005 - 熊市还在延续,锚定币大热起来~| 推文简报



据cryptovest 报道,随着熊市的延续,各种锚定法币的数字货币又热了起来,来一起看几个选段:

Trading BTC has fallen out of favor, dropping continuously, but this time, for days, BTC trades have been below the 30% mark, and down to 27%. The slack has been taken up by Tether (USDT) trading, which exploded over the weekend. USDT trading now takes up more than 22% of the entire crypto market, for volumes around $3.5 billion. At the same time, BTC volumes hover around $4 billion.

随着比特B连续下跌,比特B交易已经失宠,连日来,比特B交易一直低于30%,并下降到27%。而本周末爆发的 Tether(USDT)交易,则弥补了这一疲软态势。 USDT 交易现在占整个数字货币交易市场的22%以上,交易量约为35亿美元。 与此同时,比特B 的交易量徘徊在40亿美元左右。


The latest move to fixed-priced coins has also led to the constant increase in TrueUSD (TUSD) volumes. The supply of coins has increased to more than 72.8 million. What is curious is that the most active pairing is between TUSD and USDT on Binance, taking up nearly 50% of all TUSD exchanges.

最近大家纷纷涌向锚定法币的币,这也导致了 TrueUSD (TUSD) 交易量的持续增加。现在这个币的供应量已经增至超过7280万。 有个现象令人好奇,那就是,这个币最活跃的交易对是币安上的TUSD/USDT 交易对,在所有上架TUSD 交易所里,占了将近50%。

One possible explanation is that TUSD is used as a fiat on-ramp to acquire Tethers, which are paired with more tokens. The other possible explanation is that Tethers are transformed into TUSD, as the project inspires more trust for its monthly banking balance reviews. Buying and selling TUSD is relatively balanced, although there is a third option - a form of arbitrage as the coins fluctuate a few cents up and down.

对这种情况,有一个可能的解释是,人们拿 TUSD 做一个法币入口,好买USDT,毕竟 USDT 的交易对更多。 另一个可能的解释是,人们把手上的USDT 转成 TUSD,因为 TUSD 这个项目每个月都有银行结存审计,更加受人信任。 TUSD 交易的买入量、卖出量是相对平衡的,尽管还有一种可能 ——  有人利用它上下波动几美分的机会来套利。

点睛:整段话都没有太难的词语,注意一下「arbitrage」,解释是「The purchase of securities on one market for immediate resale on another market in order to profit from a price discrepancy.」,就是套利。我们币圈常说的「搬砖」,也是套利的一种。


Weiss 评级近期表示,熊市的结束,很大程度上依赖监管……

#Winklevoss twins have patent for exchange-traded-fund. When regulators finally give #crypto funds the green light, expect a rush of new money into the market.



Cryptodaily says #TRON, #EOS, #NANO, #ZILLIQA, #Binance will be the break-out coins of the month. Right now, the only one outperforming is Binance. The others are dead in the water. Expect a bounce in #Bitcoin that will lift them all. #BTC #TRX #cryptocurrency #crypto

Cryptodaily 说波场、EOS、Nano、ZIL、币安币会成为这个月窜升的币。现在,唯一一个跑赢市场的币就是币安币。其他币还是一潭死水。预计比特B一个反弹,会把它们都拉起来。

Weiss 还点评了几个币最近的表现:

#TRON (Weiss Rating, C+): MainNet is “launched.” But technology is not ready. Why such a big rush to market?



#Elastos (Weiss Rating: C-) aims to replace Apple App store and Google Play. Good. But first focus on strong #DLT. 

亦来云(评级C-)的目标是要取代苹果应用商店、Google Play 市场。不错。不过还是先专注把你的分布式账本做强吧。


In #EOS, your funds could be subject to centralized control. #Bitcoin is 100% censorship resistant. Which, however, is more scalable?



In #Ethereum, the code is the law, even if buggy. In #EOS, developers make new law as needed to fix bugs. 



点睛:Weiss 评级的推文,有时候情感不太好捉摸。他说这话,究竟是看好呢,还是不看好呢,还是……中立呢?我们这次特地标出来了,方便不熟悉他们推文风格的朋友参考。

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