外刊笔记 | 钱学森如何翻译Metaverse?再谈“元宇宙”





What is the metaverse?


Facebook plans to hire 10,000 people in the EU over the next five years to build a metaverse. The company announced as much on October 17th. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's boss, has previously spoken of his intention to turn the social-media giant into a "metaverse company." Plenty of other tech bigwigs have similar ambitions.

Facebook于10月17日宣布, 计划在未来五年内,在欧盟国家雇佣 1 万名员工打造“元宇宙”,该公司在 10 月 17 日宣布了这一消息。Facebook 的首席执行官马克·扎克伯格此前就曾表示,他有意将这家社交媒体巨头转变成一家“元宇宙公司”。许多其他科技大亨也有相似的野心。



She thinks I'm trying to make things difficult for her, but that's not my intent/intention.她认为我在试图刁难她,但那不是我的本意。

It was the explicit intent/intention of the architect to suggest a church steeple.那位建筑师的明确意图是建议建一座教堂尖塔。

The president signaled his intent/intention to meet with his allies.总统表示他打算与他的盟友会面。


He announced his intention to marry.他宣布了他结婚的打算。

It was not my intention to hurt your feelings.伤害你的感情并不是我的本意。

I had every intention to pay my bills yesterday.我昨天还真想付帐呢。


the clear intent of the court's ruling法院裁决的明确意图

Moscow's intent is to exploit the riches and technology of the West.莫斯科意图开拓西方的财富和技术。

The prosecutor needs to demonstrate criminal intent.检察官需要证明他有犯罪意图。


Too arrogant to think of him as a threat and deliberately ignorant of his designs, we supported him.我们太过自负,而没把他视为一个威胁,又故意装作不知道他的企图,所以支持了他。

It is all part of his grand design.这都是他那宏图大略的一部分。

I think that man has designs on my daughter. 我认为那个男人对我女儿抱不良企图。


Tycoon:指“a person who is successful in business or industry and has become rich and powerful”,也就是企业界有钱有势的成功人士。据说,“大款”这个词就来源于“tycoon”的音译。

a business/property/media tycoon 产业大亨;房地产巨头;传媒巨子

Petrochemicals tycoon Mukesh Ambani placed fifth with 43 billion dollars.石油大亨穆科什·阿姆·巴尼以430亿美元位列第五。

Magnate: 指“a person who is rich, powerful and successful, especially in business”,也就是“权贵;要人;富豪;(尤指)产业大亨”

a media/property/shipping magnate 媒体╱房地产╱航运业大亨

During the aspectant struggle with the foreign capital magnate, lots of shortage in the local retail trade exposed.本土零售企业在与外资巨头面对面的交锋中暴露出了许多不足。

Bigwig也是本文的选词,指 “an important person”,是“要人;大人物”的informal说法

She had to entertain some boring local bigwigs. 她不得不款待当地一些无聊的大人物。

One Mumbai financial bigwig jokes that two licenses will be granted - one, by the RBI, on the basis of competence, and the other by politicians in Delhi on the basis of bribe size.一位孟买金融巨擘戏言,两份执照将被颁发,一份来自印度储备银行,以鼓励竞争;另一份则来自德里的政客,以鼓励行贿。

Big shot指“a person of consequence or prominence”,也就是重要的人,显赫的人

You can tell John is a big shot, he rides in a limousine everywhere he goes.你可以看出约翰是个大人物,无论去哪里他都坐豪华轿车。

Heavy hitter指“a person with a lot of power, especially in business or politics“,也就是“(尤指商业或政界的)大亨,要员,大人物”

Political philosophy is the oldest of the social sciences, and it can boast a wealth of heavy hitter.政治哲学是社会科学中最古老的学科,且会触及大量重量级人物。

The word, metaverse, comes from "Snow Crash," published in 1992, the third, and arguably the best, novel by Neal Stephenson, an American science-fiction author. The book's main character, named Hiro Protagonist, delivers pizza for the Mafia. When not working, Mr Protagonist plugs into the Metaverse: a networked virtual reality in which people appear as self-designed "avatars" and engage in activities both mundane (conversation, flirting) and extraordinary (sword fights, mercenary espionage).

“元宇宙”这个词来自于 1992 年出版的小说《雪崩》,这是美国科幻小说家尼尔·斯蒂芬森的第三部小说,也可以说是最好的一部。这本书的主人公负责为黑手党送披萨,他的名字叫做 Hiro Protagonist。在不工作的时候,他会接入“元宇宙系统”:一个联网的虚拟现实。在这个虚拟现实中,人们会以自己设计的“化身”形式出现,他们可以参与各种活动:包括交谈、调情等日常活动,以及剑术格斗、为赚取金钱为目的的间谍活动等非同寻常的活动。

Snow Crash其实是很有(脑洞)趣(大开)的一本书,这里节选一下维基百科的介绍,大家可以感受一下:

The book presents the Sumerian language as the firmware programming language for the brainstem, which is supposedly functioning as the BIOS for the human brain. According to characters in the book, the goddess Asherah is the personification of a linguistic virus, similar to a computer virus. The god Enki created a counter-program, which he called a nam-shub, that caused all of humanity to speak different languages as a protection against Asherah (a re-interpretation of the ancient Near Eastern story of the Tower of Babel).


The Metaverse is a collective virtual shared space, created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual space, including the sum of all virtual worlds, augmented reality, and the internet. The word metaverse combines the prefix "meta" (meaning "beyond") with "universe" and is typically used to describe the concept of a future iteration of the internet, made up of persistent, shared, 3D virtual spaces linked into a perceived virtual universe.

Within the Metaverse, individual users appear as avatars of any form, with the sole restriction of height, "to prevent people from walking around a mile high". Transport within the Metaverse is limited to analogs of reality by foot or vehicle, such as the monorail that runs the entire length of the Street, stopping at 256 Express Ports, located evenly at 256 km intervals, and Local Ports, one kilometer apart.

Plug into一般来说主要有两种用法:


It is possible to plug into remote databases to pick up information.接入远程数据库以获取信息是可行的。


We are actually plugging into an existing culture of micro-enterprise.我们实际上是在融入现有的微型企业文化。



Profile picture,比起avatar更正式一点,是用于社媒平台上和其他用户互动的形象。来看一下英文解释:“the image that represents a social media account in all its interactions across a platform.”

Display image,偏向于显示器、智能手机、平板电脑等设备屏幕上展现的形象

Think of it as virtual reality, but limitless. People could play games, but they could also talk, shop, stroll, chat, watch movies, attend concerts and do most things that they can do in the real world — and, crucially, the metaverse would interact with the real world in countless unpredictable ways. This fully formed metaverse remains a long way off.



Amble:walk leisurely 悠闲地走

Lumber:move heavily or clumsily缓慢而吃力地走,笨拙地走

Meander:move or cause to move in a winding or curving course漫无目的地闲逛

Prowl:move about in or as if in a predatory manner因无聊、焦躁徘徊,走来走去

Saunter:walk leisurely and with no apparent aim悠闲漫步,闲逛,和stroll很像

Stagger:walk with great difficulty摇摇晃晃地走,踉跄

Stride:walk with long steps大步走

Strut:walk in a proud, confident way趾高气昂地走,昂首阔步

Stumble:miss a step and fall or nearly fall跌跌撞撞地走,蹒跚而行,和上面的stagger有点像

A long way off,也可以用“a way off”,如:

September was a long way off. 那时离九月份还有很长一段时间。

Scientists are still a long way off finding a cure. 科学家要找到一个治疗方法,还远着呢。

Fashion and technology are edging closer to a relationship that could produce more stylish wearables, but a future where every wardrobe needs its own chargers still looks a way off. 



seem light years away

Full employment still seems light years away. 充分就业好像依然是遥遥无期。

far beyond the horizon

A foreseeable end to the real estate crisis is far beyond the horizon.预计房地产危机的结束仍遥遥无期。

也可以直接说“某事希望不大“there is little prospect of sth.

Outside Europe, there is little prospect of roaming regulation. 在欧洲之外,对漫游服务实行监管遥遥无期。

或者说“这种可能性我们看不到 is nowhere in sight

A sophisticated bridge between these extremes is nowhere in sight.足以衔接这两极之间的精细复杂的纽带依然遥遥无期。

To Silicon Valley dreamers, this immersive, networked, three-dimensional world will eventually succeed the two-dimensional internet that exists today. It requires infrastructure and processing power that does not yet exist. But if you consider Fortnite's expansive world, Facebook's Horizon and other investments by big tech firms in similar products, the metaverse is closer to reality than it was when Mr Stephenson first dreamed it up.

对于硅谷的追梦者们来说,现有的二维互联网终将被这个沉浸式的联网三维世界所取代,但还需要大量基础设施支持以及目前尚不存在的算力。不过,看看《堡垒之夜》的广阔世界、Facebook 的 Horizon(虚拟会议室)和其他大型科技公司在类似产品上的投资,你就会发现,斯蒂芬森最初构想的元宇宙朝着现实又迈进了一步。


come next after sb/sth and take their/its place or position 接替;继任;随后出现,比如:

Who succeeded Kennedy as President? 接替肯尼迪任总统的是谁?

Their early success was succeeded by a period of miserable failure. 他们起初获得成功,但随后有一段惨痛失败的时期。

Strands of DNA are reproduced through succeeding generations. DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)链通过后代进行复制。

2D internet vs 3D internet

这个词条可能有点难以理解,先来看一下3D internet的英文简介:

3D internet or three-dimensional Internet is successor to 2D web. It used 3D graphics and is social in nature. It has ability to tell that you are reading your document with how many more people. People can automatically connect with other people sharing same interests and services. 3D internet contains various interconnected services that can be seen as Virtual Worlds.

简而言之就是,随着web 3.0的发展,3D互联网也应运而生,网络互动将不再局限于二维平面。3D互联网是所有“3D网站”的集合,每个网站由一个或者多个“3D网页”组成,“3D网页”是一个3D表现形式的数字化活动场所,场所内可存在网络用户的Avatar(网络用户在网络上的3D形象)、各种3D物品及嵌入的网页。

Processing power:处理能力

同近义可替换词有CPU power/CPU cycles/computing capacity/computing power/handling capability/handling capacity等

可以理解成电脑处理数据运算的能力。简单来说,processing power就是CPU的运行速度,是一个固定值。

Dream up最后来复习一下“构思“的说法

最直接的应该是conceive/design/structure/think up

Musical notation was conceived for the C major scale and each line and space represents a note in this scale.乐谱为C大音阶而构思,在这个音阶中的每一个线和间都代表一个音符。


The writer constructed the story from memories of her childhood.作者根据她自己童年的回忆构思了这个故事。


Dickens crafted complex plots and striking characters that capture the panorama of English society.狄更斯精心构思了反映英国社会全貌的复杂情节和鲜明的人物形象。

或者直接说have an idea,比较简单口语:

I have an idea of the best water-saving program. 我构思了一个最佳的节水方案。


An idea for a novel began to germinate in her mind.一部小说的构思已经在她的头脑中萌发。

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