淳朴又虔诚,牧羊人之爱 ——表白金曲 好歌推荐

牧羊恋歌"The passionate shepherd to his love"

威廉·霍尔曼 ·亨特 《牧羊人》

提到牧羊少年,你首先会想到什么? 蓬松的卷发,潇洒的布衫,嘴里叼着狗尾巴草,深情地望着远方的夕阳......

The passionate shepherd to his love 原是 克里斯托弗·马洛所作的一首诗,而歌手Deborah  Osherow重新编曲,将此曲收入了自己的专辑Kalliope's Grace(卡利奥佩的恩典),伴随着竖琴悠扬婉转的声音,柔和的男声将你带入一幅田园画卷中,把最真挚的爱唱给你听......

Kalliope's Grace 专辑封面  �

Come live with me and be my love,  来吧,和我生活在一起,做我的爱人

And we will all the pleasures prove.  这里将使我们快乐无边

That Valleys, groves, hills and fields,  这里有俊俏秀丽的山峦

Woods, or steepy mountain yields.  还有风光明媚的山谷田园

And we will sit upon the Rocks,   在那边,我俩坐在山岩上

seeing the Shepherd feed their flocks,  看牧羊人喂可爱的羔羊

By shallow Rivers to whose falls, 在浅浅的小溪旁

Melodious birds sing Madrigals.  鸟儿随着潺潺的溪水把爱情歌唱


And I will make the beds of Roses,  在那边,我将用玫瑰编一顶花冠

And a thousand fragrant posies,   用成千的花束做床

A cap of flowers, and a kirtle,  用香桃木的叶子织成长裙

Embroiderd all with leaves of Myrtle;  一切都献给你,绚丽与芬芳

A gown made of the finest wool, 从羊羔身上剪下最好的羊毛

Which from our pretty lambs we pull;  为你做防寒的鞋衬和长袍

Fair lined slippers for the cold,  用纯金为你制作鞋扣

With buckles of the purest gold;  该是多么珍贵,多么荣耀

A belt of straw and Amber studs;  常春藤和芳草做的腰带

And if these pleasures may thee move,   假如这些享受能打动你的心

Come live with me and be my love.  来吧,和我生活在一起,做我的爱人

The Sheperds' Swains shall dance and sing,  牧羊少年们在每个五月的早晨

For thy delight each May-morning;  将为你纵情舞蹈,高歌入云

If these delights thy mind may move,  假如这些快乐能打动你的心

Then live with me, and be my love.  来吧,和我生活在一起,做我的爱人

(袁广达 梁葆成 译)





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