Apple Review Reject By 1. 2 Safety: User Generated Content


Guideline 1.2 - Safety - User Generated Content

We found in our review that your app includes user-generated content but does not have all the required precautions. Apps with user-generated content must take specific steps to moderate content and prevent abusive behavior.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please revise your app to implement the following precaution:

A mechanism for users to block abusive users

Learn more about our policies for user-generated content in App Store Review Guideline 1.2.



  • 举报
  • 加入黑名单






此外,需要注意的是,推送消息也需要考虑是否拉黑,这个功能在服务器的Cloud Code中实现,推送时,从fromUser发送推送给toUser,需要考虑toUser是否拉黑了fromUser,如果是的话,则不需要发送推送。

下面是回答APPLE Review Team的内容

Thank for your comments。

I implemented a mechanism for users to block abusive users in 1.0 build 17。 The details are described as below:

  1. Add "Report User(举报)" functionality in User Profile View Controller。
  • Report User functionality will submit a message to Administrator with a reason。 Administrator will check the message and do Actions (like block account, etc) if reported user broke User Terms.
report user.png
  1. Add "Block User(加入黑名单)" functionality in User Profile View Controller。
  • User can add other users into his black list to prevent contents generated by them.

    block user.png
  1. Manage black list
  • User can check his black list in his User Profile View Controller and do further managing.
manage black list.png

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