
《Principles》 by Ray Dalio 阅读笔记 会持续更新

fundamental principle:

Truth—more precisely, an accurate understanding of reality—is the essential foundation for producing good outcomes.

  • I believe that we all get rewarded andpunished according to whether we operate in harmony or in conflict with nature’s laws
  • I believe that pursuing self-interest in harmony with the laws of the universe and contributing toevolution is universally rewarded
  • Look at what caused people to make a lot of money and you willsee that usually it is in proportion to their production of what the society wanted and largely unrelated totheir desire to make money.
  • the most important quality thatdifferentiates successful people from unsuccessful people is our capacity to learn and adapt to these things.
  • most people don’t like reflecting on their weaknesses even though recognizing them is an essential step towardpreventing them from causing them problems. Most people especially dislike others exploring their weaknesses because it makes them feel attacked, which produces fight or flight reactions; however,having others help one find one’s weaknesses is essential because it’s very difficult to identify one’s own.Most people don’t like helping others explore their weaknesses, even though they are willing to talk aboutthem behind their backs.

The personal evolutionary process
——the quality of our lives depends on the quality ofthe decisions we make.

Reality+Dreams+Determination=A Successful Life
what is success? I believe that it is nothing more than getting what you want
This basic principle suggests that you can follow one o ftwo paths to happiness:
1) have high expectations and strive to exceed them。
2) lower your expectations so that they are at or below your conditions.
Most of us choose the first path, which means that to be happy we have to keep evolving.

Your Most Important Choices
——the quality of our lives depends on the quality of the decisions we make.

Five Choice

1.Pain + Reflection = Progress

2.face harsh reality .people who know that understanding what is real is the first step toward optimally dealing with it make better decisions.So, remember that........................Ask yourself, “Is it true?”

3.People who worry about looking good typically hide what they don’t know and hide their weaknesses, so they never learn how to properly deal with them and these weaknesses remain impediments in the future,what it your biggest weakness?

4.People who overweigh the first-order consequences of their decisions and ignore the effects thatthe second- and subsequent-order consequences will have on their goals rarely reach theirgoals. for example, the first-order consequences ofexercise (pain and time-sink) are commonly considered undesirable, while the second-order consequences (better health and more attractive appearance) are desirable.

5.People who blame bad outcomes on anyone or anything other than themselves are behaving in a waythat is at variance with reality, and subversive to their progress.

your machines


While having the right design is essential, it is only half the battle. It is equally important to put theright people in each of these positions.

if your outcomes are inconsistent if your outcomes are inconsistent you should modify your either modify your design/culture or modify your people

high level thinking—— look down on at your machine and yourself objectively,you are both the designer and participants

what are you good at and bad at?you should fire yourself sometimes

The biggest mistake most people make is to not see themselves and others objectively.
