

英文 中文
Okay munchkins, family meeting. 小宝贝儿们家庭会议
Daddy and I have some exciting news. 我和爸爸有好消息要宣布
That's right. 没错
So, Katie, put your phone away. 所以凯蒂手机收起来
Emme, don't pick your nose. 艾玛别扣鼻子
Teddy, buddy, stop touching yourself. 泰迪哥们别自摸了
I wasn't. 我没有
You had both hands in your pants, 你双手都伸裤子里头
moving around down there like you're making origami. 在那鼓鼓捣捣像在里头折纸鹤一样
No hands in pants, all right? 手不许伸裤子里去
Let's make it a family motto. 把这句话当作家训吧
So, along with summer being over 随着暑假的结束
and school starting back up tomorrow, 明天就要开学了
there's another change happening in the family. 家里还有一个变化要发生
I just got the official word and... 我刚刚接到正式通知
I'm going back to work. 我要回去工作了
What's your job? 什么工作
It's the same job I had before you guys were born. 就是我在生你们之前的工作
I worked at a hospital, 我在医院工作

checking people's blood 检查大家的血液
to find out what's making them sick. 看看是什么让他们生病了
So you're a doctor? 你是医生吗
No. 不是
She's not a doctor. 她哪里是医生
But it's very important work. 但这个工作是十分重要的
Anyway, Daddy's gonna be taking you to school, 总之爸爸会送你们去上学
picking you up, 接你们放学
watching you until I get home, stuff like that. 在我下班前照看你们之类的
Yeah, since I'm a contractor, I'm my own boss, 对因为我是承包商我自己就是老板
so, I can work my schedule around you guys. 我可以按你们的时间表走
Look, all you guys need to know is, 你们只需要知道
Daddy's in charge now. 现在老爸当家了
That's right. 没错
- Aw, bring it in. - I love you, Daddy. -抱抱-我爱你老爸
Oh, you guys. 宝贝们
We're gonna have so much fun. 我们一定会过得非常开心的
- Can we get a puppy?-Sure. -我们能养条小狗吗-当然了
- No! - No... -不行-不行
Well, which is it? 听谁的
Ask your mother. Not now. 问妈妈现在别问
Do it later, when I'm not around. 一会儿再问等我不在的
Love you, Daddy. 爱你哟老爸
See? Katie thinks I'm doing great already. 看着没凯蒂已经觉得我做得不错了
You can't trust a 13-year-old girl. 13岁的姑娘信不得
She's all whacked out on hormones. 她现在荷尔蒙爆棚呢
Hormones? 荷尔蒙
Mm. My mom had those. 我妈原来也有
She had to wear a patch 她得贴上个膏药
just to keep from ripping our faces off. 才不会来手撕我们
I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm so excited. 不敢相信我要工作了好兴奋
And guilty. 还愧疚
And happy. 开心
And worried. 又担心
You know, they make a patch for that, too. 他们也有膏药治这病
Will you relax? 你放心吧
Look, I got this. 我在这呢
Me and the kids have a blast together. 孩子们和我一起玩得可开心了
I'm Daddy fun times. 我是老爸的欢乐时光啊
Yeah, that's true. 倒也是

And I'll always be home in time for dinner. 而且我肯定会赶回家吃晚饭的
Yeah. I mean, it-- 毕竟...
it's not like I'm a doctor. 我又不是医生
Come on, honey, 别这样甜心
this was always the plan 这不是早就计划好了的
when Emme started school full-time. 等艾米正式上学就开始
Remember? 记得吗
Plus, we're gonna need the extra money for college. 而且我们还要多攒钱供他们上大学
Based on their ability to flush a toilet, 根据他们冲厕所的能力来看
I'm not seeing scholarships. 我觉得奖学金无望了
You're right, it's fine because you are a great dad. 你说得对没关系的因为你是好老爸
Oh... And it means so much to me, 你能挺身而出
you stepping up like this. 对我来说意义重大
Oh, well, I'm happy to do it. Mmm. 乐意效劳
And I'm not looking for any kind of reward. 我这不是在邀赏
Unless... 除非...
you were thinking about something, in which case, 你心里有打算如果是这样的话
who am I to say no? 傻子才会拒绝
Don't worry. You're gonna get your reward. 别担心会赏你的
We're talking about the same thing, right? 我俩说的是一件事吧
You'll find out tonight. 今晚你就知道了
Okay, just one more picture. 好的再照一张
Hold Emme in your arms sideways like a big fish you just caught. 把艾米横抱起来假装是你们刚捕的鱼
Mom, we're not doing that. 老妈我不要
Okay, cut the cord and go to work. 行了别折腾上班去吧
Yeah, I got to run. 好我得走了
- I love you. - Love you, too. -我爱你-我也爱你
- Love you.- You, too. -我爱你-我也是
I am just so proud of you, sweet pea. 我好为你骄傲小豆丁
You have a great first day at school. Okay? 第一天上学一切顺利哦
Okay. 好了
Daddy? 老爸
Yeah, Butterbean? 怎么啦小豆子
I'm worried about kindergarten. 我有点担心上幼儿园
Aw, honey. 宝贝
You should be worried. 你确实该担心
Kids are mean. 小孩可坏了
But just know if you ever feel uncomfortable, 不过记住了一旦觉得不爽
you start swinging. 直接上拳头
Okay? 知道吗
A punch in the nose 瞄准鼻子打
can be a real problem solver. 是非常有效的解决办法
Right? All right. 知道吗好啦
Okay, bye, Daddy. 再见老爸
Bye-bye, honey. 再见宝贝
Hello, kindergarten parents! 你们好各位家长们
I'm Mrs. Rodriguez, your child's lead teacher. 我是罗德里格兹老师孩子们的班主任
I'd like to welcome you all to the Kindergarten Parent Mingle. 欢迎各位加入幼儿园家长联谊会
What? 什么
Now, has anyone seen Mrs. Burns? 哪位看到伯恩斯夫人了
Is Mrs. Burns here? 伯恩斯夫人来了吗
Uh, you must be talking about my wife. 你叫的是我妻子
I'm Adam-- uh, Mr. Burns. 我是亚当伯恩斯先生
Oh, great. Mr. Burns, 太棒了伯恩斯先生
your wife graciously volunteered to be our room parent, 您太太自告奋勇要当家长代表
- so there's just a few things... - Uh, listen, -只有几件事...-等一下
she's not gonna be able to do that. 她做不了了
See, she's decided to go back to work. 她决定回去工作了
Okay, so I'll just pencil you in. 这样啊行那你替她
I-I'd love to but, uh, 我其实是愿意的
I have a job, too, see, 可我也有工作
so please stop writing my name down. 请不要再写我的名字了
What a wonderful group, 多好的团队
I can't wait to meet each and every one of you! 我真想赶紧认识你们所有人
Mr. Burns, I'd like to see you after the mingle. 伯恩斯先生待会我要单独跟你谈谈
Hey, looks like you got stuck in here too, huh? 你似乎也是迫不得已来的
I'm Adam. 我叫亚当
Lowell. 洛厄尔
I'm a stay-at-home dad. 我是全职父亲
Four years now, it hasn't changed me at all. 已经四年了我一点也没变
Oh, you got a little something... 你这里有一点
I'm gonna say it has changed you. 我觉得你还是变了
Sorry, I'm a little revved up. 抱歉我现在有点心焦
I just can't believe they're not introducing 我不敢相信幼儿园
any foreign language in kindergarten. 完全不教外语
How can our children compete 我们的小孩不会说一门流利的外语
in a global economy without fluency in a second language? 怎么去参与全球化竞争
You know this school is free, right? 你知道这个学校是免费的吧
Free stuff is not that great. 免费的都没什么好东西
Water is free, 水是免费的
but beer you got to pay for. Hm? 可啤酒你就得付钱
Beer. 啤酒
It's so great to connect on a masculine level again. 又能跟爷们交往了太好了
Where are the regular moms? 别的普通妈妈呢
I-I think I know you, right? 我好像认识你是吧
Didn't you sneak a flask into the school play? 是你把酒瓶子带进学校戏剧演出的吧
Yeah. Yeah. 是我
Marie Faldanado. 玛丽亚·法达纳多
Ah. My kid's in Teddy's class. 我小孩跟泰迪一个班
Hey, uh, did Teddy get invited to Brady's birthday party? 布雷迪的生日会有邀请泰迪去吗
Because my Victor didn't and it's happened before. 没请我家维克托以前也发生过
Yeah, we had Victor over last year, he's a... 我们去年请了维克托他...
Oh, yeah, Victor. 啊那个维克托
What? 怎么了
Well, he flushed a couple of 他把泰迪的几个风火轮玩具车
Teddy's Hot Wheels down the toilet, 扔马桶冲掉了
he called my wife a hottie. 还称呼我老婆为辣妹
He was kind of a jackass. 是个小混蛋
I can't believe you'd call my child that word! 你居然用这个词骂我儿子
Hey-hey, isn't it two words? 那不是两个词吗
It's two words, right? 是两个词的吧
And to make up for a lack of funding, we depend on parent volunteers. 为了弥补我们的资金不足我们需要家长做志愿者
I just think of the children. 我一心只想着孩子们
There's not a thing I wouldn't do for them 为了孩子我愿意做任何付出
and I know you feel the same way. 我知道你也一样
No. 并不是
But everyone else has refused to be room parent. 不过其他人都已经拒绝做家长代表了
Great, put me on that list. 很好我也跟他们一样
That's a shame. 太遗憾了
It would also be a shame if i don't teach your daughter to read. 如果我不教你女儿识字那也是挺遗憾的
What are you saying? 你说什么
I said that's a shame. 我说太遗憾了
No, you said something after that. 不是后面还有
I don't think so. 没有了
- Yes, you did... - No, I didn't. -还有-没有了
- Yes, you did. - No, I didn't. -还有-没有了
- Yes, you did... - No, I didn't. -还有-没有了
- Yes, you did. - Nope. -还有-没有
Okay, I'll do it. 好吧我干
Wonderful! 太好了
Your first event is tomorrow's 第一个活动是明天

