How to use ORM Bee develop when the sql like: select examno, subject,max(score) ,avg(score) ,min(score) from scores
How to use ORM Bee develop the functoin as below ?
select classno, term, examno, subject,max(score) as maxScore,avg(score) as avgScore,min(score) as minScore
from scores where status!='FIN' group by term,examno,subjectno,subject order by classno,term,examno,subjectno
201 1 2020年秋八年级期末 语文 100 73.23 52
201 1 2020年秋八年级期末 数学 100 71.25 49
201 1 2020年秋八年级期末 英语 100 70.76 53
If you want to more function like : max(score) as maxScore,avg(score) as avgScore,min(score) as minScore,
You can develop with ORM Bee like below:
Condition condition=new ConditionImpl();
.selectFun(FunctionType.MAX, "score","maxScore")
.selectFun(FunctionType.AVG, "score","avgScore")
.selectFun(FunctionType.MIN, "score","minScore");
condition.op("status", Op.nq, "FIN");
Scores scores=new Scores();
String r=suidRich.selectJson(scores, condition); // json result
List listString=suidRich.selectString(scores, condition); // string array result
String str[];
for (int i = 0; i < listString.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < str.length; j++) {
System.out.print(str[j]+" ");
You can get the result type as below :
json result
string array result
define a new response entity
List ScoresResponse(), condition);
// ScoresResponse class :
public class ScoresResponse {
//the field name same as Scores
private String classno;
private String term;
private String examno;
private String subject;
private Double score;
//the field name define in Condition
private Double maxScore;
private Double avgScore;
private Double minScore;