The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck CH9

Chapter 9 And Then You Die


1. ️Have you thought about death or dying? How did you feel when you were thinking about them?

When I was sixteen, I experienced a traffic accident. At that moment of life and death, I felt I would not see my loved parents, sisters and friends again, and I would miss the world. 

2. How knowing “then you die” would affect the way we live? What is the sunny side of death?

When you experienced the death, you will treasure the life more. The sunny side of death is it can help us get rid of the worthless and trivial things and focus on more important things.

3. Did you have a transformational moment growing up? Something you would consider a wake-up call?

When I attended the Gaokao for the first time, I failed. I went into a deep depression that summer. Mom took me from one school to another in order to select a better school for me to resume the course. At that time, I realized life was so hard for me and I had to study hard, because it was the only way to change my fate. Since that moment I spent all my time on studying. Quickly I caught up with other students and got a satisfactory mark in the end. I also found the confidence back and felt growing up.


Oddly, it was someone else’s death that gave me permission to finally live. And perhaps the worst moment of my life was also the most transformational.


Because once we become comfortable with the fact of our own death—the root terror, the underlying anxiety motivating all of life’s frivolous ambitions—we can then choose our values more freely, unrestrained by the illogical quest for immortality, and freed from dangerous dogmatic views.


At one foot you feel like you’re floating. Anything but looking straight down feels as though you’re part of the sky itself. You actually kind of expect to fall at this point.


Dissolving one’s ego into an expansive nothingness—achieving the enlightened state of nirvana—is seen as a trial run of letting oneself cross to the other side.


Confronting the reality of our own mortality is important because it obliterates all the crappy, fragile, superficial values in life.

只有看透生死,才会抛开那些毫无意义的、脆弱的、肤浅的价值观。当大多数人整日追逐名和利,只有经历过生死的你,才会考虑生命的真正价值。就是在你离开时,你会给这个世界留下什么? 这个世界是否会因为你而变得更好?



1. The music droned on, but nobody listened.

droned on单调沉闷地拖下去

如:The meeting droned on for hours.

2. Still not putting two-and-two together, I hurried down to the shoreline,

put two and two together  根据事实推理

如:That’s when I put two-and-two together.

3. The autopsy would later say that his legs had cramped up due to dehydration from the alcohol,

cramped up抽筋

如:My Leg cramped up.

4. It’s why we feel compelled to spend so much time giving ourselves to others,

feel compelled to 感到必须 (做某事)

如:I feel compelled to study hard.

5. Then I look again to my right, at the little ants milling about the signage below me, snapping photos, chasing tour buses, on the off chance that somebody somehow sees me.

mill about 漫无目标地乱转

如:We are milling about in the airport.

on the off chance  对…抱微小的希望;只是碰碰运气

如:On the off chance, he would come out to have dinner with us.

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