push eax — push eax on the stack
push [var] — push the 4 bytes at address var onto the stack
pop — Pop stack
pop 指令从栈中取出一个数据放入指定寄存器或内存中。pop 指令首先移动地址为 [ESP] 位置的内存单元中的数据到指定寄存器或内存,然后再将 ESP 加 4。用法如下:
pop edi — pop the top element of the stack into EDI.
pop [ebx] — pop the top element of the stack into memory at the four bytes starting at location EBX.
lea edi, [ebx+4*esi] — the quantity EBX+4*ESI is placed in EDI.
lea eax, [var] — the value in var is placed in EAX.
lea eax, [val] — the value val is placed in EAX.
3.2 算术/逻辑指令(Arithmetic and Logic Instructions)
add — Integer Addition
add 指令将两个操作数相加,结果存储到第一个操作数中。用法如下:
add ,
add ,
add ,
add ,
add ,
add eax, 10 — EAX ← EAX + 10
add BYTE PTR [var], 10 — add 10 to the single byte stored at memory address var
sub — Integer Subtraction
sub 指令将两个操作数相减,结果存储到第一个操作数中。用法如下:
sub ,
sub ,
sub ,
sub ,
sub ,
sub al, ah — AL ← AL - AH
sub eax, 216 — subtract 216 from the value stored in EAX
inc, dec — Increment, Decrement
inc 指令将操作数的内容加一,而 dec 指令将操作数的内容减一。用法如下:
dec eax — subtract one from the contents of EAX.
inc DWORD PTR [var] — add one to the 32-bit integer stored at location var
imul eax, [var] — multiply the contents of EAX by the 32-bit contents of the memory location var. Store the result in EAX.
imul esi, edi, 25 — ESI → EDI * 25
idiv ebx — divide the contents of EDX:EAX by the contents of EBX. Place the quotient in EAX and the remainder in EDX.
idiv DWORD PTR [var] — divide the contents of EDX:EAX by the 32-bit value stored at memory location var. Place the quotient in EAX and the remainder in EDX.
and, or, xor — Bitwise logical and, or and exclusive or
and,or,xor 指令分别对两个操作数作与、或、异或操作,结果存入第一个操作数中。用法如下:
and ,
and ,
and ,
and ,
and ,
or ,
or ,
or ,
or ,
or ,
xor ,
xor ,
xor ,
xor ,
xor ,
and eax, 0fH — clear all but the last 4 bits of EAX.
xor edx, edx — set the contents of EDX to zero.
ret 指令实现子程序的返回。该指令首先从栈弹出 call 指令保存的代码执行位置,然后无条件返回到该位置继续执行。
四、调用约定(Calling Convention)
为了加强程序员之间的协作及简化程序开发进程,设定一个函数调用约定非常必要,函数调用约定规定了函数调用及返回的规则,只要遵照这种规则写的程序均可以正确执行,从而程序员不必关心诸如参数如何传递等问题;另一方面,在汇编语言中可以调用符合这种规则的高级语言所写的函数,从而将汇编语言程序与高级语言程序有机结合在一起。有了这个约定,我们就可以在汇编代码中调用 C 函数,或者在 C 代码中调用汇编实现的函数。
调用约定分为两个方面,及调用者约定和被调用者约定,如一个函数 A 调用一个函数 B,则 A 被称为调用者 (Caller),B 被称为被调用者 (Callee)。
push [var] ; Push last parameter first
push 216 ; Push the second parameter
push eax ; Push first parameter last
call _myFunc ; Call the function (assume C naming)
add esp, 12
PUBLIC _myFunc
_myFunc PROC
; Subroutine Prologue
push ebp ; Save the old base pointer value.
mov ebp, esp ; Set the new base pointer value.
sub esp, 4 ; Make room for one 4-byte local variable.
push edi ; Save the values of registers that the function
push esi ; will modify. This function uses EDI and ESI.
; (no need to save EBX, EBP, or ESP)
; Subroutine Body
mov eax, [ebp+8] ; Move value of parameter 1 into EAX
mov esi, [ebp+12] ; Move value of parameter 2 into ESI
mov edi, [ebp+16] ; Move value of parameter 3 into EDI
mov [ebp-4], edi ; Move EDI into the local variable
add [ebp-4], esi ; Add ESI into the local variable
add eax, [ebp-4] ; Add the contents of the local variable
; into EAX (final result)
; Subroutine Epilogue
pop esi ; Recover register values
pop edi
mov esp, ebp ; Deallocate local variables
pop ebp ; Restore the caller's base pointer value
_myFunc ENDP
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package com.bijian.thread;
public class MyThread extends Thread {
private static ThreadLocal tl = new ThreadLocal() {
protected synchronized Object initialValue() {
return new Inte
var v = 'C9CFBAA3CAD0';
var arr = v.split('');
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i ++) {
if (i % 2 == 0) arr[i] = '%' + arr[i];