ARM Linux 系统稳定性分析入门及渐进 13 -- gdb 反汇编 disassemble 命令详细介绍及举例】


    • 1.1 gdb 调试回顾
      • 1.1.1 gdb list 命令介绍
    • 1.2 反汇编命令 dis 介绍
      • 1.2.1 如何设置 gdb 汇编代码的格式

1.1 gdb 调试回顾

gdb: 这是一个强大的Unix下的程序调试工具。以下是使用gdb的一个简单示例:

$ gdb ./test


可执行程序 test 是由下面代码使用gcc -g -O0 test.c -o test编译出来:


static int bar(void)
    char *p = NULL;

    printf("I am bar,I will core dump\n");
    *p =0x0;

    return 0;

static int foo(void)
    int i ;
    printf("I am foo,I will call bar\n");

    return 0;

int main(void)
    printf("I am main, I wll can foo\n");

    return 0;

1.1.1 gdb list 命令介绍

llist: llist 命令用于显示当前源代码的行列表,包括当前行以及周围的几行代码。这对于查看代码的上下文非常有用。


For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from test...
(gdb) list 10
5       {
6           char *p = NULL;
8           printf("I am bar,I will core dump\n");
9           printf("%s", p);
11          *p = 0x0;
13          return 0;
14      }


1.2 反汇编命令 dis 介绍

dis/disassemble: 这个命令用于查看汇编代码。例如,我们可以使用以下命令查看当前函数的汇编代码:

(gdb) disassemble


[11:01:22]sam@codingcos-sam-laptop (*^~^*) ~/test> gdb test
GNU gdb (Ubuntu 12.1-0ubuntu1~22.04) 12.1
Copyright (C) 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:

For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from test...
(gdb) dis foo
Bad breakpoint number 'foo'

从上面的信息可以看到gdb并没有对函数 foo 进行反汇编,而是报出错误“Bad breakpoint number ‘foo’”,甚是疑惑!!!, 网上搜了一大圈也没找到原因!!


For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from test...
(gdb) b foo
Breakpoint 1 at 0x11bd: file test.c, line 19.
(gdb) dis foo
Bad breakpoint number 'foo'
(gdb) disassemble foo
Dump of assembler code for function foo:
   0x00000000000011b5 <+0>:     endbr64
   0x00000000000011b9 <+4>:     push   %rbp
   0x00000000000011ba <+5>:     mov    %rsp,%rbp
   0x00000000000011bd <+8>:     lea    0xe5f(%rip),%rax        # 0x2023
   0x00000000000011c4 <+15>:    mov    %rax,%rdi
   0x00000000000011c7 <+18>:    call   0x1060 
   0x00000000000011cc <+23>:    call   0x1169 
   0x00000000000011d1 <+28>:    mov    $0x0,%eax
   0x00000000000011d6 <+33>:    pop    %rbp
   0x00000000000011d7 <+34>:    ret
End of assembler dump.

但是目前还不清楚为何使用 dis 命令不生效。

如下是使用 arm gdb 的反汇编示例(前提要有arm gcc 编译出来的 .o文件):

arm-none-eabi-gdb ./build/bsp/sam/sam_demo/common/soc.o
This GDB was configured as "--host=x86_64-linux-gnu --target=arm-none-eabi".
Reading symbols from ./build/bsp/sam/sam_demo/common/soc.o...
(gdb) b reboot
Breakpoint 1 at 0x214: file /mnt/user_home/sam/rt-thread/bsp/sam/sam_demo/common/soc.c, line 36.
(gdb) disassemble reboot
Dump of assembler code for function reboot:
   0x00000208 <+0>:     push    {r7}
   0x0000020a <+2>:     sub     sp, #20
   0x0000020c <+4>:     add     r7, sp, #0
   0x0000020e <+6>:     mov     r3, r0
   0x00000210 <+8>:     str     r1, [r7, #0]
   0x00000212 <+10>:    strb    r3, [r7, #7]
   0x00000214 <+12>:    ldr     r3, [pc, #24]   ; (0x230 )
   0x00000216 <+14>:    str     r3, [r7, #12]
   0x00000218 <+16>:    dmb     sy
   0x0000021c <+20>:    ldr     r2, [pc, #20]   ; (0x234 )
   0x0000021e <+22>:    ldr     r3, [r7, #12]
   0x00000220 <+24>:    str     r3, [r2, #0]
   0x00000222 <+26>:    nop
   0x00000224 <+28>:    adds    r7, #20
   0x00000226 <+30>:    mov     sp, r7
   0x00000228 <+32>:    ldr.w   r7, [sp], #4
   0x0000022c <+36>:    bx      lr
   0x0000022e <+38>:    nop
   0x00000230 <+40>:    lsls    r3, r4, #12
   0x00000232 <+42>:    movs    r0, #33 ; 0x21
   0x00000234 <+44>:    asrs    r0, r0, #2
   0x00000236 <+46>:    mov     r1, r0
End of assembler dump.

另外一种查看汇编代码的方式是使用 x 命令,如下显示 pc 开始的 3 条指令:

Breakpoint 1, foo () at test.c:19
19          printf("I am foo,I will call bar\n");
(gdb) x/3i $pc
=> 0x5555555551bd :      lea    0xe5f(%rip),%rax        # 0x555555556023
   0x5555555551c4 :     mov    %rax,%rdi
   0x5555555551c7 :     call   0x555555555060 

arm gdb 反汇编示例

arm-none-eabi-gdb ./build/bsp/sam/sam_demo/common/soc.o
(gdb) x/3i 0x0
   0x0 <__NVIC_SetPriority>:    push    {r7}
   0x2 <__NVIC_SetPriority+2>:  sub     sp, #12
   0x4 <__NVIC_SetPriority+4>:  add     r7, sp, #0
(gdb) x/10i 0x00000000
   0x0 <__NVIC_SetPriority>:    push    {r7}
   0x2 <__NVIC_SetPriority+2>:  sub     sp, #12
   0x4 <__NVIC_SetPriority+4>:  add     r7, sp, #0
   0x6 <__NVIC_SetPriority+6>:  mov     r3, r0
   0x8 <__NVIC_SetPriority+8>:  str     r1, [r7, #0]
   0xa <__NVIC_SetPriority+10>: strh    r3, [r7, #6]
   0xc <__NVIC_SetPriority+12>: ldrsh.w r3, [r7, #6]
   0x10 <__NVIC_SetPriority+16>:        cmp     r3, #0
   0x12 <__NVIC_SetPriority+18>:        blt.n   0x2a <__NVIC_SetPriority+42>
   0x14 <__NVIC_SetPriority+20>:        ldr     r3, [r7, #0]

1.2.1 如何设置 gdb 汇编代码的格式

GDB 主要支持两种汇编代码格式:

  • AT&T风格:这是GDB的默认汇编代码格式,是在Unix和GNU系统中常见的格式。在AT&T风格的汇编代码中,操作数的顺序是“目标”,立即数绝对地址值以美元符号"$"作为前缀,寄存器名称以百分号"%"作为前缀。

  • Intel风格:这是在Intel文档和Windows环境中常见的格式。在Intel风格的汇编代码中,操作数的顺序是“目标”,立即数绝对地址没有特殊的前缀,寄存器名称也没有特殊的前缀。

可以使用 show disassembly-flavor 命令查看当前的汇编代码风格。例如:

For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from test...
(gdb) dis foo
Bad breakpoint number 'foo'
(gdb) show disassembly-flavor
The disassembly flavor is "att".

可以看到默认是 AT&T风格。

如果你想要改变汇编代码风格,你可以使用 set disassembly-flavor 命令来设置新的风格。例如,如果你想要设置成Intel风格,你可以这样做:

(gdb) set disassembly-flavor intel


(gdb) set disassembly-flavor att
