

  1. 过去分词 done;

  2. 现在分词doing;

  3. 动名词 doing;

  4. 动词不定式 to do;

  5. 动词过去式:ved 和 动词过去分词:done是长得特别相似的,如下:

    v:动词原型 ved:过去式 done:过去分词 doing:现在分词

    help helped helped helping

    fuel fueled fueled fueling

    cost cost cost costing

    write wrote written writing

    ​ 谓语动词 非谓语动词

  6. 非谓语动词无法充当句子谓语。过去分词和现在分词是一组,动名词和不定式是一组,其它所有东西都是围绕它们来进行一个变形的。

A ing 和 done

  1. ing 和 done 的区别:

    高中和初中:ing 修饰物,done 修饰人。这在高中和初中是对的,但是在专升本和更高层次中这就是在胡扯。

    eg:an interesting book. I was interested by this book.

    真实区别:ing 表示主动;done 表示被动。谓语动词讲过使役动词的,是差不多的。

    purify v.净化,纯净 净化杂质,让…变得更加纯洁,让…变得更加纯净

    purified (ved)

    purified (done)

    purifying (doing)

    v 和 ved 是谓语动词,done 和 doing是非谓语动词,但是此处 ved 和 done是长得一样的。

    纯净水,水是被纯净的,所以用的是 purified water:水是被纯净了,本身不具有纯净东西的功能

    纯净面膜,面膜有主动纯净的功能,脸被纯净,而不是面膜被纯净了 purifying mask:面膜是用不用它都有纯净的功能,它能净化吸附我们脸上的杂志

    move moved moved moving 可以表示感动的意思。

    我被这个感人的歌曲感动到了。 我和感动之间是被动,歌曲和感人是主动关系。

    I was moved by this moving music.

    interest 使有兴趣

    interest interested interested interesting

    I am interested in this interesting book. 我被这本有趣的书吸引了。

    ing 令人 … … 的;done 感到 … … 的

    annoy 使… … 生气,厌烦

    annoy annoyed annoyed annoying

    annoyed 感到厌烦的

    annoying 令人厌烦的

    I was annoyed by my annoying girlfriend. 我被我烦人的女朋友搞得很烦。

    形式 意义
    doing(一般状态) 主动(分词的动作和谓语动词的动作基本同时发生)
    done(一般状态) 被动

    She saw the letters. 这句话没有非谓语,它有谓语动词。

    She missed her boyfriend. 这句话也没有非谓语,如果是谓语,它就不可能变成被动。

    Seeing the letter, she missed her boyfriend. 这句话的谓语动词是missed(想),Seeing也是动作,是非谓语动词,而此处是she主动看书,故而用现在分词,表主动。看了这封信,她好想她的男朋友。看信和想她男朋友是同时发生。这也就是上边讲的分词的动作和谓语动词的动作是同时发生。

    We stand on the top of the hill.

    We can see the beautiful scenery.

    Standing on the top of the hill, we can see the beautiful scenery. 在没有连词的情况下,有且只有一个谓语动词。便站边看,同时发生,站在山顶的那一刻我们就看到了。


    The homework was written in a hurry.

    The homework was full of mistakes.

    Written in a hurry, the homework was full of mistakes. write 的过去式和过去分词是不一致的。像这种就只能背。

    The food was made by my mother.

    The food was delicious.

    Made by my mother, the food was delicious.

    总结:两句话的逻辑主语一致,则可选择用分词,被动关系用done. 非谓语就是难点之一,后面的倒装更难。



    The boss gratuated from WH university. 此处不是表示被动,因为它在这里是一个过去式。老板和毕业之间是主动关系。

    The boss is so strict.

    Gratuating from WH university, the boss is so strict. 不管是先毕业还是后毕业,它们都是一件很严肃的事情,故而是同时发生的。分词没有时态,跟时态没有任何关系,只看主被动。


    The present was bought in Beijing.

    The present was so expensive.

    Bought in Beijing, the present is/was so expensive. 是看主语和非谓语动词的关系。


    The children play on the background.

    The children forget to finish their homwork.

    Playing on the background, the children forget to finish their homework.


    Written by a young author, the book is very popular in China.


    Given one more hour, I’ll finish my homework. 别人再给我一个小时,这个小时是被给我的。我是被给时间的。



    1、Most of the people invited to the party were famous scientists. 人被邀请。看分词和逻辑主语之间的关系,系动词不可能是非谓语动词。

    2、Do you know the girl sitting next to you? 主动

    3、There is a dog tied to a fence outside the house. 被动 狗是被绑的 篱笆

    4、There is a girl waiting for you.



  1. 毕业于武汉大学,这个老板非常严肃。

    The boss graduated from WH university.

    The boss is so strict.

    Graduating from WH university, the boss is so strict. ing 表示主动

  2. 这个礼物是在北京买的,价格非常贵。

    The present was bought in Bejing.

    The present was so expensive.

    Bought in Beijing, the present was so expensive. 过去分词表被动


  1. 意义:表示先于谓语动词的动作
  2. 结构:having done(主动)having been done(被动)
  3. 现在分词完成时一定有个having。
  4. Having finished her homework, she went out. 完成了她的作业,她出去了。 先完成作业再出去。不可能同时发生。
  5. Having been beaten, the boy went out. 被打了,这个男孩才出去。
形式 意义
doing(一般状态) 主动(分词的动作和谓语动词的动作基本同时发生)
done(一般状态) 被动
having done 主动(分词的动作先于谓语动词的动作)
having been done 被动(分词的动作先于谓语动词的动作)




Hearing the news, the students were happy.(同一个主语,不是独立主格)

Marry coming back, they discussed it together.(两个不同的主语,独立主格)Marry是独立主格,因为独立主格只能在分词的形式上,非谓语。独立主格核心就是分词,就是看主动,就是看被动,就是看主被动的形式。

She walked fast, her daughter walking slowly.(独立主格)谓语动词是walked,是一个过去式。her daught是walking的逻辑主语,整个句子的主语是She,但是多了个her daughter,这就是独立主格,和walking之间是主动关系。

The table set, they began to eat dinner. (独立主格)桌子被摆好了,他们开始吃晚餐。可以理解成他们把桌子摆好了,然后去吃晚餐。桌子是被摆的。

Everything taken into consideration, the plan seems to be good.(独立主格)主系表。take sth into consideration考虑。一切考虑进去,这个计划似乎很成功。Everything taken into consideration在句中代表的是状语成分。因为状语去掉,整个句子是完整的。独立主格做状语,只是为了修饰整个核心句子。分词+独立主格做状语。


  1. 主被动是分词的核心;
  2. 有先后就一定有having这个单词;


The dog having been tied on the fence, he went out. 强调状态

The dog tied on the fence, he went out. 强调动作的先后顺序


谓语动词有且仅有一个,大多数情况是 + s 或 + ed,ing 大多数都是非谓语。

B.ing 和 to do

ing 动名词 介词后边一定要加名词,如果介词后边跟了个动词就要把它变成动名词的形式。 介词后面+ing,某些动词后面 + ing

I am afraid of sleeping alone. 我害怕独自一人睡觉

I like/enjoy reading.

to do 不定式 表示要去做某件事情,表示还没做。ing就是一个状态 某些动词后面+to do

I want to be a doctor.我想要去成为一个医生。


  1. Helping the old is very important. 帮助老人很重要。
  2. To help the old is very important. 去帮助老人很重要。 语法没错,逻辑错误。
  3. Help the old is very important. 语法错误。


  1. Learn English enables me to travel around the world. 语法错误
  2. Learning English enables me to travel around the world. 动名词做主语
  3. to do就是表示要去做某件事,doing表示的就是某个状态。


  1. His hobby is read books. 语法错误,两个动词。不能让双谓语
  2. His hobby is to read books. 他的爱好是去读书。 逻辑错误
  3. His hobby is reading books. 正确

His hobby, reading novels, remains unchanged. 主语是 His hobby,reading novels是同位语。remains是系动词。此处reading就表示一个状态。

Her behavior, throwing rubbish here and there, is wrong.


with sth/sb doing(主动)

with sth/sb done(被动)

with sth/sb to do(要去做)


He enjoys the music with his eyes closed. 他的眼睛是被闭。

With a lot of homework to do,he is unhappy. 要去做某件事情,有很多作业要去做,看语境,主动表被动

With a lot of homework done, he decided to play computers. 很多作业被做了,做完了

