
加载图片时有两种方法,一种是BitmapData直接加入已加载好图片的Loader,另一种是先将UrlLoader的加载模式 dataFormat设置为Byte类型 URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY,然后加载好图片后再用Loader的 loadBytes(bytes: ByteArray, context: LoaderContext = null): void 加载图片的byte,再将加载byte的Loader加入BitmapData中
用Loader的loadBytes(bytesArray)可以逐渐载入 图片
     import flash.display.Sprite;
     import flash.net.URLStream;
     import flash.net.URLRequest;
     import flash.display.Loader;
     import flash.utils.ByteArray;
     import flash.utils.getTimer;
     import flash.events.Event;
     import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
     import flash.display.Bitmap;
     import flash.display.BitmapData;
     import flash.geom.Rectangle;

     import flash.text.TextField;

     public class ImageProLoad extends Sprite{
         //define all the properties
         private var loader :Loader;
         private var imageStream :URLStream;
         private var imageData :ByteArray;

         private var tf :TextField;

         public function ImageProLoad() : void{
             tf = new TextField();
             tf.width = 500;
             tf.selectable = false;
             loadImage( "http://www.ezrabessaroth.net/images/oldinterioreb.bmp");

         private function init() : void{
            loader = new Loader();
            loader.cacheAsBitmap = true;
            imageStream = new URLStream();

         private function imageStreamProgress(event :ProgressEvent) : void{
             //if there are no bytes load, do nothing
             if (imageStream.bytesAvailable == 0) return;
             //process the data

         private function imageStreamComplete(event :Event) : void{
             //check if connection there, stop it
             if (imageStream.connected){

         private function processImageData() : void{
             //if connnected, read all the bytes in the byteArray;
             if (imageStream.connected){
                tf.text = "Bytes Loading: " + imageData.bytesAvailable;
             //clean all the data in the loader
             //push the aggregate byteArray data in the loader

         //function to loading the image
         private function loadImage(addr :String) : void{
             //check if the connection there, then stop it
             //for a new connection to be step up;
             if (imageStream.connected){
             //load a new image url
            imageStream.load( new URLRequest(addr + '?' +getTimer()));
             //clean the loader
             //create a new byteArray to store the aggregate data
            imageData = new ByteArray();

         //function to display the image
         private function displayImage(event :ProgressEvent) : void{
        } //end of the class
    } //end of the package
