
1.positive aspect

    The positive aspects of a decent salary cannot necessarily cancel out the harmful effects of living far from family and friends.

2.a major plus

    Since commuting time in metropolitan areas is quite unbearable, a good public transportation system can be a major plus.

3.produce positive outcomes

    Attending field trips can produce positive outcomes both in academic and social aspects.

4.go a long way

    Experience goes a long way when it comes to job hunting.

5.serve sb. well

    I hope this 'punching-in' approach will continue to serve you well in the days to come.

6.assist/aid sb. in sth./doing sth.

    Newspapers can provide interesting things and ideas which can assist students in their learning process at school.

7.down sides

    There are a few small down sides, but in general it works as advertised.

8.take atoll

    To those who are obsessed with  luxury brands, such spending habit will take a toll on personal finance.

9.impact ... adversely

    Extended work hours may reduce the time spent preparing home-cooked meals, exercising and sleeping, which could impact health adversely.

10.a big hindrance to

    Fatigue from working long hours ca be a big hindrance to productivity.


11.vital to sth./be important/crucial/essential

    Rest can be vital to recovery.

12.be sb.'s highest priority

    Improving schools should be a country's highest priority.

13.prioritize A over B

    Deliberately striving for happiness can also lead us be self-centered because we would prioritize our pursuit over all the people around.

14.be an essential ingredient for

    Mutual trust is an essential ingredient for friendship.

15.the crux of ... is

    The crux of the matter is that attitudes have changed.

16.hold the key to sth.

    It appears that young people hold the key to the future of the society.

17.A is to B what C is to D

Personality is to man what perfume is to a flower.

18.be given one's due/be given due attention

    Besides work, other aspects of life, such as health, education and family life, must also be given due weight.

19.hold ... in high regard

    As the leading experts in respective fields, university professor tend to be held in high regard

20.put ... ahead of

    Friends are those who are willing to put your needs ahead of their own.


21.similarly = likewise

    We all love happy news. You'd much rather reveal to a young couple that the child they're expecting tests out perfectly fine than that they will face a lifetime of health challenges with the addition to their family. Similarly, if you're a supervisor, it's much more fun to tell employees that they're going to be promoted than that they  should expect the pink slip to show up in their inbox.

22.The same goes for = It is the same case with

    City is a better place to take care of the elderly. The same goes for the children.

23.which is especially true for sb./in someplace

    Those who do not have convenient access to public transportation, such as trains or buses, which is especially true in the suburbs, can use cars for personal transportation.

24.put another way = in another word

    Admitting to mistakes is a crucial step on the road to self-improvement. Put another way, people cannot begin the process of overcoming weaknesses if they are reluctant to acknowledge where they have failed.

25.in the mean time

    Parents should encourage kids to make life choices on their own. And in the meantime, they should also keep an eye on the decision-making process just in case guidance will be needed.

26.be no exception

    People travel abroad in hopes of novel and new experience, and I think those who love foreign movies will be no exception.


27.a remedy for sth.

    A hobby can serve as a remedy for stress and restore your vitality whenever you are stresses out.

28.silver/magical bullet

    Sure, technology is not a silver bullet for addressing all these issues.


    Many productivity hacks focus on your morning routine, and how to maximize those precious hours before the sun rises high in the sky.

30.find a path to sth.

    When you go out of your way to help people out and make them happy, you're also found a path to self-satisfaction.


31.take delight in

    People who only take delight in personal gain should come to realization that helping others succeed.

32.feel drawn to

    What you feel drawn to can reveal your passions that can be developed into a hobby.

33.preference for sth.

    People preference for adventurous  or horror movies denotes that they are an adventurous person who craves for thrilling experiences.

34.be partial to = lean toward

    Good teachers always know that they should not be partial to any student.

35.appeal to

    Lists appeal to our innate tendency to categorize information.

36.be all for

    I am all for a challenging plan that keeps us on task and reduces idle time at the office

37.stand up for

     We should stand up for kids who are being teased or bullied because of who they are or how they look.

38.gravitate toward

    If you gravitate toward a particular place, thing, person, or activity, you are attracted by it and go to it or get involved in it.

39.opt for

    In case of an interview, opting for a white, light blue solid or conservative-striped shirt is the safest choice.

40.go for 

    When comparing two job offers, often the most tempting thing to do is to go for the money, but that's not necessarily the right approach.


41.as opposed to

    As opposed to having a relationship in real life, some people choose to date online and never meet the other person.

42.in/from a different perspective

    Movies about people of different ethnical groups motivate you to look  at life in a different perspective

43.there is no such thing as

    There is no such thing as a wrong question, so you shouldn't hesitate to ask when you feel confused in class.

44.A doesn't even come close to B

    When you are on the lookout for an escape, intense real-life movies don't even come close to those mind-blowing sci-fi ones.

45.distinguish A from B

    Innovation distinguishes a leader from a follower.

46.differentiate A from B

    It takes little effort to differentiate the good-hearted from the wrong crowd.

47.set sb. apart

    The things that set you apart from the pack, the things that you once thought were your weaknesses will someday become your strengths.


    We should strive to give without expecting a reward, but paradoxically rewards often come in return.

49.see ... from different angles

    Everybody has blind spots in his/her own thinking and would need people who see things from different angles to help form a strong multi-faceted team.

50.not ... otherwise

    A challenging plan offers a sense of achievement people cannot gain otherwise.


51.be at risk

    Fatigue levels of the older generation may not be easy to measure and quantify, but their health can be at risk under such working arrangements.

52.put ... in danger

    Traditional energy also puts natural habitats of animals in danger, because when people dig for coal, they cut down many trees.

53.be a safety/health hazard

    According to a recent survey, burning mid-night oil has been health hazard

54.at stake

    Your future career will be at stake if you can't put all your time and effort into the job at hand.

55.potential hazard

    Exercising regularly can reduce the potential hazard of sedentary lifestyle.

56.put ... on the line

    If you leave a job with a stable income to fulfill a dream of yours, it is not only risky for yourself, but puts other people's lives on the line as well. 


57.chances are

    If you have amazing grades but have never participated in any activities, chances are that you will not be accepted into Harvard.

58.stand a chance

    In this digital age, the web illiterate can hardly stand a chance.

59.have a lower incidence of

    People who have a companion they can count on will have a lower incidence of depression or anxiety.

60.be apt to = be prone to sth./doing sth.

    Enjoying failure and de-emphasizing success will paradoxically make you more apt to succeed.


61.that being said

    Moving back in with your parents means you have a family willing to offer some kind of support. That being said, it can still be a frustrating experience.

62.as much as

    As much as we prefer to give happy news, there are times when we have no choice but to relay messages of doom and gloom.


    Despite the lines and the ticket prices, you can count on movie theaters to always have the newest hottest films.

64.regardless of

    Regardless of your age or stature, life is always filled with unanswered questions.

65.but at the end of the day

    No doubt we have different skin colors, religious preferences and political points-of-view, but at the end of the day, we still need to take care of one another.


66.Let's say

    Let's say you want to share your photos with family,but not the Web at large. What do you do then?

67.a good case in point

    I once heard about a story that can be a good case in point.

68.serve as

    My brother can serve as a good case in point.


69.the jury is still out

    The jury is still out on how much the advent of television has contributed to the human society, but we'd all agree it's an important step forward.

70.opinions differ on sth.

    Opinions differ on measures to address the environmental challenges, but nobody would deny the consequences if we do nothing about it.

71.see eye to eye

    When you cannot see eye to eye, tolerance, rather than contempt, is a better alternative. It shows respects, patience and courtesy.

72.factor in

    When evaluating a job, there are many different factors to consider in addition to salary.

73.There are many factors that go into

    There are many factors that go into your understanding of a new country:climate,political stability, crime rates, cost of living, language and customs, etc.

74.vary from person to person

    The definition of happiness varies from person to person.    


75.it comes down to

    What contributes to a successful athlete? It comes down to who can handle the boredom of training every day and doing the same lifts over and over and over again.

76.So what should we make of all this?

    Most private companies charge quite a lot for admission fees. So what should we make of all this? That means government should stand up for the public and fill in the gap.

77.with regard to = as for = regarding = when it comes to

    A recent study conducted in Canada has yielded some interesting results with regard to traveling.

78.study/research has shown a correlation between A and B

    Many studies have shown a strong correlation between air quality and the number of vehicles in a city.

79.it stands to reason

    If you're putting in all that effort to do something, it stands to reason that the brain's adaptive capabilities will rewire itself to deal with whatever you ask it to do.

80.mince words

    The teacher didn't mince words in telling the students of their poor homework.


81.had sb. not done

    Had government not subsidized primary education, kids from disadvantaged backgrounds would have ended up missing out on school.

82.without doing ... , ... has no hope of doing

    Without improving its educational institutions, a country has no hope of ever cultivating enough professionals to match the development of better-educated countries.


83.a variety of

    Although social media can enrich experience in a variety of ways, overexposure to such technologies can hamper our lives.

84.great and small

    Social problems, also called social issues, affect every society, great and small.

85.of all types and sizes

    People with stronger motivation manage to accomplish projects of all types and sizes.

86.a wide range of

    Check out the wide range of activities outside of work, which offer options in everything from hiking to board games.

87.a wide selection of

    Shopping malls offer a wide selection of products to customers of all ages.

88.across the globe = from all over the globe

    As the rate of technology accelerates, online course has been gaining popularity all across the globe.


89.no small task

    As known to all, to get everybody on board is no small task.

90.is not all sunny days and clear skies

    To maintain a long-term friendship is not all sunny days and clear skies.

91. isn't rocket science

    We're talking basic common sense here--it isn't rocket science.

92.be a breeze

    Maybe for some, juggling work and school could be a breeze, but for the vast majority, this can still be a handful.


93.on a ... basis

    The problem can only be answered on a case-by-case basis.

94.in a ... way

    Providing criticism can be a little like walking on eggshells. If you cannot handle it in a delicate way, egos can easily be bruised.


95.hit middle age

    People who just hit middle age may settle for a lower salary that would pay off big down the road.

96.later in life

    It was only later in life that I realized how helpful it is to generalize this attitude beyond math, science, and logic problems and into the realm of practical daily existence.

97.a thing of the past = in bygone days

    Everyone will need to adjust to a world where secure lifelong employment in a single job is a thing of the past.



    People who are quite nutritionally aware tend to attribute their healthy eating habits to their family.


    Weight problems that develop during childhood can lead to weight-related illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.


    Field trips not only supplement the curriculum but also offer intellectually enriching experience students cannot gain otherwise.