开始段落(Introductory Paragraph),
发展段落(Development Paragraphs),
总结段落(Concluding Paragraph),
记叙文(Narrative Essay)
(I) First-person narrator第一人称叙述:
(II) Third-person narrator第三人称叙述:
一篇记叙文应注意交代清楚事情的始末,细节,以及线索,即是何时,何地,何事,何人和为何(when, where, what, who and why / how),全文有条有理,使读者易于明白。
1. 事件:为了吸引读者的注意,可以从一些纠纷或交叉事件开展,直到高潮出现,再将问题解决。
2. 人物:集中各主要人物的描写,记叙人物遇到的事情,及对人物有什么影响。
3. 时式:一般多采用simple past tense 及active verbs.
(I) 以时间为线索,按时间的推移来发展;
(II) 以地点为线索,按地点的转移来发展;
(III) 以事件发展的过程为线索,或以人物出现的先后次序来展开;
(IV) 以事物的象征意义为线索;
(V) 以人物的思想行为及认知来展开。
(I) 顺叙:主要按作者的思路而开展,并根据事件发生经过及先后次序来叙述,或以时间来推移,地点的前后变化,人物的出现先后次序来叙述,而在叙述事情时避免太呆板,平铺直述,最好在顺中有折,描写多些环境与人物的变化。
(II) 倒叙:与顺叙相反,倒叙将事件的结尾或高潮放在文章起首部分,然后再根据事件的经过情形叙述出来。有些情况则是以目前所见的事物,再回忆从前的往事。正由于倒叙较为悬疑,对读者的吸引力就较大,好象一些侦探小说,能触发起读者一切去思考探索。
(III) 插叙:指在文章原来的叙述中,插入对有关事件的叙述,跟着再接回原来的线索,使文章不致于平铺直述,能够在情节上或人物描写上有更多刻划。
1. 补叙:补充叙述中所缺的段落,在叙述中先隐藏某些重要内容或情节,做成悬念,待读者思考,直到事件发生后,再作补充说明。
2. 追叙:指追忆过去的片段或事件,通常用以说明事件的因由或来龙去脉,丰富文章的内容。
3. 分叙:在记叙文中,有时会出现同一时间内有多于一件事情发生,为了说明有关的情况,便要对两件或以上的事情分开叙述,可采用轮流叙述的方式去表达。
One afternoon in late August, as the summer's sun streamed into the car and made little jumping shadows on the windows, I sat gazing out at the tenement-dwellers, who were themselves looking out of their windows from the gray crumbling buildings along the tracks of upper Manhattan. As we crossed into the Bronx, the train unexpectedly slowed down for a few miles. Suddenly from our of my window I saw a sight I would never be able to forget: a little boy almost severed in halves, lying at an incredible angle near the track. The ground was covered with blood, and the boy's eyes were opened wide, strained and disbelieving in his sudden oblivion. A policeman stood next to him, his arms folded, staring straight ahead at the windows of our train. In the orange glow of late afternoon the policemen, the crowd, the corpse of the boy were for a brief moment immobile, motionless, a small tableau to violence and death in the city. Behind me m in the next row of seats, there was a game of bridge. I heard one of the four men say as he looked out at the sight, “God, that's horrible.” Another said, in a whisper, “Terrible, terrible.” There was a momentary silence, punctuated only by the clicking of wheels on the track. Then, after the pause, I heard the first man say: “Two hearts.”
(Willie Morris, On a Commuter Train)
(I) 脉络(context):包含了记叙文的基本要素—when, where, what, who, why,最初先交代事件的背景──时间,地点,发生何事,中间叙述事件的经过,结尾表明作者的态度,全文清晰有序。
(II) 取材(selection of details):叙述作者目击一宗意外的情况,但文章没有说明所有作者所见所闻,而是有所选择地记叙,虽只有一小段落,但已令人感到身历其境。
(III) 组织(organization):以时间先后为线索,顺叙铺陈事件的出现。
(IV) 观点(point of view):作者是以第一人称来叙述,增强叙事的真实性。
(V) 目的(purpose):叙述文往往是在叙述一件事件的基础上向读者昭示一些什么,而本例子说明作者对这件事件的态度。
Choose one of the topics and write a composition about 120 words.
1. A visit to my hometown (or a city)
(for your reference: when you paid the visit; what kind of weather it was; where you went; who went with you; what you did and saw on the way; the route that you followed; when you started back home…)
2. A traffic accident
(for your reference: when you went out; whether you walked or went by bus; what you saw on the way; how the traffic accident happened; any person was injured in the accident; when the ambulance or policemen arrived; what you did there…)