

      • 函数流程
      • 源码注释


参考自 H.266/VVC-VTM代码学习19-CU层确定测试模式函数initCULevel, VVC中CTU的编码,块划分以及qp的决策 - 知乎 (zhihu.com),本文主要讲解VTM18.0中的EncModeCtrlMTnoRQT::initCULevel的流程,该函数在EncCu::xCompressCU的开始被调用,将需要测试的划分模式和编码模式加入堆栈。主要步骤:

1、确定最大和最小搜索深度,如果开启Large CTU,会根据周围块的深度进行调整


3、添加划分模式,默认添加顺序是QT、TTV、TTH、BTV 、BTH和Non-split,因为是保存在堆栈中,测试顺序相反。值得注意的是,当current CU的 QtDepth 小于左侧和上侧相邻CU的 QtDepth 时,或者 current CU的决策深度较浅时,会将QT的测试顺序放在BT之前。此外,QT和TT共用一套QP range,BT单独使用一套QP range

4、添加测试模式,此时的QP range是Non-split的,包括 intra、inter、IBC 和 palette等模式



// VTM18.0
void EncModeCtrlMTnoRQT::initCULevel( Partitioner &partitioner, const CodingStructure& cs )
  // 该函数主要完成编码端RD cost的模式筛选,并加入各种划分模式和inter intra模式等至RDO列表
  // Min/max depth
  unsigned minDepth = 0;
  unsigned maxDepth = floorLog2(cs.sps->getCTUSize()) - floorLog2(cs.sps->getMinQTSize( m_slice->getSliceType(), partitioner.chType ));
  // 最大搜索深度 = log(CTU_Size / minQTSize), by default log(128 / 4) = 5
  if( m_pcEncCfg->getUseFastLCTU() )
    if( auto adPartitioner = dynamic_cast( &partitioner ) )
      // LARGE CTU
      // 根据当前块的临近块拓展maxDepth和minDepth
      adPartitioner->setMaxMinDepth( minDepth, maxDepth, cs );

  // 写入最大和最小深度
  m_ComprCUCtxList.push_back( ComprCUCtx( cs, minDepth, maxDepth, NUM_EXTRA_FEATURES ) ); 

  const CodingUnit* cuLeft  = cs.getCU( cs.area.blocks[partitioner.chType].pos().offset( -1, 0 ), partitioner.chType );
  const CodingUnit* cuAbove = cs.getCU( cs.area.blocks[partitioner.chType].pos().offset( 0, -1 ), partitioner.chType );

  // 如果左侧CU和上方CU存在,而且存在CU的qtDepth大于当前CU的QT深度,则在BT之前尝试QT划分(默认顺序是non-split, BTH, BTV, TTH, QT)
  // 如果都不存在,Width >= 32 * 2^depth and Width > minQTSize * 2, 也将QT提前到BT之前
  const bool qtBeforeBt = ( (  cuLeft  &&  cuAbove  && cuLeft ->qtDepth > partitioner.currQtDepth && cuAbove->qtDepth > partitioner.currQtDepth )
                         || (  cuLeft  && !cuAbove  && cuLeft ->qtDepth > partitioner.currQtDepth )
                         || ( !cuLeft  &&  cuAbove  && cuAbove->qtDepth > partitioner.currQtDepth )
                         || ( !cuAbove && !cuLeft   && cs.area.lwidth() >= ( 32 << cs.slice->getDepth() ) ) )
                         && ( cs.area.lwidth() > ( cs.pcv->getMinQtSize( *cs.slice, partitioner.chType ) << 1 ) );

  // set features
  ComprCUCtx &cuECtx  = m_ComprCUCtxList.back();
  cuECtx.set( DO_TRIH_SPLIT,        1 );
  cuECtx.set( DO_TRIV_SPLIT,        1 );
  cuECtx.set( BEST_IMV_COST,        MAX_DOUBLE * .5 );
  cuECtx.set( BEST_NO_IMV_COST,     MAX_DOUBLE * .5 );
  cuECtx.set( QT_BEFORE_BT,         qtBeforeBt );
  cuECtx.set( DID_QUAD_SPLIT,       false );
  cuECtx.set( IS_BEST_NOSPLIT_SKIP, false );
  cuECtx.set( MAX_QT_SUB_DEPTH,     0 );

  // QP
  int baseQP = cs.baseQP;  // Slice级别的QP
  // SepTree 包括 帧内的Dual tree,以及帧间的local dual Tree
  if (!partitioner.isSepTree(cs) || isLuma(partitioner.chType))  // joint Tree 或者 luma 分量
    if (m_pcEncCfg->getUseAdaptiveQP())
      // baseQP 取 -(6 * (m_bitDepth[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA] - 8) 和 63 和 sliceQP + delta 中的中值
      baseQP = Clip3(-cs.sps->getQpBDOffset(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA), MAX_QP, baseQP + xComputeDQP(cs, partitioner));
    else if (m_pcEncCfg->getUsePerceptQPA() && !m_pcEncCfg->getUseRateCtrl() && cs.pps->getUseDQP() && cs.slice->getCuQpDeltaSubdiv() > 0)
      const PreCalcValues &pcv = *cs.pcv;

      if ((partitioner.currArea().lwidth() < pcv.maxCUWidth) && (partitioner.currArea().lheight() < pcv.maxCUHeight) && cs.picture)
        const Position    &pos = partitioner.currQgPos;
        const unsigned mtsLog2 = (unsigned)floorLog2(std::min (cs.sps->getMaxTbSize(), pcv.maxCUWidth));
        const unsigned  stride = pcv.maxCUWidth >> mtsLog2;

        baseQP = cs.picture->m_subCtuQP[((pos.x & pcv.maxCUWidthMask) >> mtsLog2) + stride * ((pos.y & pcv.maxCUHeightMask) >> mtsLog2)];
    if (m_pcEncCfg->getLumaLevelToDeltaQPMapping().isEnabled())
      if (partitioner.currQgEnable())
        m_lumaQPOffset = calculateLumaDQP (cs.getOrgBuf (clipArea (cs.area.Y(), cs.picture->Y())));
      baseQP = Clip3 (-cs.sps->getQpBDOffset (CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA), MAX_QP, baseQP - m_lumaQPOffset);
    if (m_pcEncCfg->getSmoothQPReductionEnable())
      int smoothQPoffset = 0;
      if (partitioner.currQgEnable())
        // enable smooth QP reduction on selected frames
        bool checkSmoothQP = false;
        if (m_pcEncCfg->getSmoothQPReductionPeriodicity() != 0)
          checkSmoothQP = ((m_pcEncCfg->getSmoothQPReductionPeriodicity() == 0) && cs.slice->isIntra()) || (m_pcEncCfg->getSmoothQPReductionPeriodicity() == 1) || ((cs.slice->getPOC() % m_pcEncCfg->getSmoothQPReductionPeriodicity()) == 0);
          checkSmoothQP = ((m_pcEncCfg->getSmoothQPReductionPeriodicity() == 0) && cs.slice->isIntra());
        if (checkSmoothQP)
          bool isIntraSlice = cs.slice->isIntra();
          if (isIntraSlice)
            smoothQPoffset = calculateLumaDQPsmooth(cs.getOrgBuf(clipArea(cs.area.Y(), cs.picture->Y())), baseQP, m_pcEncCfg->getSmoothQPReductionThresholdIntra(), m_pcEncCfg->getSmoothQPReductionModelScaleIntra(), m_pcEncCfg->getSmoothQPReductionModelOffsetIntra(), m_pcEncCfg->getSmoothQPReductionLimitIntra());
            smoothQPoffset = calculateLumaDQPsmooth(cs.getOrgBuf(clipArea(cs.area.Y(), cs.picture->Y())), baseQP, m_pcEncCfg->getSmoothQPReductionThresholdInter(), m_pcEncCfg->getSmoothQPReductionModelScaleInter(), m_pcEncCfg->getSmoothQPReductionModelOffsetInter(), m_pcEncCfg->getSmoothQPReductionLimitInter());
      baseQP = Clip3(-cs.sps->getQpBDOffset(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA), MAX_QP, baseQP + smoothQPoffset);
  // 以下是在base QP附近设定minQP和maxQP,再RD 测试两者之间的所有取值,确定最佳的minQP和maxQP
  int minQP = baseQP;
  int maxQP = baseQP;
  xGetMinMaxQP( minQP, maxQP, cs, partitioner, baseQP, *cs.sps, *cs.pps, CU_QUAD_SPLIT );  // 针对四叉树和三叉树

  bool checkIbc = true;
  if (partitioner.chType == CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA)
    checkIbc = false;
  // Add coding modes here
  // NOTE: Working back to front, as a stack, which is more efficient with the container
  // NOTE: First added modes will be processed at the end.
  // 注意:划分模式是先入后出

  // Add unit split modes
  // 添加划分模式进入测试列表

  if( !cuECtx.get( QT_BEFORE_BT ) )
    for( int qp = maxQP; qp >= minQP; qp-- )  // 遍历可能的QP参数
      m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_SPLIT_QT, ETO_STANDARD, qp } );  // if not qt_before_bt, then push back QT_mode

  if( partitioner.canSplit( CU_TRIV_SPLIT, cs ) )
    // add split modes
    for( int qp = maxQP; qp >= minQP; qp-- )
      m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_SPLIT_TT_V, ETO_STANDARD, qp } );    // 三叉树竖直划分

  if( partitioner.canSplit( CU_TRIH_SPLIT, cs ) )
    // add split modes
    for( int qp = maxQP; qp >= minQP; qp-- )
      m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_SPLIT_TT_H, ETO_STANDARD, qp } );    // 三叉树水平划分

  int minQPq = minQP;
  int maxQPq = maxQP;
  xGetMinMaxQP( minQP, maxQP, cs, partitioner, baseQP, *cs.sps, *cs.pps, CU_BT_SPLIT );  // 针对二叉树
  if( partitioner.canSplit( CU_VERT_SPLIT, cs ) )
    // add split modes
    for( int qp = maxQP; qp >= minQP; qp-- )
      m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_SPLIT_BT_V, ETO_STANDARD, qp } );  // 二叉树竖直划分
    m_ComprCUCtxList.back().set( DID_VERT_SPLIT, true );
    m_ComprCUCtxList.back().set( DID_VERT_SPLIT, false );

  if( partitioner.canSplit( CU_HORZ_SPLIT, cs ) )
    // add split modes
    for( int qp = maxQP; qp >= minQP; qp-- )
      m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_SPLIT_BT_H, ETO_STANDARD, qp } );  // 二叉树水平划分
    m_ComprCUCtxList.back().set( DID_HORZ_SPLIT, true );
    m_ComprCUCtxList.back().set( DID_HORZ_SPLIT, false );

  if( cuECtx.get( QT_BEFORE_BT ) )
    for( int qp = maxQPq; qp >= minQPq; qp-- )
      m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_SPLIT_QT, ETO_STANDARD, qp } );   // QT优先于BT划分

  m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_POST_DONT_SPLIT } );  // 不划分

  xGetMinMaxQP( minQP, maxQP, cs, partitioner, baseQP, *cs.sps, *cs.pps, CU_DONT_SPLIT );  // 设置不划分的QP,即当前块的intra inter IBC等模式需要test的QP range

  int  lowestQP = minQP;

  // Add unit coding modes: Intra, InterME, InterMerge ...
  // 添加单元编码模式
  bool tryIntraRdo = true;  // 是否尝试Intra mode RDO
  bool tryInterRdo = true;  // 是否尝试Inter mode RDO
  bool tryIBCRdo   = true;
  if( partitioner.isConsIntra() )
    tryInterRdo = false;  
  else if( partitioner.isConsInter() )
    tryIntraRdo = tryIBCRdo = false;
  checkIbc &= tryIBCRdo;

  for( int qpLoop = maxQP; qpLoop >= minQP; qpLoop-- )
    const int  qp       = std::max( qpLoop, lowestQP );
    const bool isReusingCu = isValid( cs, partitioner, qp );
    cuECtx.set( IS_REUSING_CU, isReusingCu );
    if( isReusingCu )
      m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( {ETM_RECO_CACHED, ETO_STANDARD, qp} );
    // add intra modes
    if( tryIntraRdo )
      if (cs.slice->getSPS()->getPLTMode()
          && (partitioner.treeType != TREE_D || cs.slice->isIntra()
              || (cs.area.lwidth() == 4 && cs.area.lheight() == 4))
          && getPltEnc())
        m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back({ ETM_PALETTE, ETO_STANDARD, qp });  // paletee mode, 屏幕内容编码的一种模式
      m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back({ ETM_INTRA, ETO_STANDARD, qp });
      if (cs.slice->getSPS()->getPLTMode() && partitioner.treeType == TREE_D && !cs.slice->isIntra()
          && !(cs.area.lwidth() == 4 && cs.area.lheight() == 4) && getPltEnc())
        m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back({ ETM_PALETTE, ETO_STANDARD, qp });
    // add ibc mode to intra path
    if (cs.sps->getIBCFlag() && checkIbc)
      m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back({ ETM_IBC,         ETO_STANDARD,  qp });
      if (partitioner.chType == CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA)
        m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back({ ETM_IBC_MERGE,   ETO_STANDARD,  qp });

  // add first pass modes
  if ( !m_slice->isIntra() && !( cs.area.lwidth() == 4 && cs.area.lheight() == 4 ) && tryInterRdo )
    for( int qpLoop = maxQP; qpLoop >= minQP; qpLoop-- )
      const int  qp       = std::max( qpLoop, lowestQP );
      if (m_pcEncCfg->getIMV())
        m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back({ ETM_INTER_ME,  EncTestModeOpts( 4 << ETO_IMV_SHIFT ), qp });  
      if( m_pcEncCfg->getIMV() || m_pcEncCfg->getUseAffineAmvr() )
        int imv = m_pcEncCfg->getIMV4PelFast() ? 3 : 2;
        m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_INTER_ME, EncTestModeOpts( imv << ETO_IMV_SHIFT ), qp } );
        m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_INTER_ME, EncTestModeOpts( 1 << ETO_IMV_SHIFT ), qp } );
      // add inter modes
      if( m_pcEncCfg->getUseEarlySkipDetection() )
        if( cs.sps->getUseGeo() && cs.slice->isInterB() )
          m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_MERGE_GEO, ETO_STANDARD, qp } );
        m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_MERGE_SKIP,  ETO_STANDARD, qp } );
        if (cs.sps->getUseAffine() || (cs.sps->getSbTMVPEnabledFlag() && cs.slice->getPicHeader()->getEnableTMVPFlag()))
          m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_AFFINE,    ETO_STANDARD, qp } );
        m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_INTER_ME,    ETO_STANDARD, qp } );
        m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_INTER_ME,    ETO_STANDARD, qp } );
        if( cs.sps->getUseGeo() && cs.slice->isInterB() )
          m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_MERGE_GEO, ETO_STANDARD, qp } );
        m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_MERGE_SKIP,  ETO_STANDARD, qp } );
        if (cs.sps->getUseAffine() || (cs.sps->getSbTMVPEnabledFlag() && cs.slice->getPicHeader()->getEnableTMVPFlag()))
          m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back( { ETM_AFFINE,    ETO_STANDARD, qp } );
      if (m_pcEncCfg->getUseHashME())
        int minSize = min(cs.area.lwidth(), cs.area.lheight());
        if (minSize < 128 && minSize >= 4)
          m_ComprCUCtxList.back().testModes.push_back({ ETM_HASH_INTER, ETO_STANDARD, qp });
