Use Scss to implement css has func(使用scss实现css中has函数)

Use Scss to implement css has func(使用scss实现css中has函数)


has in css

The functional :has() CSS pseudo-class represents an element if any of the relative selectors that are passed as an argument match at least one element when anchored against this element. This pseudo-class presents a way of selecting a parent element or a previous sibling element with respect to a reference element by taking a relative selector list as an argument.

CSS 函数式伪类 :has() 表示一个元素,如果作为参数传递的任何相对选择器在锚定到该元素时,至少匹配一个元素。这个伪类通过把可容错相对选择器列表作为参数,提供了一种针对引用元素选择父元素或者先前的兄弟元素的方法。

    <div class="father">
        <div class="son">div>


<script lang="ts" setup>

<style scoped lang="scss">
// check sass is config success
// 检查scss是否配置成功

// css has function
$bg_color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
$width: 100px;
$height: 200px;
//.container {
//  background-color: $bg_color;
//  width: $width;
//  height: $height;

.father:has(.son) {
  // has role has if father has the son, this css is success
  // has函数的作用是,如果父亲有这个孩子,那么这个样式就会生效。
  background: $bg_color;
  width: $width;
  height: $height;


in chrome

Use Scss to implement css has func(使用scss实现css中has函数)_第1张图片

in 360

Use Scss to implement css has func(使用scss实现css中has函数)_第2张图片

.father:has(.son) {
  // has role has if father has the son, this css is success
  // has函数的作用是,如果父亲有这个孩子,那么这个样式就会生效。
  background: $bg_color;
  width: $width;
  height: $height;


in chrome

Use Scss to implement css has func(使用scss实现css中has函数)_第3张图片

in 360

Use Scss to implement css has func(使用scss实现css中has函数)_第4张图片
