A riding journey

i have not noted somthing until graduated from college, going through such a special day,i suddenly get a mission from god to write something with my broken leg english.

until the last dragon boat festival passed,i have been looking forward to this festival,so there it comes.i will live in my bicycle in the next three days.my arrangement is from weichang to bj.now i have a little impulse,that is to show a picture of starting.


so,the first day has gone.to be honest it's a difficult day for me,because the most road is ascent also it was f*king hot and the strong wind block me,was it because i did not kill a programmer to god?i was almost going crazy ,please help me say hello to your mum and here omit ten thousands words.i almost quit this journey.but blaming is not helpful,once you decide your road you must step it over or you will insolate to walking death.now i finally understand a bowl of chicken soup :if you feel hard to go,then you must have been uphill.

my old sister once told to me you have not perseverance.that hurts me,ultil today i beered it in mind.one goal of this journey is to prove and improve my not perfect character ,haha.my body is not strong also i do not really ride my bicycle,i am not so persist as you think,in fact ,i am a fast man.but i believe in myself,i was like a machine just know to use my leg.in fact ,it is not so funny,on the road, i can feel tired from my bone,i can feel pain from my neck and back,i can feel lonely from very very very very long road.if you can feel me you can double click your mouse to subscribe me and say six six six with a specified gesture.but lucklily i did not quit,i will hold on to with my will,i know where there is a will  there is a way.when you feel tired you can have a rest like this


but i do not allow myself to give up.

if you do not step out you will not know how many mountains there is, like this


and how long is the road ,how big is the ant


by the way ,finally i lived in a hotel deeping in cloud


if you can not find me in workday,probably i have become a delecious steamed dumpling,then please help me call the uncle police.

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