mysql mysql-connector-java 8.0.21 com.alibaba easyexcel 3.1.3
//驱动 private static String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; //URL private static String url = "jdbc:mysql://"; //用户名 private static String username = "root"; // 密码 private static String pwd = "123456";
/** * 创建连接 * @return */ public static Connection getConnection(){ Connection connection=null; //加载驱动 try { Class.forName(driver); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //建立连接获取Connection对象 try { connection= DriverManager.getConnection(url,username,pwd); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return connection; }
/** * 关闭链接 * @param connection * @param statement * @param resultSet */ public static void closeAll(Connection connection, Statement statement, ResultSet resultSet){ try { if(resultSet!=null){ resultSet.close(); } if(statement!=null){ statement.close(); } if (connection!=null){ connection.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * 执行增、删、改的方法 * @param sql * @return */ public static int execute(String sql){ //获取链接 Connection connection=getConnection(); int flag=0; try { //创建Statement对象 Statement statement=connection.createStatement(); //执行sql语句 flag=statement.executeUpdate(sql); //关闭链接 closeAll(connection,statement,null); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return flag; }
/* 测试 */ public static void main(String[] args) { String sql = "SELECT * FROM bs_structure WHERE id = 1688350472671"; Connection connection = getConnection(); Statement statement = null; try { statement= connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql); while(resultSet.next()){ String typename = resultSet.getString(3); System.out.println("类别名称:"+typename); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public class Structure { @ExcelProperty(value = "序号", index = 0) private String param1; @ExcelProperty(value = "水厂", index = 1) private String param2; @ExcelProperty(value = "工艺", index = 2) private String param3; @ExcelProperty(value = "设备", index = 3) private String param4; @ExcelProperty(value = "测点", index = 4) private String param5; @ExcelProperty(value = "点长名", index = 6) private String param6; @ExcelProperty(value = "点描述", index = 7) private String param7; @ExcelProperty(value = "设备类型名称", index = 11) private String param8; @ExcelProperty(value = "数据类型", index = 8) private String param9; @ExcelProperty(value = "小数位数", index = 9) private String param10; @ExcelProperty(value = "单位", index = 10) private String param11; @ExcelProperty(value = "测点名称", index = 5) private String param12; public String getParam1() { return param1; } public void setParam1(String param1) { this.param1 = param1; } public String getParam2() { return param2; } public void setParam2(String param2) { this.param2 = param2; } public String getParam3() { return param3; } public void setParam3(String param3) { this.param3 = param3; } public String getParam4() { return param4; } public void setParam4(String param4) { this.param4 = param4; } public String getParam5() { return param5; } public void setParam5(String param5) { this.param5 = param5; } public String getParam6() { return param6; } public void setParam6(String param6) { this.param6 = param6; } public String getParam7() { return param7; } public void setParam7(String param7) { this.param7 = param7; } public String getParam8() { return param8; } public void setParam8(String param8) { this.param8 = param8; } public String getParam9() { return param9; } public void setParam9(String param9) { this.param9 = param9; } public String getParam10() { return param10; } public void setParam10(String param10) { this.param10 = param10; } public String getParam11() { return param11; } public void setParam11(String param11) { this.param11 = param11; } public String getParam12() { return param12; } public void setParam12(String param12) { this.param12 = param12; } }
public String selectParentId(String param) throws SQLException { String sql = "select id from bs_structure where structure_name='" + param + "'"; Connection connection = BaseDao.getConnection(); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql); String id = ""; while (resultSet.next()) { id = resultSet.getString(1); } BaseDao.closeAll(connection,statement,resultSet); return id; } public String selectParentId1(String param,String param1) throws SQLException { String sql = "select id from bs_structure where structure_name='" + param + "' and parent_uuid= '"+param1+"'"; Connection connection = BaseDao.getConnection(); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql); String id = ""; while (resultSet.next()) { id = resultSet.getString(1); } BaseDao.closeAll(connection,statement,resultSet); return id; } public String selectCedianId1(String param,String param1) throws SQLException { String sql = "select id from bs_monitor_attr where structure_uuid='" + param + "' and tag_long_name= '"+param1+"'"; Connection connection = BaseDao.getConnection(); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql); String id = ""; while (resultSet.next()) { id = resultSet.getString(1); } BaseDao.closeAll(connection,statement,resultSet); return id; } public String selectObjectId(String objectType, String typename) throws SQLException { String sql = "SELECT id FROM `bs_object` where object_type='" + objectType + "' and type_name='" + typename + "'"; Connection connection = BaseDao.getConnection(); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql); String id = ""; while (resultSet.next()) { id = resultSet.getString(1); } BaseDao.closeAll(connection,statement,resultSet); return id; } public String selectObjectId1(String typename) throws SQLException { String sql = "SELECT id FROM `bs_object` where type_name='" + typename + "'"; Connection connection = BaseDao.getConnection(); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql); String id = ""; while (resultSet.next()) { id = resultSet.getString(1); } BaseDao.closeAll(connection,statement,resultSet); return id; } /** * 基本信息表数据填充 * * @param id * @param structureUuid * @param structureInfoCode * @param structureinfovalue * @return */ public int insertStructure(String id, String structureUuid, String structureInfoCode, String structureinfovalue) { String sql = "insert into bs_structure_info (id,structure_uuid,structure_info_code,structure_info_value) values ('" + id + "','" + structureUuid + "','" + structureInfoCode + "','" + structureinfovalue + "')"; return BaseDao.execute(sql); } public int insertSbtype(Structure structure) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); String utcTime=String.valueOf(cal.getTimeInMillis()); String sql = "insert into bs_object (id,object_type,type_name,type_code) values ('" + utcTime + "','" + structure.getParam2() + "','" + structure.getParam3() + "','" + structure.getParam4() + "')"; Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance(); String utcTime1=String.valueOf(cal1.getTimeInMillis()); String sql1 = "insert into bs_object_param (id,object_uuid,param_uuid,param_val) values ('" + utcTime1 + "','" + utcTime + "','f4ae866d-937a-11ec-9c0b-00ff8dea45f7','')"; BaseDao.execute(sql); return BaseDao.execute(sql1); } /** * 根据名称查询类型 * * @param name * @return * @throws SQLException */ public String selectSbtypeByName(String name) throws SQLException { String sql = "select id from bs_object where type_name='" + name + "'"; Connection connection = BaseDao.getConnection(); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql); String id = ""; while (resultSet.next()) { id = resultSet.getString(1); } BaseDao.closeAll(connection,statement,resultSet); return id; } /** * 保存设备实例数据 * @param id * @param object_uuid * @param structure_name * @param parent_uuid * @param if_scrap * @param if_logic_delete * @param if_restrain * @param object_type * @param structure_code * @param type_name * @param if_issued * @return */ public int saveStructure(String id, String object_uuid, String structure_name, String parent_uuid, String if_scrap, String if_logic_delete, String if_restrain, String object_type, String structure_code, String type_name, String if_issued) { String sql = "INSERT INTO `bs_structure` \n" + "\t(`id`, \n" + "\t`object_uuid`, \n" + "\t`structure_name`, \n" + "\t`parent_uuid`, \n" + "\t`if_scrap`, \n" + "\t`object_type`, \n" + "\t`structure_code`, \n" + "\t`type_name`, \n" + "\t`if_issued`\n" + "\t)\n" + "\tVALUES\n" + "\t('"+id+"', \n" + "\t'"+object_uuid+"', \n" + "\t'"+structure_name+"', \n" + "\t'"+parent_uuid+"', \n" + "\t'"+if_scrap+"', \n" + "\t'"+object_type+"', \n" + "\t'"+structure_code+"', \n" + "\t'"+type_name+"', \n" + "\t'"+if_issued+"'\n" + "\t);\n"; return BaseDao.execute(sql); } /** * 插入数据 * * @param id * @param objectId * @param pointName * @param tagDescribe * @param dataType * @param readOrWrite * @param decimal * @param unit * @param inShow * @param ifshow3d * @param ifrange * @return */ public int insertObjectMonitor(String id, String objectId, String pointName, String tagDescribe, String pointType, String dataType, String readOrWrite, String decimal, String unit, String inShow, String ifshow3d, String ifrange) { String sql = "insert into bs_object_monitor_attr (id,object_id,point_name,tag_describe,point_type,data_type,read_or_write,decimal_digit,unit,if_show,if_show_3d,if_ranging) values ('" + id + "','" + objectId + "','" + pointName + "','" + tagDescribe + "','" + pointType + "','" + dataType + "','" + readOrWrite + "','" + decimal + "','" + unit + "','" + inShow + "','" + ifshow3d + "','" + ifrange + "')"; return BaseDao.execute(sql); } /** * 根据对象类型id获取测点信息数据 * * @param name * @return * @throws SQLException */ public String selectCedianInfoByobjid(String name,String name1) throws SQLException { String sql = "select id from bs_object_monitor_attr where point_name='" + name + "' and object_id='"+name1+"'"; Connection connection = BaseDao.getConnection(); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql); String id = ""; while (resultSet.next()) { id = resultSet.getString(1); } BaseDao.closeAll(connection,statement,resultSet); return id; } /** * 根据单位名称获取单位的id * @param name * @return * @throws SQLException */ public String selectUnitIdByName(String name) throws SQLException { String sql="SELECT id FROM `bs_unit` where unit_name='"+name+"'"; Connection connection = BaseDao.getConnection(); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql); String id = ""; while (resultSet.next()) { id = resultSet.getString(1); } BaseDao.closeAll(connection,statement,resultSet); return id; }
/** * 上一行数据的存储 */ public Structure afterData; /** * 数据持久化 * @param cachedDataList * @throws SQLException */ public void saveStructure(ListcachedDataList) throws SQLException, InterruptedException { System.out.println(cachedDataList); StructureDao structureDao =new StructureDao(); for(int i=1;i
String fileName = "D:\\实例表.xlsx"; // 这里 需要指定读用哪个class去读,然后读取第一个sheet 文件流会自动关闭 EasyExcel.read(fileName, Structure.class, new ReadListener() { /** * 单次缓存的数据量 */ public static final int BATCH_COUNT = 1000; /** *临时存储的数据 */ private List cachedDataList = ListUtils.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(BATCH_COUNT); @Override public void invoke(Structure data, AnalysisContext context) { cachedDataList.add(data); if (cachedDataList.size() >= BATCH_COUNT) { try { saveData(); } catch (SQLException | InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally { // 存储完成清理 list cachedDataList = ListUtils.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(BATCH_COUNT); } } } @Override public void doAfterAllAnalysed(AnalysisContext context) { try { saveData(); } catch (SQLException | InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 加上存储数据库 */ private void saveData() throws SQLException, InterruptedException { StructureService structureService=new StructureService(); structureService.saveStructure(cachedDataList); } }).sheet().doRead();