

合并前的增量和历史数据有红色一对,和绿色一对 的号码是相同的。

因此可以认定,id是 10001 和 10003 是同一人。10002和10004是同一人。

最终取较小的id作为人员id,分别是合并结果集中的10001 和 10002。两个最后合并后的人员均有7个(8-1)各号码。





import com.test.utils.{Constants, LocalFileUtils, PropertyUtil, StringUtil}
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row, SparkSession}

import java.util.Properties
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.Set

 * 读取数据库的数据,把结果放到hdfs(如果使用本地测试则放置在项目目录下)的目录中
 * 生成forMerge目录
 * id:号码1 证件2 号码3 ...
 * idea本地调试参数:conf/ tmp_data/preProcess/
object DatabaseToFilesystem {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val textFilePath = args(0)
    val hdfsPath = args(1)

    val properties = PropertyUtil.getProperties(textFilePath)
    val jdbcProps = new Properties()
    jdbcProps.put("url", properties.getProperty("url"))
    jdbcProps.put("driver", properties.getProperty("driver"))
    jdbcProps.put("user", properties.getProperty("user"))
    jdbcProps.put("password", properties.getProperty("password"))

    val sparkConf = new SparkConf()
     * 生产环境使用
    //    val spark = SparkSession.builder().appName("Preprocess").enableHiveSupport().config(sparkConf).getOrCreate()
    //    测试需要在run configuration 添加参数:conf/ tmp_data/preprocess

    //    分区表使用,用于加快数据读取
    val predicates =
        "19900101" -> "20050101",
        "20050101" -> "20060101",
        "20060101" -> "20070101",
        "20070101" -> "20080101",
        "20080101" -> "20090101",
        "20090101" -> "20100101",
        "20100101" -> "20110101",
        "20110101" -> "20120101",
        "20120101" -> "20130101",
        "20130101" -> "20140101",
        "20140101" -> "20150101",
        "20150101" -> "20160101",
        "20160101" -> "20170101",
        "20170101" -> "20180101",
        "20180101" -> "20190101",
        "20190101" -> "20200101",
        "20200101" -> "20210101",
        "20210101" -> "20220101",
        "20220101" -> "20230101",
        "20230101" -> "20240101",
        "20240101" -> "20250101",
        "20250101" -> "20260101",
        "20260101" -> "20270101",
        "20270101" -> "20280101",
        "20280101" -> "20290101",
        "20290101" -> "20300101",
        "20300101" -> "20310101",
        "20310101" -> "20320101",
        "20320101" -> "20330101",
        "20330101" -> "20340101",
        "20340101" -> "20350101",
        "20350101" -> "20360101",
        "20360101" -> "20370101",
        "20370101" -> "20380101",
        "20380101" -> "20390101",
        "20390101" -> "20400101",
        "20400101" -> "20410101",
        "20410101" -> "20420101",
        "20420101" -> "20430101",
        "20430101" -> "20440101",
        "20440101" -> "20450101",
        "20450101" -> "20460101",
        "20460101" -> "20470101",
        "20470101" -> "20480101",
        "20480101" -> "20490101",
        "20490101" -> "20500101"
      ).map {
        case (start, end) =>
          s"slrq >= '$start'::date AND slrq < '$end'::date"

     * 生产环境读取数据库
    val increaseRdd: RDD[(String, mutable.Set[String])]
    ="url"), tableName, predicates, jdbcProps) => {
      val recordId = getStrDefault(r.getAs[String]("mr_id_sq"))
      val sfzh = getStrDefault(r.getAs[String]("sfzjxx"))
      val gazj = getStrDefault(r.getAs[String]("gazjxx"))
      val xczj = getStrDefault(r.getAs[String]("xczjxx"))
      var sbzj = getStrDefault(r.getAs[String]("sbzjxx"))
      val set = Set(sfzh, gazj, xczj, sbzj).filter(StringUtil.isNotNull(_))
      (recordId, set)
    }).filter(x => x._2 != null && !x._2.isEmpty).repartition(10).cache()

     * 测试环境使用
    val spark = SparkSession.builder().appName("Preprocess").master("local[*]").config(sparkConf).getOrCreate()
    val tableName = properties.getProperty("tableName")

     * 以下是测试代码
     * 手动生成数据
    val sc = spark.sparkContext
    val resultPath = "tmp_data/result/history"
    LocalFileUtils.deleteDir(new File(resultPath))
    //  测试代码:初始化历史的内容-begin
    val histroyList = List(
      ("10001", Set("sfzh10001", "gazj10001", "xczj10001", "sbzj10001"))
    val historyRdd = sc.makeRDD(histroyList)
    println("historyRdd: ")
    historyRdd.foreach(println) => {
      val id = ele._1
      val hmString = ele._2.toList.sorted.mkString(" ")
      id + ":" + hmString
      .saveAsTextFile(resultPath, classOf[GzipCodec])
    //  测试代码:初始化历史的内容-end

    LocalFileUtils.deleteDir(new File(hdfsPath))
    val increaseList = List(
      ("10002", Set("sfzh10002", "gazj10002", "xczj10002", "sbzj10002"))
      , ("10003", Set("sfzh10001", "gazj10003", "xczj10003", "sbzj10003"))
      , ("10004", Set("sfzh10002", "gazj10004", "xczj10004", "sbzj10004"))
    val increaseRdd = sc.makeRDD(increaseList) // 测试代码
    println("increaseRdd: ")
    increaseRdd.foreach(println) => {
      val id = ele._1
      val hmSet = ele._2
      //  替换掉字符串中的空格
      val regStr = "\\s"
      val hmString = => hm.replaceAll(regStr, "")).toList.sorted.mkString(" ")
      id + ":" + hmString
      //      .saveAsTextFile(hdfsPath + "/merge", classOf[GzipCodec]);
      .saveAsTextFile(hdfsPath + "/forMerge", classOf[GzipCodec]); // 测试代码

  def getStrDefault(str: String): String = {
    if (str == null) null else str


IDsMergeFunc.scala  - 合并程序功能类

import com.test.utils.{Constants, LocalFileUtils, MD5Util, StringsRandom}
import org.apache.spark.{HashPartitioner, SparkConf, SparkContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

import java.util
import java.util.StringTokenizer
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer, Set}

class IDsMergeFunc {
  /*  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val sc = new SparkContext(new SparkConf().setMaster("local[*]").setAppName("IDsMergeTesting")); // 测试代码

   * 将 ID:号码1 号码2 号码3 ... 格式的数据解析成为RDD[String]): RDD[(String, mutable.Set[String])]的格式
   * @param lineRdd
   * @return
  def parseTextLine(lineRdd: RDD[String]): RDD[(String, mutable.Set[String])] = { => {
      val lineArr = line.split(":")
      val id = lineArr(0)
      val hmsStr = lineArr(1)
      val hmsSet = new mutable.HashSet[String]()
      val st = new StringTokenizer(hmsStr)
      while (st.hasMoreTokens) {
        hmsSet += st.nextToken()
      (id, hmsSet)

   * 将 号码 信息编码成为数字信息,见减小数据计算时候的内存占用量
   * @param lineRdd            需要编码的rdd
   * @param defaultParallelism 并行度
   * @param idmergeOutput      数据输出根目录
   * @param threshould         阈值,用于过滤掉太长(异常的)的数据
  def encodeIds(lineRdd: RDD[(String, (mutable.Set[String], String))], defaultParallelism: Int, idmergeOutput: String, threshould: Int): Unit = {
    val lineEncodingPath = idmergeOutput + "lineEncoded"
    val hmEncodingPath = idmergeOutput + "hmEncoded"
    //    lineRdd.foreach(println)

    val hmRdd: RDD[String] = => {
        val hmList = ele._2._1.toList
      }).filter(hmList => hmList.length < threshould /*&& arr.length >1*/).flatMap(x => x)
    //    println("data-flatmap: ")
    //    data.flatMap(ele=>ele).zipWithIndex().sortBy(x=>x._2,ascending = true,numPartitions = 1).foreach(println)

    val hnEncodingRdd = hmRdd.distinct()
      .persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER); {
      case (hm, code) =>
        s"$hm ${code.toInt}";
    }.saveAsTextFile(hmEncodingPath, classOf[GzipCodec]);

    val hmIdPair: RDD[(String, (String, String))] =
      lineRdd.flatMap(ele => {
        val id = ele._1
        val hmSet = ele._2._1
        val bz = ele._2._2
        val res = new mutable.ListBuffer[(String, (String, String))]
        for (hm <- hmSet) {
          res.append((hm, (id, bz)))
      }).partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(defaultParallelism))

    hmIdPair.join(hnEncodingRdd).map(e => {
      val hm = e._1
      val id = e._2._1._1
      val bz = e._2._1._2
      val idbz = id + "|" + bz
      val hmEncoding = e._2._2
      (idbz, hmEncoding)
      .map { case (idbz, hmArr) =>
        idbz ++ ":" ++ hmArr.toList.sorted.mkString(" ")
      .saveAsTextFile(lineEncodingPath, classOf[GzipCodec]);

   * 用于将 ID:编码号码1 编码号码2 编码号码3 ... 转化为 ID:号码1 号码2 号码3 ...
   * @param idHmEncodedRawRdd   id和编码号码的的rdd
   * @param hmEncodedRawRdd     号码和编码号码的rdd
   * @param defaultParallelism  并行度
   * @param idmergeResultOutput 数据根目录
   * @param threshould          阈值
  def decodeIds(idHmEncodedRawRdd: RDD[(String, mutable.Set[String])]
                , hmEncodedRawRdd: RDD[(String, String)]
                , defaultParallelism: Int, idmergeResultOutput: String, threshould: Int): Unit = {
    val idHmEncodedFlatRdd: RDD[(String, String)] =
        .flatMap(ele => {
          val id = ele._1
          val hmEncodedSet = ele._2
          val tmpArr = new ArrayBuffer[(String, String)]()
          for (hmEncoded <- hmEncodedSet) {
            tmpArr.append((hmEncoded, id))
        .partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(defaultParallelism))
    //    println("idHmEncodedFlatRdd: ")
    //    idHmEncodedFlatRdd.sortBy(x => (x._2, x._1), ascending = true, numPartitions = 1).foreach(println)

    val hmEncoderPreRdd: RDD[(String, String)] =
        .map(ele => {
          val hm = ele._1
          val hmEncoded = ele._2
          (hmEncoded, hm)
        .partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(defaultParallelism))
    //    println("hmEncoderPreRdd: ")
    //    hmEncoderPreRdd.foreach(println)

    val rdd = idHmEncodedFlatRdd.join(hmEncoderPreRdd)
      .map(ele => {
        val id = ele._2._1
        val hm = ele._2._2
        //  此处转为含有单个号码的Set方便下一步进行聚合的,取集合的合集
        (id, Set(hm))
    rdd.reduceByKey(_ ++ _)
      .filter(ele => {
        val hmSet = ele._2
        hmSet.size < threshould
      .map(ele => {
        val id = ele._1
        val hmSet = ele._2.toList.sorted
        val idsSB = new StringBuilder();
        val hmString = hmSet.mkString(" ")
        val line = id + ":" + hmString
      //      .foreach(println)
      .saveAsTextFile(idmergeResultOutput + "new/", classOf[GzipCodec]);

   * 历史和新增合并后并添加标志 "i"-新增的  或者  "h"-历史的
   * @param historyLine        历史的已生成的id和号码的数据
   * @param increaseLine       需要新增计算的id和号码的数据
   * @param defaultParallelism 并行度
   * @return 历史和新增合并后的rdd(注意此处并不祛重,不涉及shuffer)
  def idsMix(historyLine: RDD[(String, mutable.Set[String])], increaseLine: RDD[(String, mutable.Set[String])]
             , defaultParallelism: Int): RDD[(String, (mutable.Set[String], String))] = {
    var hisLine: RDD[(String, (mutable.Set[String], String))] = null
    var incLine: RDD[(String, (mutable.Set[String], String))] = null
    if (historyLine != null && !historyLine.isEmpty()) {
      hisLine = => {
        val id = ele._1
        val hmSet = ele._2
        val bz = "h"
        (id, (hmSet, bz))
    if (increaseLine != null || !increaseLine.isEmpty()) {
      incLine = => {
        val id = ele._1
        val hmSet = ele._2
        val bz = "i"
        (id, (hmSet, bz))
    //    ready to encode hm information
    val preRdd: RDD[(String, (mutable.Set[String], String))] =

   * 主计算过程
   * @param mixRdd             混合的数据(含历史的和新增的)
   * @param IDsMergeOutput     结果输出根路径
   * @param defaultParallelism 并行度
   * @param threshold          阈值
  def idsMerge(mixRdd: RDD[(String, (mutable.Set[String], String))]
               , IDsMergeOutput: String, defaultParallelism: Int, threshold: Int) {
    val IDsMergeOutputPath = IDsMergeOutput + "loop"
    val idFlatRddInit: RDD[(String, (mutable.Set[String], String, Int, String))] =
      mixRdd.flatMap(ele => {
        val id = ele._1
        val bz = ele._2._2
        val hmSet = ele._2._1
        val tmpList = new ListBuffer[(String, (mutable.Set[String], String, Int, String))]
        for (hm <- hmSet) {
          tmpList.append((hm, (hmSet, id, 0, bz)))

    var idFlatRdd = idFlatRddInit;
    var loopCount = 0;
    while (true) {
      //   pre_rdd:RDD[(String, (mutable.Set[String], Int, String))]
      //   聚合计算,并生成聚合次数。
      idFlatRdd = idFlatRdd
        .reduceByKey((x, y) => {
          //  两个set 相互聚合
          val xyset = x._1.union(y._1);
          val xySize = xyset.size;
          val xSize = x._1.size;
          val ySize = y._1.size;
          var id = ""
          var bz = ""
          if ("i".equals(x._4) && "i".equals(y._4)) {
            //  前后两条都代表(不一定是)增量数据,历史数据的id取较小者
            id = if (x._2 > y._2) y._2 else x._2
            bz = "i"
          } else if ("i".equals(x._4) && "h".equals(y._4)) {
            //  x代表增量数据,y是历史数据。有历史数据的id 优先使用历史数据id
            id = y._2
            bz = "h"
          } else if ("h".equals(x._4) && "i".equals(y._4)) {
            //  x代表历史数据,y是增量数据。有历史数据的id 优先使用历史数据id
            id = x._2
            bz = "h"
          } else if ("h".equals(x._4) && "h".equals(y._4)) {
            //  前后两条都代表(不一定是)历史数据,历史数据的id取较小者(遗留:这里会造成已经生成的Id消失的问题!!!)
            id = if (x._2 > y._2) y._2 else x._2
            bz = "h"
          if (xySize.equals(xSize) || xySize.equals(ySize)) {
            (xyset, id, Math.max(x._3, y._3), bz)
          } else {
            (xyset, id, Math.min(x._3, y._3) + 1, bz)
      //   idsFlat.sortBy(x=>x._1,ascending = true,numPartitions = 1).foreach(println)

      //  对于循环次数超过聚合次数的情况,说明数据已经聚合完毕,需要落到磁盘。
        //   .sortBy(x=>x._1,ascending = true,numPartitions = 1)
        .filter(f => {
          val mergeTimes = f._2._3
          (mergeTimes + 1).equals(loopCount) && f._2._1.size <= threshold;
        .map(xo => {
          val id = xo._2._2
          val idList = xo._2._1.toList.sorted.mkString(" ")
          id + ":" + idList
        //   .sortBy(x=>x._1,ascending = true,numPartitions = 1).foreach(x=>println(loopCount+" -> "+x))
        .saveAsTextFile(IDsMergeOutput + f"loop-$loopCount%3d".replaceAll(" ", "0"), classOf[GzipCodec]);

      //   对于还需要继续进行聚合的数据需要进行裂变。
      idFlatRdd = idFlatRdd
        .filter(ele => {
          val mergeTimes = ele._2._3
          (mergeTimes + 1 >= loopCount) && ele._2._1.size < threshold
        }).flatMap(ele => {
        val arr = new ArrayBuffer[(String, (mutable.Set[String], String, Int, String))]()
        val hmSet = ele._2._1
        val id = ele._2._2
        val mergeTimes = ele._2._3
        val bz = ele._2._4
        hmSet.foreach(hm => {
          arr.append((hm, (hmSet, id, mergeTimes, bz)))
      //      println("final idsFlat.length: "+idsFlat.collect().length)
      //      idsFlat.sortBy(x=>(x._2._1.toString(),x._1),ascending = true,numPartitions = 1).foreach(x=>println(loopCount+" -> "+x))
      loopCount = loopCount + 1;
      if (idFlatRdd.isEmpty()) {
        //   退出条件


IDsMergeEntry.scala - 合并程序入口类

import com.test.utils.{Constants, LocalFileUtils}
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import com.test.IDsMergeInOne.IDsMergeFunc

import java.util.StringTokenizer
import scala.collection.mutable

 * 把有相同证件id的多条数据融合为1条数据,最终生成的数据在hdfs的new目录下
 * 生成数据格式 证件id1+空格+证件id2+....
 * idea本地调试参数:tmp_data/preProcess/ tmp_data/merge/ tmp_data/result/ 10
object IDsMergeEntry {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val incrPath = args(0)
    val idsMergeOutputParent = args(1)
    val resultPathParent = args(2)
    val threshold = args(3).toInt
    val incrFiles = incrPath + "forMerge/*.gz"
    val histFiles = resultPathParent + "history/*.gz"
    val newFiles=resultPathParent+"new/"

    //    val sc = new SparkContext( new SparkConf().setAppName("IDsMerge"));
    //    测试需要在run configuration
    //    添加参数:tmp_data/preprocess/forMerge/*.gz tmp_data/result/history/*.gz tmp_data/merge/ 10
    val sc = new SparkContext(new SparkConf().setMaster("local[*]").setAppName("IDsMerge")); // 测试代码
    LocalFileUtils.deleteDir(new File(idsMergeOutputParent))
    LocalFileUtils.deleteDir(new File(newFiles))

    val defaultParallelism = sc.defaultParallelism

    val worker = new IDsMergeFunc();

    val incrSrcRdd: RDD[String] = sc.textFile(incrFiles)
    val incrPreRdd: RDD[(String, mutable.Set[String])] = worker.parseTextLine(incrSrcRdd)
    //    println("incrPreRdd: ")
    //    incrPreRdd.foreach(println)
    //    (10003,Set(sbzj10003, gazj10003, sfzh10001, xczj10003))
    //    (10004,Set(xczj10004, gazj10004, sbzj10004, sfzh10002))
    //    (10002,Set(sfzh10002, xczj10002, sbzj10002, gazj10002))

    val histSrcRdd: RDD[String] = sc.textFile(histFiles)
    val histPreRdd: RDD[(String, mutable.Set[String])] = worker.parseTextLine(histSrcRdd)
    //    println("histPreRdd: ")
    //    histPreRdd.foreach(println)
    //    (10001,Set(gazj10001, xczj10001, sbzj10001, sfzh10001))

    val mixRdd: RDD[(String, (mutable.Set[String], String))] =
      worker.idsMix(histPreRdd, incrPreRdd, defaultParallelism)

    worker.encodeIds(mixRdd, sc.defaultParallelism, idsMergeOutputParent, threshold);

    val lineEncodedRawRdd: RDD[String] = sc.textFile(idsMergeOutputParent + "lineEncoded/*.gz")
    //    println("lineEncodedRawRdd: ")
    //    lineEncodedRawRdd.foreach(println)
    //    10002|i:1 4 6 10
    //    10004|i:6 7 9 12
    //    10003|i:2 3 5 11
    //    10001|h:0 2 8 13

    val lineEncodedPreRdd = worker.parseTextLine(lineEncodedRawRdd).map(line => {
      val idbz = line._1
      val idbzArr = idbz.split("\\|")
      val id = idbzArr(0)
      val bz = idbzArr(1)
      val hmEncodedSet = line._2
      (id, (hmEncodedSet, bz))
    //    println("lineEncodedPreRdd: ")
    //    lineEncodedPreRdd.sortBy(ele => ele._1, ascending = true, numPartitions = 1).foreach(println)
    //    (10001,(Set(0, 8, 2, 13),h))
    //    (10002,(Set(4, 1, 10, 6),i))
    //    (10003,(Set(3, 5, 2, 11),i))
    //    (10004,(Set(9, 6, 7, 12),i))

    val hmEncodingRawRdd = sc.textFile(idsMergeOutputParent + "hmEncoded/*.gz");
    val hmEncodingPreRdd = => {
      val lineArr = line.split(" ")
      val hm = lineArr(0)
      val hmEncoded = lineArr(1)
      (hm, hmEncoded)
    //    println("hmEncodingPreRdd: ")
    //    hmEncodingPreRdd.sortBy(ele => ele._2.toInt, ascending = true, numPartitions = 1).foreach(println)
    //    (gazj10001,0)
    //    (xczj10002,1)
    //    (sfzh10001,2)
    //    (xczj10003,3)
    //    (gazj10002,4)
    //    (gazj10003,5)
    //    (sfzh10002,6)
    //    (xczj10004,7)
    //    (sbzj10001,8)
    //    (gazj10004,9)
    //    (sbzj10002,10)
    //    (sbzj10003,11)
    //    (sbzj10004,12)
    //    (xczj10001,13)

    worker.idsMerge(lineEncodedPreRdd, idsMergeOutputParent + "resultEncoded/", defaultParallelism, threshold);
    val resultEncodedRawRdd = sc.textFile(idsMergeOutputParent + "resultEncoded/*/*.gz");
    val resultEncodedPreRdd = worker.parseTextLine(resultEncodedRawRdd)
    //    println("resultEncodedPreRdd: ")
    //    resultEncodedPreRdd.sortBy(line=>line._1).foreach(println)
    //    (10001,Set(3, 0, 8, 5, 2, 13, 11))
    //    (10002,Set(4, 1, 10, 9, 6, 7, 12))

    worker.decodeIds(resultEncodedPreRdd, hmEncodingPreRdd, defaultParallelism, resultPathParent, threshold)
    //    val resultDecodingRawRdd = sc.textFile(idsMergeOutputParent + "resultDecoded/*.gz");
    //    println("resultDecodedRawRdd: ")
    //    resultDecodingRawRdd.sortBy(line=>line.split(":")(0),ascending = true,numPartitions = 1).foreach(println)
    //    10001:gazj10001 gazj10003 sbzj10001 sbzj10003 sfzh10001 xczj10001 xczj10003
    //    10002:gazj10002 gazj10004 sbzj10002 sbzj10004 sfzh10002 xczj10002 xczj10004






import com.test.utils.{Constants, JDBCUtil, PropertyUtil, StringUtil}
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SaveMode, SparkSession}

 * 把IDsMergeEntry生成的数据写入数据库表中
 * idea本地调试参数:conf/ tmp_data/result/
object FilesystemToDatabase {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    println("args====" + args.mkString(","))
    val jdbcConfigPath=args(0)
    val resultPath = args(1)
    val resultFile=resultPath+"new/*.gz"
    val properties = PropertyUtil.getProperties(jdbcConfigPath)
    println("properties====" + properties)

    //    val spark = SparkSession.builder().config(new SparkConf().setAppName("HdfsToGauss")).enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate()
    val spark = SparkSession.builder().master("local[*]").config(new SparkConf().setAppName("HdfsToDatabase")).getOrCreate() // 测试
    val sc = spark.sparkContext

    import spark.implicits._
    val resultDF: DataFrame = sc.textFile(resultFile)
      .flatMap(ele => {
        val arr = ele.split(":")
        val id = arr(0)
        val hmListStr = arr(1)
        hmListStr.split(" ").map(hm => {
          (id, hm.trim)
      }).toDF("id", "hm")

//      +-----+---------+
//      |   id|       hm|
//      +-----+---------+
//      |10001|gazj10001|
//      |10001|gazj10003|
//      |10001|sbzj10001|
//      |10001|sbzj10003|
//      |10001|sfzh10001|
//      |10001|xczj10001|
//      |10001|xczj10003|
//      |10002|gazj10002|
//      |10002|gazj10004|
//      |10002|sbzj10002|
//      |10002|sbzj10004|
//      |10002|sfzh10002|
//      |10002|xczj10002|
//      |10002|xczj10004|
//      +-----+---------+

//    写入数据库
/*        resultDF.write.format("jdbc").mode(SaveMode.Overwrite)
          .option("url", properties.getProperty("url"))
          .option("user", properties.getProperty("user"))
          .option("password", properties.getProperty("password"))







GitHub - lschampion/IdsMerge-adv: merge ids
