motor train to spring“开往春天的列车”

motor train to spring

在家乡荆州, 这条城郊铁路S2线, 当每年3月底~4月初, 春暖花开,万紫千红时, 这趟列车线也迎来了它最美丽的时刻! 

白色动车邂逅粉嫩樱花, 恰似一趟开往春天的列车。时速350kg/h,全国范围3h速达, 我深刻体验到什么叫“中国速度”!

当我满怀信心希望, 搭乘上这趟希望列车, 我就坚信, 只要不懈努力, 我一定会奔向光明幸福的未来, 风驰电掣呼肃飞奔的银龙, 一定会载着我走向人生的春天!

看, 满山繁花, 如一幅明媚动人、春光无限的画卷......

motor train to spring

The train to spring. In my hometown, jingzhou, S2, a suburban railway line, welcomes the most beautiful moment every year from the end of march to the beginning of April, when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. When the white bullet train encounter pink cherry blossoms, just like a train to spring. I feel like I am riding this train of hope, full of confidence and hope, will be bound to a bright and happy future! Mountain flowers, such as a beautiful and moving, unlimited spring picture!

motor train to spring

motor train to spring

motor train to spring

motor train to spring

motor train to spring

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