
1 React 生命周期

2 hooks(useState, useEffect,

  • useContext,=> createContext, useContext()
  • useMemo,
    Returns a memoized value.
    , useMemo runs during rendering. Don’t do anything there that you wouldn’t normally do while rendering.
  • useReducer,
    An alternative to useState. Accepts a reducer of type (state, action) => newState, and returns the current state paired with a dispatch method. (If you’re familiar with Redux, you already know how this works.)

[Redux] creates one global state container which is above your whole application and is called a store.

[useReducer] creates an independent component co-located state container within your component.

  • useRef, ref=input, createRef,ref.current.validate()
  • useCallback
    Returns a memoized callback.
    useful when passing callbacks to optimized child components that rely on reference equality to prevent unnecessary renders (e.g. shouldComponentUpdate).
    useCallback(fn, deps) is equivalent to useMemo(() => fn, deps).

2.1 Fuction component vs class component

3 redux及项目中的使用

React is a library used to build user interfaces.
Redux - state management library for javascript applications.


React-redux official redux Ui binding library for react.

4 AWS pipeline

5 test 前后端

6 RDS and non-relational database

  1. Data Strucutre
  • NoSQL databases are designed to handle the more complex, unstructured data, (such as texts, social media posts, photos, videos, email).
  • Relational databases were built during a time that data was mostly structured and clearly defined by their relationships.
  1. Scaling
  • Relaltional databases require a single server to host the entire database,
    3 Performance
    关系型数据库:缺点: 读写性能比较差,尤其是海量数据的高效率读写;


  • header
  • payload, 由我们需要发送的数据内容构成
  • Singnature,签名由上面我们得到的header和payload的base64的字符串,通过.连接起来,然后使用HS256算法进行加密得到。

  • 缺点:由于jwt的payload是使用base64编码的,并没有加密,因此jwt中不能存储敏感数据。

8 React function compoent vs Class compoent
