itemHeight: 10, //文字颜色大小 textStyle: { color: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)", fontSize: "12", }, data: ['20岁以下', '20-29岁', '30-39岁', '40-49岁', '50-59岁'] }, series: [ { name: '年龄分布', type: 'pie', //设置饼形图在容器内的位置 center: ["50%", "50%"], //修改 内圆半径 和 外圆半径 为百分比是相对于容器来说的 radius: ['40%', '60%'], avoidLabelOverlap: false, //图形上的文字—隐藏 label: { //不显示标签文字 show: false, }, labelLine: { //不显示图形与文字的连接线 show: false }, data: [ {value: 335, name: '20岁以下'}, {value: 310, name: '20-29岁'}, {value: 234, name: '30-39岁'}, {value: 135, name: '40-49岁'}, {value: 1548, name: '50-59岁'} ] } ] }; //3、把配置项给实例对象 myChart.setOption(option); //4、图表自适应屏幕 window.addEventListener('resize', function (ev) { myChart.resize(); }) })();


(function () {
    var myChart = echarts.init(document.querySelector(".pie2 .chart"));
    var option = {
        color: [
        tooltip: {
            trigger: 'item',
            formatter: '{a} 
{b} : {c} ({d}%)' }, legend: { //底部距离 bottom: "0%", //修改小图标的宽度和高度 itemWidth: 10, itemHeight: 10, //文字颜色大小 textStyle: { color: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)", fontSize: "12", }, data: ['北京', '深圳', '上海', '武汉', '成都', '重庆', '海南','长沙'] }, series: [ { name: '地区分布', type: 'pie', radius: ['10%', '70%'], center: ['50%', '50%'], //文字标签控制图形文字的样式,是一个对象 label: { fontSize: 10, }, //链接图形和文字的线条 labelLine: { smooth: 0.2, //链接图形的线条 length: 10, //链接文字的线条 length2: 20 }, data: [ {value: 500, name: '北京'}, {value: 310, name: '深圳'}, {value: 274, name: '上海'}, {value: 235, name: '武汉'}, {value: 120, name: '成都'}, {value: 190, name: '重庆'}, {value: 274, name: '海南'}, {value: 400, name: '长沙'} ].sort(function (a, b) { return a.value - b.value; }), roseType: 'radius', animationType: 'scale', animationEasing: 'elasticOut', animationDelay: function (idx) { return Math.random() * 200; } } ] }; //3、把配置项给实例对象 myChart.setOption(option); //4、图表自适应屏幕 window.addEventListener('resize', function (ev) { myChart.resize(); }) })();


(function() {
  // 1. 实例化对象
  var myChart = echarts.init(document.querySelector(".map .chart"));
  // 2. 指定配置和数据
  // 2. 指定配置和数据
  var geoCoordMap = {
    上海: [121.4648, 31.2891],
    东莞: [113.8953, 22.901],
    东营: [118.7073, 37.5513],
    中山: [113.4229, 22.478],
    临汾: [111.4783, 36.1615],
    临沂: [118.3118, 35.2936],
    丹东: [124.541, 40.4242],
    丽水: [119.5642, 28.1854],
    乌鲁木齐: [87.9236, 43.5883],
    佛山: [112.8955, 23.1097],
    保定: [115.0488, 39.0948],
    兰州: [103.5901, 36.3043],
    包头: [110.3467, 41.4899],
    北京: [116.4551, 40.2539],
    北海: [109.314, 21.6211],
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    台州: [121.1353, 28.6688],
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    呼和浩特: [111.4124, 40.4901],
    咸阳: [108.4131, 34.8706],
    哈尔滨: [127.9688, 45.368],
    唐山: [118.4766, 39.6826],
    嘉兴: [120.9155, 30.6354],
    大同: [113.7854, 39.8035],
    大连: [122.2229, 39.4409],
    天津: [117.4219, 39.4189],
    太原: [112.3352, 37.9413],
    威海: [121.9482, 37.1393],
    宁波: [121.5967, 29.6466],
    宝鸡: [107.1826, 34.3433],
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    常州: [119.4543, 31.5582],
    广州: [113.5107, 23.2196],
    廊坊: [116.521, 39.0509],
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    德州: [116.6858, 37.2107],
    惠州: [114.6204, 23.1647],
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    承德: [117.5757, 41.4075],
    拉萨: [91.1865, 30.1465],
    无锡: [120.3442, 31.5527],
    日照: [119.2786, 35.5023],
    昆明: [102.9199, 25.4663],
    杭州: [119.5313, 29.8773],
    枣庄: [117.323, 34.8926],
    柳州: [109.3799, 24.9774],
    株洲: [113.5327, 27.0319],
    武汉: [114.3896, 30.6628],
    汕头: [117.1692, 23.3405],
    江门: [112.6318, 22.1484],
    沈阳: [123.1238, 42.1216],
    沧州: [116.8286, 38.2104],
    河源: [114.917, 23.9722],
    泉州: [118.3228, 25.1147],
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    泰州: [120.0586, 32.5525],
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    济宁: [116.8286, 35.3375],
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    淮安: [118.927, 33.4039],
    深圳: [114.5435, 22.5439],
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    温州: [120.498, 27.8119],
    渭南: [109.7864, 35.0299],
    湖州: [119.8608, 30.7782],
    湘潭: [112.5439, 27.7075],
    滨州: [117.8174, 37.4963],
    潍坊: [119.0918, 36.524],
    烟台: [120.7397, 37.5128],
    玉溪: [101.9312, 23.8898],
    珠海: [113.7305, 22.1155],
    盐城: [120.2234, 33.5577],
    盘锦: [121.9482, 41.0449],
    石家庄: [114.4995, 38.1006],
    福州: [119.4543, 25.9222],
    秦皇岛: [119.2126, 40.0232],
    绍兴: [120.564, 29.7565],
    聊城: [115.9167, 36.4032],
    肇庆: [112.1265, 23.5822],
    舟山: [122.2559, 30.2234],
    苏州: [120.6519, 31.3989],
    莱芜: [117.6526, 36.2714],
    菏泽: [115.6201, 35.2057],
    营口: [122.4316, 40.4297],
    葫芦岛: [120.1575, 40.578],
    衡水: [115.8838, 37.7161],
    衢州: [118.6853, 28.8666],
    西宁: [101.4038, 36.8207],
    西安: [109.1162, 34.2004],
    贵阳: [106.6992, 26.7682],
    连云港: [119.1248, 34.552],
    邢台: [114.8071, 37.2821],
    邯郸: [114.4775, 36.535],
    郑州: [113.4668, 34.6234],
    鄂尔多斯: [108.9734, 39.2487],
    重庆: [107.7539, 30.1904],
    金华: [120.0037, 29.1028],
    铜川: [109.0393, 35.1947],
    银川: [106.3586, 38.1775],
    镇江: [119.4763, 31.9702],
    长春: [125.8154, 44.2584],
    长沙: [113.0823, 28.2568],
    长治: [112.8625, 36.4746],
    阳泉: [113.4778, 38.0951],
    青岛: [120.4651, 36.3373],
    韶关: [113.7964, 24.7028]

  var XAData = [
    [{ name: "西安" }, { name: "北京", value: 100 }],
    [{ name: "西安" }, { name: "上海", value: 100 }],
    [{ name: "西安" }, { name: "广州", value: 100 }],
    [{ name: "西安" }, { name: "西宁", value: 100 }],
    [{ name: "西安" }, { name: "拉萨", value: 100 }]

  var XNData = [
    [{ name: "西宁" }, { name: "北京", value: 100 }],
    [{ name: "西宁" }, { name: "上海", value: 100 }],
    [{ name: "西宁" }, { name: "广州", value: 100 }],
    [{ name: "西宁" }, { name: "西安", value: 100 }],
    [{ name: "西宁" }, { name: "银川", value: 100 }]

  var YCData = [
    [{ name: "拉萨" }, { name: "北京", value: 100 }],
    [{ name: "拉萨" }, { name: "潍坊", value: 100 }],
    [{ name: "拉萨" }, { name: "哈尔滨", value: 100 }]

  var planePath =
  //var planePath = 'arrow';
  var convertData = function(data) {
    var res = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
      var dataItem = data[i];

      var fromCoord = geoCoordMap[dataItem[0].name];
      var toCoord = geoCoordMap[dataItem[1].name];
      if (fromCoord && toCoord) {
          fromName: dataItem[0].name,
          toName: dataItem[1].name,
          coords: [fromCoord, toCoord],
          value: dataItem[1].value
    return res;

  var color = ["#fff", "#fff", "#fff"]; //航线的颜色
  var series = [];
    ["西安", XAData],
    ["西宁", XNData],
    ["银川", YCData]
  ].forEach(function(item, i) {
        name: item[0] + " Top3",
        type: "lines",
        zlevel: 1,
        effect: {
          show: true,
          period: 6,
          trailLength: 0.7,
          color: "red", //arrow箭头的颜色
          symbolSize: 3
        lineStyle: {
          normal: {
            color: color[i],
            width: 0,
            curveness: 0.2
        data: convertData(item[1])
        name: item[0] + " Top3",
        type: "lines",
        zlevel: 2,
        symbol: ["none", "arrow"],
        symbolSize: 10,
        effect: {
          show: true,
          period: 6,
          trailLength: 0,
          symbol: planePath,
          symbolSize: 15
        lineStyle: {
          normal: {
            color: color[i],
            width: 1,
            opacity: 0.6,
            curveness: 0.2
        data: convertData(item[1])
        name: item[0] + " Top3",
        type: "effectScatter",
        coordinateSystem: "geo",
        zlevel: 2,
        rippleEffect: {
          brushType: "stroke"
        label: {
          normal: {
            show: true,
            position: "right",
            formatter: "{b}"
        symbolSize: function(val) {
          return val[2] / 8;
        itemStyle: {
          normal: {
            color: color[i]
          emphasis: {
            areaColor: "#2B91B7"
        data: item[1].map(function(dataItem) {
          return {
            name: dataItem[1].name,
            value: geoCoordMap[dataItem[1].name].concat([dataItem[1].value])
  var option = {
    tooltip: {
      trigger: "item",
      formatter: function(params, ticket, callback) {
        if (params.seriesType == "effectScatter") {
          return "线路:" + + "" +[2];
        } else if (params.seriesType == "lines") {
          return (
            ">" +
" + ); } else { return; } } }, geo: { map: "china", label: { emphasis: { show: true, color: "#fff" } }, roam: false, // 放大我们的地图 zoom: 1, itemStyle: { normal: { areaColor: "rgba(43, 196, 243, 0.42)", borderColor: "rgba(43, 196, 243, 1)", borderWidth: 1 }, emphasis: { areaColor: "#2B91B7" } } }, series: series }; myChart.setOption(option); window.addEventListener("resize", function() { myChart.resize(); }); })();

