方的ScalersTalk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day263 20200430


L50-2: New Year resolutions

I limited myself to two modest ambitions: to do physical exercises every morning and to read more of an evening. An all-night party on New Year's Eve provided me with a good excuse for not carrying out either of these new resolutions on the first day of the year, but on the second, I applied myself assiduously to the task. The daily exercises lasted only 11 minutes and I proposed to do them early in the morning before anyone had got up. The self-discipline required to drag myself out of bed 11 minutes earlier than usual was considerable. Nevertheless, I managed to creep down into the living room for two days before anyone found me out.After jumping about on the carpet and twisting the human frame into uncomfortable positions, I sat down at the breakfast table in an exhausted condition.It was this that betrayed me. The next morning the whole family trooped in to watch the performance.



modest adj.适度的 not big,not very great

self-discipline 自我约束

assiduously adv.刻苦地

nevertheless adv.不过

creep v.爬行,匍匐

exhausted adj.筋疲力尽的 extremely tired

betray v.背叛

troop v.成群结队


Never leave the things until tomorrow you can do today.

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