



  • 定义
  • 为什么是微服务
  • 什么时候使用微服务架构
  • 优点和缺点
  • 微服务设计指南
  • 已经验证的微服务设计
  • 扩展立方体
  • 微服务-VS-SOA
  • 微服务-VS-API
  • 微服务-VS-Miniservice
  • 微服务-VS-Nanoservices
  • 什么是 有界上线文
  • 微服务成功案例
  • 微服务编排
  • 理论
  • 演讲
  • 教程
  • 书籍
  • 站点
  • 微服务笔记
  • 资源列表
  • 微服务视频
  • 微服务设计模式
  • 代码示例
  • 微服务反模式
  • 文章链接
  • 微服务之罪
  • 微服务化失败的例子
  • API设计指南
  • REST APIs设计指南
  • 微服务框架:Spring-Cloud
  • 微服务框架:Kubernetes
  • Spring-Cloud-vs-Kubernetes
  • API-Doc 文档工具
  • 微服务安全
  • 序列化
  • 存储
  • 测试
  • 持续集成和端到端的持续交付
  • 康威定律





  • Sam Newman:“微服务是一种小型,自主的服务,可以协同工作。”

  • Frye:微服务的想法是专注于构建能够做到一件事情的个人服务。

  • Retriever Communications首席技术官Nic Grange说:“微服务是一种设计软件系统的方法,这些软件系统由小型独立服务组成,每个服务都有特定用途。”

  • Flux7首席技术官Ali Hussain说:“微服务是解决大型或大型服务的一种方法 使用一组更小,更简单的服务协同工作的复杂业务问题; 微服务运行自己独特的流程,有助于实现总体业务目标。“

  • ShieldX Networks创始人兼首席执行官Ratinder Ahuja博士说:”微服务是一种应用程序开发方法,其中大型应用程序是作为一套模块化服务构建的。每个模块都支持一个特定的业务目标,并使用一个简单明确的界面与其他服务集进行通信。“

  • Dest Horning,Zesty.io的解决方案工程师:”微服务用于软件工厂的制造。而不是让一个人[或]机器建造一辆整车,每个区域都专门完成它的任务:这个锤子铆钉,这个涂漆。“和”微服务将一个大的物镜分解成它的部件,并且这些部件是 独立完成。“

  • Justin Bingham,Janeiro Digital的首席技术官:”微服务是一个应用程序或更广泛的生态系统的组件,可以独立运行 - 每个都负责一个特定的业务

  • Chef营销总监Michael Ducy表示:“它正在将应用程序的开发和发布分解为更小的工作。”

  • SolarWinds的负责人Kong Yang说:“微服务是开发软件应用程序的一种方法。由可独立部署的模块化服务组成。每个微服务都运行一个独特的流程,并通过一个明确定义的轻量级机制(如容器)进行通信,以实现业务目标。

  • “微服务允许组织减少依赖性,更快地开发和扩展.- Aviran Mordo

微服务定义:Lewis / Fowler:

  • 作为一套小型服务,每个服务都在自己的进程中运行,并与轻量级机制进行通信,通常是HTTP资源API
  • 服务围绕业务功能构建
  • 服务可独立部署和扩展
  • 对这些服务进行集中管理的最低限度
  • 服务可以用不同的编程语言编写(多语言开发)。
  • 服务应使用独立的数据存储。

“微服务之所以重要,仅仅是因为它们以简化系统复杂性的方式增加了独特的价值。通过将系统或应用程序拆分为许多较小的部分,您可以展示减少重复,增加内聚力和降低​​部件之间耦合的方法,从而使整个系统部件更易于理解,更具可扩展性,更易于更改。分布式系统的缺点是从系统角度来看总是更复杂。要管理的许多小型服务的开销是另一个需要考虑的因素。“ - 卢卡斯克劳斯,


  • 明确与业务相关的责任
  • 运行过程
  • 数据库
  • 代码版本控制(例如git)存储库
  • API(其他服务/客户将如何联系微服务的协议)
  • UI


  • 微服务使我们的系统松散耦合,即如果我们需要更新,修复或更换微服务,我们不需要重建我们的整个应用程序,只需更换需要它的部分。
  • 构建每个微服务可以使用不同的语言和工具。微服务与定义良好的接口进行通信
  • 对于可伸缩性(微服务的副本)和可靠性(一个副本无法通过其他副本可以服务),通信应该是无状态的,微服务之间最常用的通信方法是HTTP和消息传递。每个微服务都应该拥有自己的数据存储区。
  • 小团队能够从事设计,Web开发,编码,数据库管理和操作。



  • 需要高发布速度的大型应用。

  • 需要高度可扩展的复杂应用程序。

  • 具有丰富域或多个子域的应用程序。

  • 由小型开发团队组成的组织。



微服务设计的Sam Newman列举了微服务的主要优点如下:


















团队沟通开销 -


非统一技术栈 -


Dev Ops复杂性 -

我们需要一个成熟的Dev Ops团队来处理维护基于微服务的应用程序所涉及的复杂性。由于应用程序的几个移动部分,它变得复杂并且需要高水平的专业知识。增加资源使用 - 运行这些应用程序的初始投资很高,因为所有独立运行的组件都需要拥有更多内存和CPU的自己的运行时容器。

增加网络通信 -

独立运行的组件通过网络相互交互。这种系统需要可靠和快速的网络连接。编组和解编组 - 当一个组件需要来自另一个组件的数据时,发送方从其内部表示中对一些标准中的数据进行编组,而接收方在使用之前将数据解组为其自己的表示。与传统应用程序架构相比,这肯定需要更多处理。

网络安全 -


测试 -


生产监控 -


日志分析 -



  • 微服务 - 不是免费午餐! http://highscalability.com/blog/2014/4/8/microservices-not-a-free-lunch.html

  • 维持多个微服务非常难以提高复杂性。

  • 找到以正确方式创建微服务架构的优秀架构师是极其困难的。



  • 首先从相对宽泛的服务边界开始,重构为较小的服务边界(根据业务需求)
  • 单一责任原则
  • 领域驱动设计


  • Chris Richardson的单体建筑
  • Chris Richardson的微服务架构
  • Chris Richardson的API网关
  • Martin Fowler的界限上下文
  • Martin Fowler的断路器
  • 断路器~netflix


  • 每个主机有多个服务实例
  • 每个主机的单个服务实例
  • 每个VM的单个服务实例
  • 每个Container的单个服务实例


  • Chris Richardson的客户端发现
  • Chris Richardson的服务器端发现
  • Chris Richardson的服务注册
  • Chris Richardson的自我注册
  • Chris Richardson的第三方注册
  • 使用consul&etcd进行服务发现

Service Mesh(服务网格)

  • 什么是服务网格
  • istio
  • 服务网格与api网关
  • 5个步骤的实现构建在Kubernetes的服务网格 Istio



  • REST API设计最佳实践
  • API网关
  • 服务契约优先设计


  • 服务门面模式
  • 包装器模式
  • 点对点,发布 - 订阅和其他消息传递模式
  • 事件驱动的架构


  • 建模以供重用
  • 扼杀者应用模式


  • Saga 模式
  • 使用DDD建模服务
  • 每个微服务独立的数据库
  • 服务数据复制模式
  • CQRS
  • Event sourcing


  • 异步处理
  • 状态机消息模式
  • 服务回调模式


  • 服务注册
  • 服务治理


  • 持续集成
  • 蓝绿部署
  • 外部化配置
  • 集装箱(docker)
  • 无服务器架构
  • 监视和记录微服务



  • 微服务的设计模式第1条
  • 微服务的设计模式第2条
  • 微服务的设计模式第3条
  • 微服务的设计模式第4条

白宫Web API的指南和示例,鼓励跨应用程序的一致性,可维护性和最佳实践。白宫API旨在平衡真正的RESTful API接口和积极的开发者体验(DX)。


  • 设计HTTP接口和RESTful Web服务
  • API Facade Pattern, by Brian Mulloy, Apigee
  • Web API设计, by Brian Mulloy, Apigee
  • Fielding's Dissertation 的REST博士论文
  • 云设计模式

验证你的微服务 :


  • 每项服务都有单一责任。
  • 服务之间没有回路通信(类似java里面的loop service,层A的服务调用层B,层B的服务反过来调用层A的服务)。如果将功能拆分为两个服务导致它们过于繁琐,则可能是这些功能属于同一服务的症状。
  • 每项服务都很小,可以由一个独立工作的小团队建立。
  • 没有相互依赖性需要在锁定步骤中部署两个或更多服务。始终可以在不重新部署任何其他服务的情况下部署服务。
  • 服务没有紧密耦合,可以独立发展。
  • 您的服务边界不会产生数据一致性或完整性问题。有时,通过将功能集成到单个微服务中来保持数据一致性非常重要。也就是说,考虑一下你是否真的需要强一致性。有解决分布式系统中最终一致性的策略,分解服务的好处往往超过管理最终一致性的挑战。



-Alison Jarris



  • 单一目的 - 每项服务应专注于一个目的并做得好。
  • 松耦合 - 服务彼此知之甚少。对一项服务的更改不应要求更改其他服务。服务之间的通信应仅通过公共服务接口进行。
  • 高内聚性 - 每项服务将所有相关行为和数据封装在一起。如果我们需要构建新功能,则所有更改应仅本地化为一个服务。
  • From Xiao Ma article


Scale Cube,由Martin L. Abbott和Michael T. Fisher定义。该模型解释了如何通过实施三维方法实现无限扩展。


•	水平复制和克隆(X轴)
•	功能分解和分割 - 微服务(Y轴)
•	水平数据分区 - 碎片(Z轴)


Scale Cube(图片提供:microservices.io)

  • https://microservices.io/articles/scalecube.html
  • https://akfpartners.com/growth-blog/scale-cube/
  • https://www.infoq.com/articles/microservices-intro
  • https://medium.com/@cinish/microservices-architecture-5da90504f92a
  • https://github.com/vaquarkhan/awesome-scalability



  • https://dzone.com/articles/microservices-vs-soa-whats-the-difference
  • http://www.soa4u.co.uk/2015/04/a-word-about-microservice-architectures.html



  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGFRbOq4fmQ



“[miniservice]就像一组微服务在一个小模式中聚集在一起。” — Ross Garrett

每个微服务必须处理自己的数据,miniservices可以共享数据。“ — Arnaud Lauret

不要将架构优雅性与商业价值混为一谈。“ — Ross Garrett

利用对我有意义并获得大部分功能优势的实践,“ says Ross Garrett.

  • https://searchmicroservices.techtarget.com/feature/Miniservices-may-deliver-much-to-microservices-purists-chagrin
  • https://thenewstack.io/miniservices-a-realistic-alternative-to-microservices/




DDD通过将大型模型划分为不同的有界上下文并明确其相互关系来处理大型模型。 Martin fowler



  • https://github.com/vaquarkhan/Domain-driven-design


  • Companies about their experiences using microservices:
  • How we build microservices at Karma
  • How we ended up with microservices at SoundCloud
  • Microservices: lessons from the frontline
  • Scaling microservices at Gilt with Scala, Docker and AWS
  • Walmart Successfully Revitalized its Failing Architecture with Microservices
  • Spotify Builds User Experience with Microservices
  • Adopting Microservices at Netflix: Lessons for Architectural Design
  • One Call expand the transport network beyond popular ride-sharing services
  • Etsy Moved to an API-First Architecture:
  • Best Buy transformation.:
  • Cradlepoint:
  • virtusa:
  • [Uber Engineering:] (https://eng.uber.com/building-tincup/)
  • [Lessons From the Birth of Microservices at Google :] (https://dzone.com/articles/lessons-from-the-birth-of-microservices-at-google)
  • Cloud Native Journey in Synchrony Financial:
  • Capital one Building Microservices on AWS using Serverless Framework :


编排 vs 编舞








  • Conductor是一个编排引擎(Netflix编排框架)
  • https://netflix.github.io/conductor/
  • Zeebe是用于分布式微服务的新型开源编排引擎。它允许用户使用BPMN直观地定义编排流程。Zeebe具有水平可扩展性和容错能力,因此您可以在事件发生时可靠地处理所有事务。
  • https://zeebe.io/


  • 您是一名协调员,数据和职能的协调员。你不是改变着,请不要介入业务规则,避免搞乱其他人的架构。

  • 推荐的包括Saga模式,路由单和状态工作流。每种模式都具有一定程度的复杂性。研究并将正确的模式与您的业务流程相匹配。

  • https://medium.com/capital-one-tech/microservices-when-to-react-vs-orchestrate-c6b18308a14c




  • AKF Scale Cube - 微服务扩展模型
  • Benchmark Requirements for Microservices Architecture Research ?PDF - Set of requirements that may be useful in selecting a community-owned architecture benchmark to support repeatable microservices research.
  • Building Microservices? Here is What You Should Know - A practical overview, based on real-world experience, of what one would need to know in order to build Microservices.
  • CALM ?PDF - Consistency as logical monotonicity.
  • Canary Release - Technique to reduce the risk of introducing a new software version in production by slowly rolling out the change to a small subset of users before rolling it out to the entire infrastructure and making it available to everybody.
  • CAP Theorem - States that it is impossible for a distributed computer system to simultaneously provide all three of the following guarantees: Consistency, Availability and Partition tolerance.
  • Cloud Design Patterns - Contains twenty-four design patterns that are useful in cloud-hosted applications. Includes: Circuit Breaker, Competing Consumers, CQRS, Event Sourcing, Gatekeeper, Cache-Aside, etc.
  • Microservice Architecture - Particular way of designing software applications as suites of independently deployable services.
  • Microservices and SOA - Similarities, differences, and where we go from here.
  • Microservices – Please, don’t - Critical advice about some problems regarding a microservices approach.
  • Microservices RefCard - Getting started with microservices.
  • Microservices Trade-Offs - Guide to ponder costs and benefits of the mircoservices architectural style.
  • Reactive Manifesto - Reactive systems definition.
  • Reactive Streams - Initiative to provide a standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back pressure.
  • ROCAS ?PDF - Resource Oriented Computing for Adaptive Systems.
  • SECO ?PDF - Understanding software ecosystems: a strategic modeling approach.
  • Service Discovery in a Microservice Architecture - Overview of discovery and registration patterns.
  • Testing Strategies in a Microservice Architecture - Approaches for managing the additional testing complexity of multiple independently deployable components.
  • Your Server as a Function ?PDF - Describes three abstractions which combine to present a powerful programming model for building safe, modular, and efficient server software: Composable futures, services and filters.
  • A Journey into Microservices
  • Clean microservice architecture
  • Failing at microservices
  • How to talk to your friends about microservices
  • Monolith first


  • Bla Bla Microservices Bla Bla - A talk at the O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference, April 2016.
  • Challenges in Implementing MicroServices - A presentation at GOTO 2015 by Fred George.
  • Microservices - A presentation at GOTO Berlin 2014 by Martin Fowler.


  • Developing a RESTful Microservice in Python - A story of how an aging Java project was replaced with a microservice built with Python and Flask.
  • Developing and Testing Microservices With Docker - An example of the processes involved in creating a simple Docker-packaged Node microservice.
  • Game On! - Microservices architecture explained in the context of an old-school text-based adventure game.
  • Microservices without the Servers - Step by step demo-driven talk about serverless architecture.
  • Microservices in C#: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5.
  • Microservices with Python, RabbitMQ and Nameko
  • Reactive Microservices - Project showcasing different microservice communication styles using Scala, Akka, Play and other tools from Scala ecosystem.
  • Using Packer and Ansible to build immutable infrastructure


  • Building Microservices ?PDF - Building Microservices: Designing Fine-grained Systems. Sam Newman. Preview Edition.
  • Microservice Architecture: Aligning Principles, Practices, and Culture - Practical advice for the strategy and design of Microservices.
  • Microservices in Action - A practical book about building and deploying microservice-based applications.
  • Microservice Patterns - Teaches how to build applications with the microservice architecture and how to refactor a monolithic application to a microservices.
  • Microservices from Theory to Practice - Microservices from Theory to Practice: Creating Applications in IBM Bluemix Using the Microservices Approach. IBM Redbooks publication.
  • Migrating to Cloud Native Application Architectures - This O’Reilly report defines the unique characteristics of cloud native application architectures such as microservices and twelve-factor applications.
  • Testing Microservices with Mountebank - Provides a testing strategy using mountebank for service virtualization, promoting independent releases of Microservices
  • The Art of Scalability - The Art of Scalability: Scalable Web Architecture, Processes, and Organizations for the Modern Enterprise. Martin L. Abbott, Michael T. Fisher.
  • The New Stack eBook Series - A Comprehensive Overview of the Docker and Container Ecosystem.
    • Book 1: The Docker Container Ecosystem.
    • Book 2: Applications & Microservices with Docker & Containers.
    • Book 3: Automation & Orchestration with Docker & Containers.
    • Book 4: Network, Security & Storage with Docker & Containers.
    • Book 5: Monitoring & Management with Docker & Containers.
  • The Tao of Microservices - Teaches the path to understanding how to apply microservices architecture with your own real-world projects.
    • IBM Redbook - IBM Red book
  • Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder
  • The Black Swan
  • Implementing Domain-Driven Design
  • Building Micro Services - Sam Newman
  • Building Micro Services - Sam Newman Downloadable preview edition
  • Antifragile Software - Russ Miles
  • software-architecture-patterns from O`REILLY in English
  • Production Ready Microservices - Susan J. Fowler
  • Microservices in Production - Susan J. Fowler (free ebook)
  • Microservices with Docker, Flask, and React - Michael Herman
  • Microservices on AWS


  • Microservices Resource Guide - Martin Fowler's choice of articles, videos, books, and podcasts that can teach you more about the microservices architectural style.
  • Microservice Patterns - Microservice architecture patterns and best practices.
  • Microservice Antipatterns and Pitfalls - Microservice mostly known antipatterns and pitfalls.
  • The 12-Factors App - A methodology for building software-as-a-service applications.


  • Building-microservices
  • Microservices-patterns-and-applications


  • https://www.restapitutorial.com/lessons/restfulresourcenaming.html



No about url
1 What are the Advantages of Microservices? - Sam Newman - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KV3j3MZTXgk
2 Design Microservice Architectures the Right Way - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6ow-UemzBc
3 Mastering Chaos - A Netflix Guide to Microservices - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ3wIuvmHeM
4 API Academy Microservices Boot Camp @ CA World: Designing a Microservices Architecture -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZNSPKxAd5w
5 Data Strategies for Microservice Architectures - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_V8hBRoshY
6 Refactor your Java EE application using Microservices and Containers by Arun Gupta -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJVW7v8O9BU
7 Principles Of Microservices by Sam Newman s -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFQnNFe27kU
8 PGOTO 2016 • Appsec and Microservices • Sam Newman - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlt7nCRWx_w
9 Avoiding Microservice Megadisasters - Jimmy Bogard - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfh-VCTwMw8
10 10 Tips for failing badly at Microservices by David Schmitz - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0tjziAQfNQ
11 Lessons from the Birth of Microservices at Google - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fz1PoXqxAZc
12 Event Sourcing You are doing it wrong by David Schmitz - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzrZworHpIk
13 The hardest part of microservices is your data - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrV0DqTqpFU
14 Data Design and Modeling for Microservices - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPtLbSEFe6c
15 The Art of Discovering Bounded Contexts by Nick Tune - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ez9GWESKG4I
16 The challenges of migrating 150+ microservices to Kubernetes -Sarah Wells (Financial Times) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgI3cOdv87I&feature=youtu.be
17 Revitalizing Aging Architectures with Microservices - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPGCdziXlHU


No about url
1 Developing Microservices with Aggregates Chris Richardson - https://www.infoq.com/presentations/aggregates-modular-microservices
2 Top 5+ Microservices Architecture and Design Best Practices Ajitesh Kumar - https://dzone.com/articles/top-5-microservices-architecture-and-design-best-p
3 Microservices: Patterns and Practices Panel C. Richardson, R. Shoup, L. Ryan, R. Tangirala, and R. Schloming participate in a discussion on microservices and the challenges faced at scale, the strategies to use and more. -https://www.infoq.com/presentations/microservices-patterns-practices-panel
4 Microservices Patterns Red Hat Videos - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YzzxrSIQGw
5 7 Microservice Patterns Explained (Ivar Grimstad) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IFVBfLBl1Y
6 Three Microservice Patterns to Tear Down Your Monoliths - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84W9iY3CwdQ
7 14 Architectural patterns for microservice development - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVZS1HZrlEw
8 Reducing Microservices Architecture Complexity with Istio and Kubernetes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k42jqkjtYKY
9 Developing Microservices with Aggregates - https://www.infoq.com/presentations/aggregates-modular-microservices
10 The Seven Deadly Sins of Microservices by Daniel Bryant - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jw6TYEb1Opw
11 Microservices Anti-Patterns - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I56HzTKvZKc



No url
1 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/microservice-poc
2 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/robot-shop
3 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/awesome-microservices
4 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/microservice-docker-project
5 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/flowing-retail-microservice-kafka
6 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/spring-boot-microservices-series
7 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/A-curated-list-of-Microservice
8 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/sample-spring-microservices
9 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/microservice-kafka
10 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/oreilly-building-microservices-training
11 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/micromono
12 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/spring-cloud-microservice-example
13 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/jwt-microservices-JavaRoadStorm2016
14 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/micro
15 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/microservices-centralized-configuration
16 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/micro-company
17 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/PiggyMetrics-microservice-poc
18 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/spring-cloud-microservice
19 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/CQRS-microservice-sampler
20 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/Microservices-Deployment-Cookbook
21 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/storyteller-microservices
22 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/microservice-security
23 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/microservices-demo
24 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/spring-cloud-microservices-ELKStack
25 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/event-stream-processing-microservices
26 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/FraudDetection-Microservices-gemfire
27 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/microservice-sampler
28 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/microserviceApplication
29 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/Microservices-With-Spring-Student-Files
30 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/spring-boot-netflix-microservice-demo
31 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/spring-netflix-oss-microservices
32 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/rest-microservices
33 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/cloud-native-microservice-strangler-example
34 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/microservices-SpringCloud-netflix
35 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/knowledge-driven-microservice
36 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/event-driven-microservices-platform
37 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/devnexus-microservice-sample
38 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/microservices
39 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/Spring-Microservices
40 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/bootiful-microservices
41 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/vk-microservices-with-spring-cloud
42 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/cf-SpringBootTrader-microservice
43 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/Refactor-monolith-to-microservices
44 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/microservices-dashboard
45 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/microservice-camel-in-action
46 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/cloud-native-app-microservice-labs
47 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/spring-boot-8-microservices
48 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/building-microservices
49 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/spring-doge-microservice
50 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/microservice-service-registration-and-discovery
51 - https://github.com/ewolff/microservice
52 - https://github.com/semplify/Reactive-Microservice-Training
53 - https://gitlab.com/training-microservices-2018-06
54 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/train-ticket
55 - https://github.com/cer/event-sourcing-examples
56 - https://github.com/finn-no/Docker-and-Microservices
57 - https://github.com/nielskrijger/auth-server
58 - https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/
59 - https://github.com/vaquarkhan/ftgo-application
60 - https://github.com/IBM/GameOn-Java-Microservices-on-Kubernetes



No about url
1 Don’t Build a Distributed Monolith - https://www.microservices.com/talks/dont-build-a-distributed-monolith/
2 In this talk from the API360 Microservices Summit in New York, June 2016, Vijay Alagarasan of Asurion explores lessons learned and anti-patterns to avoid when implementing microservices. - https://www.apiacademy.co/resources/videos/api360-microservices-summit-microservices-anti-patterns
3 Microservices Anti-Patterns - https://vimeo.com/198927025
4 Microservices Anti-Patterns - https://vimeo.com/118020043
5 API360 Microservices Summit – Microservices Antipatterns – Vijay Alagarasan, Asurion - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTGIrzzmcv8
6 Stefan Tilkov - Microservices Patterns and Anti-patterns - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaYmRe104HU
7 10 Tips for failing badly at Microservices by David Schmitz - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0tjziAQfNQ
8 10 Tips for failing badly at Microservices by David Schmitz -https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/microservices-antipatterns-and/9781491963937/video255789.html

文章 链接

No about url
1 Twitter - https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs
2 Facebook - https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs
3 LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/developers#
4 Google - https://developers.google.com/+/web/api/rest/latest/activities/list
8 Microservices in Practice - Key Architectural Concepts of an MSA - https://wso2.com/whitepapers/microservices-in-practice-key-architectural-concepts-of-an-msa/
9 Guidelines for Designing Microservices - https://medium.com/@WSO2/guidelines-for-designing-microservices-71ee1997776c
10 Microservices Resource Guide - https://www.martinfowler.com/microservices/
10 5 guiding principles you should know before you design a microservice - https://opensource.com/article/18/4/guide-design-microservices
11 Pattern: Microservice Architecture - https://microservices.io/patterns/microservices.html
12 Scaling Uber from 1 to 100s of Services - https://www.microservices.com/talks/scaling-uber-from-1-to-100s-of-services/
13 tagged by: domain driven design - https://martinfowler.com/tags/domain%20driven%20design.html
14 DDD - The Bounded Context Explained - http://blog.sapiensworks.com/post/2012/04/17/DDD-The-Bounded-Context-Explained.aspx
15 MicroservicePrerequisites - https://martinfowler.com/bliki/MicroservicePrerequisites.html
16 DevOpsCulture - https://martinfowler.com/bliki/DevOpsCulture.html
17 What are Cloud-Native Applications? - https://pivotal.io/cloud-native
18 JSONP - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2067472/what-is-jsonp-all-about
19 Microservices architecture style - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/architecture/guide/architecture-styles/microservices
20 Microservices architecture - https://samnewman.io/talks/principles-of-microservices/
21 Designing microservices: Identifying microservice boundaries - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/architecture/microservices/microservice-boundaries
22 DDD Strategic Patterns: How to Define Bounded Contexts - https://dzone.com/articles/ddd-strategic-patterns-how-to-define-bounded-conte
23 Microservices - https://martinfowler.com/articles/microservices.html
24 Daniel Jacobson on Ephemeral APIs and Continuous Innovation at Netflix - https://www.infoq.com/news/2015/11/daniel-jacobson-ephemeral-apis
25 Versioning - https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/versioning
26 Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 -https://semver.org/
27 RESTful API Design. Best Practices in a Nutshell. - https://blog.philipphauer.de/restful-api-design-best-practices/
28 Rest API Tutorial - https://restfulapi.net/resource-naming/
29 REST API Design - Resource Modeling -https://www.thoughtworks.com/insights/blog/rest-api-design-resource-modeling
30 Improve time to market with microservices -https://www.ibm.com/cloud/garage/architectures/microservices?cm_sp=Blog-_-blogcta-_-ArchCenter
31 Digital Applications using a Microservice Architecture -https://github.com/ibm-cloud-architecture/refarch-cloudnative


No about url
1 Seven Microservices Anti-patterns - https://www.infoq.com/articles/seven-uservices-antipatterns
2 Microservices Anti-patterns: It’s All About the People - https://opencredo.com/blogs/microservices-anti-patterns-its-all-about-the-people/
3 The 7 Deadly Sins of Microservices - https://opencredo.com/blogs/7-deadly-sins-of-microservices/
4 Microservices? Please, Don't - https://dzone.com/articles/microservices-please-dont
5 How Anti-Patterns Can Stifle Microservices Adoption in the Enterprise - https://blog.appdynamics.com/engineering/how-to-avoid-antipatterns-with-microservices/





  1. 在考虑消费者的情况下构建API  - 作为产品本身。

    • 不适用于特定的UI。
    • 拥抱每个端点的灵活性/可调性(参见#5,6和7)。
    • 吃你自己的狗食,即使你必须模拟一个示例UI。
  2. 使用Collection Metaphor。

    • 每个资源有两个URL(端点):
      • 资源集合(例如/订单)
      • 集合中的单个资源(例如/ orders / {orderId})。
    • 使用复数形式('order'而不是'order')。
    • 具有ID作为URL节点的备用资源名称(例如/ orders / {orderId} / items / {itemId})
    • 保持网址尽可能短。优选地,每个URL不超过三个节点。
  3. 使用名词作为资源名称(例如,不要在URL中使用动词)。

  4. 使资源表示有意义。

    • “没有无意义的ID!“响应中没有嵌入无意义的ID。使用链接和引用对象。
    • 设计资源表示。不要简单地展示数据库表内容。
    • 合并表示。不要将关系表公开为两个ID。
  5. 支持对集合进行过滤,排序和分页。

  6. 支持链接扩展关系。允许客户端通过包含其他表示而不是链接或扩展链接来扩展响应中包含的数据。

  7. 支持对资源的实地剪裁。允许客户端减少响应中返回的字段数。

  8. 使用HTTP方法名称来表示某些内容:

    • POST  - 创建和其他非幂等操作。
    • PUT  - 更新。
    • GET  - 获取资源或集合。
    • DELETE - 删除资源或集合。
  9. 使用有意义的HTTP状态代码。

    • 200 - 成功。
    • 201 -创建。成功创建新资源后返回。包含“位置”标题,其中包含指向新创建资源的链接。
    • 400 - 误的请求。数据问题,例如无效的JSON等。
    • 404 -未找到。在GET上找不到资源。
    • 409 - 冲突。将发生重复数据或无效数据状态。
  10. 将ISO 8601时间点格式用于表示中的日期。

  11. 通过利用链接策略来考虑连通性。一些流行的例子是:

    • HAL
    • Siren
    • JSON-LD
    • Collection+JSON
  12. 使用 OAuth2 保护您的API。

    • 使用承载令牌进行身份验证。
    • TTPS / TLS / SSL才能访问您的API。OAuth2持有者令牌需要它。通过HTTP进行的非加密通信允许简单的窃听和模拟。
  13. 使用Content-Type协商来描述传入的请求有效负载。

    例如,假设您正在评级,包括竖起大拇指缩小和五星评级。您有一条路线可以创建评级: POST /ratings


    为每种评级类型创建一条路线: POST /ratings/five_star and POST /ratings/thumbs_up

    但是,通过使用Content-Type协商,我们可以对两种类型使用相同的POST /评级路由。通过将请求上的Content-Type标头设置为Content-Type:application / vnd.company.rating.thumbsup或Content-Type:application / vnd.company.rating.fivestar,服务器可以确定如何处理传入的评级数据。

  14. 版本化的演变。但是,如果是版本控制,请使用Accept标头而不是URL中的版本控制。

    • 通过URL进行版本控制表示“平台”版本,并且必须同时对整个平台进行版本控制以启用链接策略。
    • 通过Accept标头进行版本控制是对资源进行版本控制。
    • 添加JSON响应不需要版本控制。但是,添加到“必需”的JSON请求主体很麻烦 - 可能需要进行版本控制。
    • 超媒体链接和版本控制无论如何都很麻烦 - 最小化它。
    • 请注意,URL中的版本虽然不鼓励,但可以用作“平台”版本。它应该显示为路径中的第一个节点,而不是不同版本的单个端点(例如api.example.com/v1 / ...)。
  15. 考虑缓存能力。至少应使用以下响应标头:

    • ETag  - 表示版本的任意字符串。确保在哈希值中包含媒体类型,因为这会产生不同的表示形式。(例如:ETag:“686897696a7c876b7e”)
    • 日期 - 返回响应的日期和时间(RFC1123格式)。(例如:日期:太阳报,1994年11月6日08:49:37 GMT)
    • Cache-Control  - 可以缓存响应的最大秒数(最大年龄)。但是,如果响应不支持缓存,则no-cache是​​值。(例如:Cache-Control:360或Cache-Control:no-cache)
    • Expires  - 如果给出max age,则包含响应到期时的时间戳(RFC1123格式),即Date(例如now)加上max age的值。如果响应不支持缓存,则此标头不存在。(例如:Expires:Sun,1994年11月6日08:49:37 GMT)
    • Pragma  - 当Cache-Control为'no-cache'时,此标头也设置为'no-cache'。否则,它不存在。(例如:Pragma:no-cache)
    • Last-Modified  - 最后修改资源本身的时间戳(采用RFC1123格式)。(例如:Last-Modified:Sun,1994年11月6日08:49:37 GMT)
  16. 确保您的GET,PUT和DELETE操作都是 幂等. 操作不应产生不良副作用。


这些指南旨在支持真正的RESTful API。以下是一些例外情况:

  • 将API的版本号放在URL中(参见下面的示例)。不接受任何未指定版本号的请求。
  • 允许用户像这样请求JSON或XML等格式:
    • http://example.gov/api/v1/magazines.json
    • http://example.gov/api/v1/magazines.xml


RESTful URL的一般准则

  • URL标识资源。
  • 网址应包含名词,而不是动词。
  • 使用复数名词只是为了一致性(没有单数名词)。
  • Use HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to operate on the collections and elements.
  • 您不应该比资源/标识符/资源更深入。
  • 将版本号放在URL的基础,例如 http://example.com/v1/path/to/resource.
  • URL v. header:
    • 如果它更改了您编写的逻辑以处理响应,请将其放入URL中。
    • 如果它没有更改每个响应的逻辑,例如OAuth信息,请将其放在header中。
  • 在逗号分隔列表中指定可选字段。
  • 格式应采用api / v2 / resource / {id} .json的形式


  • 杂志列表:
    • GET http://www.example.gov/api/v1/magazines.json
  • 过滤一个查询:
    • GET http://www.example.gov/api/v1/magazines.json?year=2011&sort=desc
    • GET http://www.example.gov/api/v1/magazines.json?topic=economy&year=2011
  • 代表单一杂志的JSON格式:
    • GET http://www.example.gov/api/v1/magazines/1234.json
  • 本杂志中(或属于)该杂志的所有文章:
    • GET http://www.example.gov/api/v1/magazines/1234/articles.json
  • 本杂志中的所有文章都是XML格式:
    • GET http://example.gov/api/v1/magazines/1234/articles.xml
  • 在逗号分隔列表中指定可选字段:
    • GET http://www.example.gov/api/v1/magazines/1234.json?fields=title,subtitle,date
  • 在特定杂志中添加新文章:
    • POST http://example.gov/api/v1/magazines/1234/articles


  • 非复数名词:
    • http://www.example.gov/magazine
    • http://www.example.gov/magazine/1234
    • http://www.example.gov/publisher/magazine/1234
  • 网址中的动词:
    • http://www.example.gov/magazine/1234/create
  • 在查询字符串之外过滤
    • http://www.example.gov/magazines/2011/desc


应使用HTTP谓词或方法,以符合HTTP / 1.1标准下的定义。对表示采取的行动将与正在处理的媒体类型及其当前状态有关。以下是HTTP谓词如何映射到特定上下文中的创建,读取,更新,删除操作的示例:

/dogs Create new dogs List dogs Bulk update Delete all dogs
/dogs/1234 Error Show Bo If exists, update Bo; If not, error Delete Bo

(Web应用程序设计示例,作者:Brian Mulloy,Apigee。)


  • 键中没有值
  • 没有内部特定的名称(例如“节点”和“分类术语”)
  • 元数据应仅包含响应集的直接属性,而不包含响应集成员的属性



"tags": [
  {"id": "125", "name": "Environment"},
  {"id": "834", "name": "Water Quality"}



"tags": [
  {"125": "Environment"},
  {"834": "Water Quality"}



  "status" : 400,
  "developerMessage" : "Verbose, plain language description of the problem. Provide developers
   suggestions about how to solve their problems here",
  "userMessage" : "This is a message that can be passed along to end-users, if needed.",
  "errorCode" : "444444",
  "moreInfo" : "http://www.example.gov/developer/path/to/help/for/444444,


  • 200 - OK
  • 400 - 坏的请求
  • 500 - 服务器内部错误


  • 永远不要在没有版本号的情况下发布API。
  • 版本应为整数,而不是十进制数,前缀为“v”。例如:
    • Good: v1, v2, v3
    • Bad: v-1.1, v1.2, 1.3
  • 维护至少一个历史版本的API。


  • 如果未指定限制,则返回具有默认限制的结果。
  • 要获取记录51到75,请执行以下操作:
    • http://example.gov/magazines?limit=25&offset=50
    • offset=50 意思是'跳过前50条记录'
    • limit=25意味着'最多返回25条记录'


    "metadata": {
        "resultset": {
            "count": 227,
            "offset": 25,
            "limit": 25
    "results": []



  • GET /magazines
  • GET /magazines/[id]
  • POST /magazines/[id]/articles

GET /magazines

例子: http://example.gov/api/v1/magazines.json


    "metadata": {
        "resultset": {
            "count": 123,
            "offset": 0,
            "limit": 10
    "results": [
            "id": "1234",
            "type": "magazine",
            "title": "Public Water Systems",
            "tags": [
                {"id": "125", "name": "Environment"},
                {"id": "834", "name": "Water Quality"}
            "created": "1231621302"
            "id": 2351,
            "type": "magazine",
            "title": "Public Schools",
            "tags": [
                {"id": "125", "name": "Elementary"},
                {"id": "834", "name": "Charter Schools"}
            "created": "126251302"
            "id": 2351,
            "type": "magazine",
            "title": "Public Schools",
            "tags": [
                {"id": "125", "name": "Pre-school"},
            "created": "126251302"

GET /magazines/[id]

例子: http://example.gov/api/v1/magazines/[id].json


    "id": "1234",
    "type": "magazine",
    "title": "Public Water Systems",
    "tags": [
        {"id": "125", "name": "Environment"},
        {"id": "834", "name": "Water Quality"}
    "created": "1231621302"

POST /magazines/[id]/articles

例子: Create – POST http://example.gov/api/v1/magazines/[id]/articles


        "title": "Raising Revenue",
        "author_first_name": "Jane",
        "author_last_name": "Smith",
        "author_email": "[email protected]",
        "year": "2012",
        "month": "August",
        "day": "18",
        "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eget ante ut augue scelerisque ornare. Aliquam tempus rhoncus quam vel luctus. Sed scelerisque fermentum fringilla. Suspendisse tincidunt nisl a metus feugiat vitae vestibulum enim vulputate. Quisque vehicula dictum elit, vitae cursus libero auctor sed. Vestibulum fermentum elementum nunc. Proin aliquam erat in turpis vehicula sit amet tristique lorem blandit. Nam augue est, bibendum et ultrices non, interdum in est. Quisque gravida orci lobortis... "
  • https://www.ics.uci.edu/~fielding/pubs/dissertation/rest_arch_style.htm#sec_5_2_1_1



  • https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud





Spring Cloud

Spring Cloud为开发人员提供了工具,可以快速构建分布式系统中的一些常见模式,例如配置管理,服务发现,断路器,路由等。它构建于用Java开发人员编写的基于Java的Netflix OSS库之上(现在还有ali oss)。


  • Spring Platform自身提供的统一编程模型和Spring Boot的快速应用程序创建功能为开发人员提供了良好的微服务开发体验。例如,只需很少注释,您就可以创建一个配置服务器,只需要几个注释,就可以获得客户端库来配置您的服务。

  • 有大量的库可以解决大多数运行时问题。由于所有库都是用Java编写的,因此它提供了多种功能,更好的控制和微调选项。

  • 不同的Spring Cloud库彼此很好地集成在一起。例如,Feign客户端还将使用Hystrix进行电路中断,使用Ribbon进行负载均衡请求。一切都是注释驱动,使Java开发人员易于开发。


  • Spring Cloud的一个主要优点也是它的缺点 - 它仅限于Java。MSA的一个强大动机是能够在需要时交换技术堆栈,库甚至语言。Spring Cloud无法做到这一点。如果您想要使用Spring Cloud / Netflix OSS基础结构服务,例如配置管理,服务发现或负载平衡,那么解决方案并不优雅。Netflix Prana项目实现了边车模式,以通过HTTP公开基于Java的客户端库,使得以非JVM语言编写的应用程序可以存在于NetflixOSS生态系统中,但它并不是非常优雅。

  • Java开发人员需要关心和处理Java应用程序的责任。每个微服务都需要运行各种客户端以进行配置检索,服务发现和负载平衡。设置它们很容易,但这并不会隐藏构建时和运行时对环境的依赖性。例如,开发人员可以使用@EnableConfigServer创建一个配置服务器,但这只是一个快速的路径。每次开发人员想要运行单个微服务时,他们都需要启动并运行Config Server。对于受控环境,开发人员必须考虑使Config Server具有高可用性,并且由于它可以由Git或Svn支持,因此它们需要一个共享文件系统。同样,对于服务发现,开发人员需要首先启动Eureka服务器。对于受控环境,他们需要在每个AZ等上集中多个实例。感觉就像Java开发人员除了实现所有功能服务之外还必须构建和管理非平凡的微服务平台。

  • 单独的Spring Cloud在微服务之旅中的范围较短,开发人员还需要考虑自动部署,调度,资源管理,进程隔离,自我修复,构建管道等,以获得完整的微服务体验。对于这一点,我认为将Spring Cloud单独与Kubernetes进行比较是不公平的,Spring Cloud + Cloud Foundry(或Docker Swarm)和Kubernetes之间的比较更公平。但这也意味着,对于完整的端到端微服务体验,Spring Cloud必须补充一个像Kubernetes本身这样的应用平台。




  • Kubernetes是一个多语言和语言无关的容器管理平台,能够运行云原生和传统的容器化应用程序。它提供的服务(例如配置管理,服务发现,负载平衡,度量收集和日志聚合)可以通过各种语言使用。这允许组织中的一个平台可供多个团队(包括使用Spring的Java开发人员)使用并用于多种目的:应用程序开发,测试环境,构建环境(运行源代码控制系统,构建服务器,工件存储库)等。

  • 与Spring Cloud相比,Kubernetes解决了更广泛的MSA问题。除了提供运行时服务之外,Kubernetes还允许您配置环境,设置资源约束,RBAC,管理应用程序生命周期,启用自动扩展和自我修复(Kubernetes行为几乎就像一个可以抵御混乱的自愈平台)。

  • Kubernetes技术基于Google 15年的研发和管理容器的经验。此外,有近1000个提交者,它是Github上最活跃的开源社区之一。


  • Kubernetes是多语言,因此,它的服务和原语是通用的,并没有针对不同的平台进行优化,例如Spring Cloud for JVM。例如,配置作为环境变量或已安装的文件系统传递给应用程序。它没有Spring Cloud Config提供的精美配置更新功能。

  • Kubernetes不是一个专注于开发人员的平台。它旨在供具有DevOps意识的IT人员使用。因此,Java开发人员需要学习一些新概念,并乐于学习解决问题的新方法。尽管使用MiniKube启动Kubernetes的开发人员实例非常容易,但是手动安装高可用性Kubernetes集群会产生大量的操作开销。

  • Kubernetes仍然是一个相对较新的平台(2年),它仍在积极开发和发展。因此,每个版本都添加了许多可能难以跟上的新功能。好消息是已经设想了这个,并且API是可扩展和向后兼容的。

From Bilgin Ibryam Article

  • Spring Cloud for Microservices Compared to Kubernetes

  • Microservicios 2.0: Spring Cloud Netflix vs Kubernetes & Istio




  • Aglio - API Blueprint renderer with theme support that outputs static HTML.
  • API Blueprint - Tools for your whole API lifecycle. Use it to discuss your API with others. Generate documentation automatically. Or a test suite. Or even some code.
  • Apidoc - Beautiful documentation for REST services.
  • RAML - RESTful API Modeling Language, a simple and succinct way of describing practically-RESTful APIs.
  • Slate - Beautiful static documentation for your API.
  • Spring REST Docs - Document RESTful services by combining hand-written documentation with auto-generated snippets produced with Spring MVC Test.
  • Swagger - A simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API.


  • Crtauth - A public key backed client/server authentication system.
  • Dex - Opinionated auth/directory service with pluggable connectors. OpenID Connect provider and third-party OAuth 2.0 delegation.
  • JWT - JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties.
  • Keycloak - Full-featured and extensible auth service. OpenID Connect provider and third-party OAuth 2.0 delegation.
  • Light OAuth2 - A fast, lightweight and cloud native OAuth 2.0 authorization microservices based on light-java.
  • Login With - Stateless login-with microservice for Google, FB, Github, and more.
  • OAuth - Provides specific authorization flows for web applications, desktop applications, mobile phones, and living room devices. Many implementations.
  • OpenID Connect - Libraries, products, and tools implementing current OpenID specifications and related specs.
  • OSIAM - Open source identity and access management implementing OAuth 2.0 and SCIMv2.
  • SCIM - System for Cross-domain Identity Management.
  • Vault - Secures, stores, and tightly controls access to tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys, and other secrets in modern computing.
  • RFC5246 - The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2.
  • RFC6066 - TLS Extensions.
  • RFC6347 - Datagram Transport Layer Security Version 1.2.
  • RFC6749 - The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework.
  • RFC7515 - JSON Web Signature (JWS) represents content secured with digital signatures or Message Authentication Codes (MACs) using JSON-based data structures.
  • RFC7519 - JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties.
  • RFC7642 - SCIM: Definitions, overview, concepts, and requirements.
  • RFC7643 - SCIM: Core Schema, provides a platform-neutral schema and extension model for representing users and groups.
  • RFC7644 - SCIM: Protocol, an application-level, REST protocol for provisioning and managing identity data on the web.
  • OIDCONN - OpenID Connect 1.0 is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. It allows clients to verify the identity of the end-user based on the authentication performed by an Authorization Server, as well as to obtain basic profile information about the end-user in an interoperable and REST-like manner.


  • Avro - Apache data serialization system providing rich data structures in a compact, fast, binary data format.
  • BooPickle - Binary serialization library for efficient network communication. For Scala and Scala.js
  • Cap’n Proto - Insanely fast data interchange format and capability-based RPC system.
  • CBOR - Implementations of the CBOR standard (RFC 7049) in many languages.
  • Cereal - C++11 library for serialization.
  • Cheshire - Clojure JSON and JSON SMILE encoding/decoding.
  • Etch - Cross-platform, language and transport-independent framework for building and consuming network services.
  • Fastjson - Fast JSON Processor.
  • Ffjson - Faster JSON serialization for Go.
  • FST - Fast java serialization drop in-replacemen.
  • Jackson - A multi-purpose Java library for processing JSON data format.
  • Jackson Afterburner - Jackson module that uses bytecode generation to further speed up data binding (+30-40% throughput for serialization, deserialization).
  • Kryo - Java serialization and cloning: fast, efficient, automatic.
  • MessagePack - Efficient binary serialization format.
  • Protostuff - A serialization library with built-in support for forward-backward compatibility (schema evolution) and validation.
  • SBinary - Library for describing binary formats for Scala types.
  • Thrift - The Apache Thrift software framework, for scalable cross-language services development.


  • Apache Hive - Data warehouse infrastructure built on top of Hadoop.
  • Apache Cassandra - Column-oriented and providing high availability with no single point of failure.
  • Apache HBase - Hadoop database for big data.
  • Aerospike ![c] - High performance NoSQL database delivering speed at scale.
  • ArangoDB - A distributed free and open source database with a flexible data model for documents, graphs, and key-values.
  • AtlasDB - Transactional layer on top of a key value store.
  • ClickHouse - Column-oriented database management system that allows generating analytical data reports in real time.
  • CockroachDB ![c] - A cloud-native SQL database modelled after Google Spanner.
  • Couchbase - A distributed database engineered for performance, scalability, and simplified administration.
  • Crate ![c] - Scalable SQL database with the NoSQL goodies.
  • Datomic - Fully transactional, cloud-ready, distributed database.
  • Druid - Fast column-oriented distributed data store.
  • Elasticsearch - Open source distributed, scalable, and highly available search server.
  • Elliptics - Fault tolerant distributed key/value storage.
  • Geode - Open source, distributed, in-memory database for scale-out applications.
  • Infinispan - Highly concurrent key/value datastore used for caching.
  • InfluxDB - Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics.
  • Manta - Highly scalable, distributed object storage service with integrated compute.
  • MemSQL ![c] - High-performance, in-memory database that combines the horizontal scalability of distributed systems with the familiarity of SQL.
  • OpenTSDB - Scalable and distributed time series database written on top of Apache HBase.
  • Parquet - Columnar storage format available to any project in the Hadoop ecosystem, regardless of the choice of data processing framework, data model or programming language.
  • Reborn - Distributed database fully compatible with redis protocol.
  • RethinkDB - Open source, scalable database that makes building realtime apps easier.
  • Secure Scuttlebutt - P2P database of message-feeds.
  • Tachyon - Memory-centric distributed storage system, enabling reliable data sharing at memory-speed across cluster frameworks.
  • Voldemort - Open source clone of Amazon DynamoDB
  • VoltDB ![c] - In-Memory ACID compliant distributed database.


  • Goreplay - A tool for capturing and replaying live HTTP traffic into a test environment.
  • Mitmproxy - An interactive console program that allows traffic flows to be intercepted, inspected, modified and replayed.
  • Mountebank - Cross-platform, multi-protocol test doubles over the wire.
  • Spring Cloud Contract - TDD to the level of software architecture.
  • VCR - Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests. See the list of ports for implementations in other languages.
  • Wilma - Combined HTTP/HTTPS service stub and transparent proxy solution.
  • WireMock - Flexible library for stubbing and mocking web services. Unlike general purpose mocking tools it works by creating an actual HTTP server that your code under test can connect to as it would a real web service.


  • Awesome CI/CD DevOps - 精选的持续集成,持续交付和DevOps工具列表。


“任何设计系统的组织,必然会产生以下设计结果:即其结构就是该组织沟通结构的写照。” -  Melvin Conway(1967)。



“微服务”: - “微服务我们主要遵循域驱动的方法,我们的想法是建立一个跨职能的团队。”

  • Create smaller, multi-functional teams that are no bigger than what two pizzas can feed


灵感来自于 coming soon....

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