How can you face the pressure from your study positively?

        "I'm fed up with study!"  I am convinced that we all used to think about it. Students are always sick and tired with study under the pressure from homework, exam, relationship and so on. Therefore, it is essential to know how we can take messures to relieve the study pressure.

          To begin with, I'd like to suggest you face the pressure optimistically, which is of great importance. It is inevitable for us to meet the trouble in our daily life. Don't be afraid of it or back off. What you should do is to set your mind to cope with it.

          Secondly, talking with someone is an effective approach to relieve the pressure. Not only can you chat with your friends, but also talk to parents as well as your teachers. Usually, You can adopt some useful advice from them.

          There's no doubt that doing something that can delight yourself is a good method. Every time I was overcomed with depression, I would play basketball and challenge doing something I couldn't accomplish before. Once I succeeded, it would definitely bring me confidence.

          In a word, if you take these useful advice that I come up with, some desirable result may come out unexpectedly. So why not have a try?

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