chrome扩展开发手册·迁移到Manifest V3时的已知问题

  • 译自: chrome扩展开发手册·迁移到Manifest V3时的已知问题

> Known issues when migrating to Manifest V3

迁移到Manifest V3时的已知问题

Published on Friday, September 23, 2022 • Updated on Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Extensions News 扩展新闻

Table of contents 目录

  • Closing the platform gap
  • Manifest V3 frequently asked questions

December 9, 2022: The Manifest V2 deprecation timelines are under review and the experiments scheduled for early 2023 are being postponed. For more information, read the update in the chromium-extensions Google Group.
2022年12月9日:Manifest V2弃用时间表正在审查中,计划于2023年初进行的实验正在推迟。有关详细信息,请阅读Chrome扩展Google Group中的更新。

Recently, we announced changes to the Manifest V2 deprecation timeline, and while we remain firmly committed to Manifest V3 we acknowledge there is more work to do on our part.
最近,我们宣布了对Manifest V2弃用时间轴的更改,虽然我们仍然坚定地致力于Manifest V3,但我们承认我们还有更多的工作要做。

  • Before announcing a new timeline for deprecation, we will finish addressing prioritized platform gaps and close the critical bugs that are documented on this page.
  • We will give developers time to build, guaranteeing at least 6 months between a timeline announcement and any experiments removing support for Manifest V2.
    我们将给予开发人员时间来构建,保证在时间轴公告和任何移除对Manifest V2支持的实验之间至少有6个月的时间。

# Closing the platform gap


We are committed to closing the following gaps before announcing a new Manifest V2 deprecation timeline:
在宣布新的Manifest V2弃用时间轴之前,我们致力于缩小以下差距:

  1. User Script support: Allow registering content scripts with arbitrary code by adding new functionality to the scripting API. (See our proposal for details.)

  2. Additional strong service worker keepalives for certain operations taking longer than five minutes.

    Work in progress: Added in Chrome 116 for








    正在进行的工作:在Chrome 116中为





  3. Increase the number of static and enabled rulesets for Declarative Net Request (DNR).

  4. Extend Offscreen document functionality to support more reasons for using an offscreen document.

    Work in progress: GEOLOCATION added in Chrome 116
    正在进行的工作:在 GEOLOCATION Chrome 116中添加

  5. Support File Handling API on ChromeOS as a replacement for ```


These issues have been collected based on feedback from partners, bug reports, and developers. In addition to these, we will continue our ongoing work to address stability issues and improve overall performance.

The following issues have recently been addressed:

  1. Improving support for the chrome.tabCapture API [Chrome 116]:
    改进对API的支持[Chrome 116]:
    • Support calling getMediaStreamId() from a service worker.
    • Support obtaining a MediaStream from a stream ID in an offscreen document.
  2. Extending service worker lifetimes while there are active WebSocket connections [Chrome 116].
    在存在活动连接时延长service worker的生命周期[Chrome 116]。

# Manifest V3 frequently asked questions

Manifest V3常见问题

Q: Do we plan to support persistent Service Workers? 问:我们是否计划支持持久的Service Workers?
A: One of the key reasons for migrating from background scripts to service workers is the more memory efficient event-driven programming model which comes from the ephemeral nature of service workers. Consequently, we are not planning to support persistent service workers. However, to address the specific needs of extension developers, we are continuing to make many improvements to service workers. In particular:

  • All extension events and API calls will extend the service worker lifetime.
  • Selected use cases such as native messaging will keep extensions service workers alive for longer than 5 min.

Q: Is there a way to access the DOM in service workers? 问:有没有办法在service worker中访问DOM?
A: We follow the approach taken by the Web Platform of not including DOM access in web workers (which includes service workers). To support use cases requiring background DOM access from service workers we’ve introduced the possibility to delegate background work to short-lived Offscreen documents which provide full DOM access.

Q: Will there be a way to support remote code in Manifest V3? 问:在Manifest V3中会有支持远程代码的方法吗?
A: To make Chrome Extensions more secure, we will continue to disallow executing arbitrary remotely hosted code in Chrome extensions. However, this does not mean we disallow all kinds of dynamic code execution. We still support different options of dynamically executing code in Chrome extensions:

  • Support for eval() in DevTools extensions
  • Support for user scripts.
  • Executing remotely hosted code in sandboxed iframes
  • Remote hosted configuration files which can be interpreted at runtime in the extension package. However, possible execution paths need to be predetermined.

Q: My Manifest V2 extension relies on webRequestBlocking which is not supported in Manifest V3. How can I continue to provide the same functionality in Manifest V3? 问:我的Manifest V2扩展依赖于Manifest V3不支持的webRequestBlocking。如何在Manifest V3中继续提供相同的功能?
A: We are confident that most request blocking use cases can be solved with the new ```

 API , which has the added benefit of avoiding the performance overhead of interprocess communication, executing code on every request, or requiring an active extension process at the time of the request. However, for complex enterprise (or education) use cases, dynamic request blocking is still supported.  

> `Did we miss something?` Please let us know.  

> Updated on Wednesday, May 10, 2023 • Improve article
