

When you send a key-value coding compliant object the valueForKeyPath: message, you can embed a collection operator in the key path. A collection operator is one of a small list of keywords preceded by an at sign (@) that specifies an operation that the getter should perform to manipulate the data in some way before returning it. The default implementation of valueForKeyPath: provided by NSObject implements this behavior.

当给一个符合KVC的对象发送 valueForKeyPath: 消息时,可以在键路径中嵌入一个集合运算符。集合运算符是一个小的关键字列表之一,前面是一个at符号(@),它指定了getter应该执行的操作,以便在返回之前以某种方式操作数据。 NSObject提供的 valueForKeyPath: 的默认实现实现了这个行文。

When a key path contains a collection operator, any portion of the key path preceding the operator, known as the left key path, indicates the collection on which to operate relative to the receiver of the message. If you send the message directly to a collection object, such as an NSArray instance, the left key path may be omitted.

当键路径包含一个集合运算符时,运算符之前的键路径的任何部分(称为左键路径)表示相对于消息接收者的集合。 如果直接给集合对象发消息(例如一个NSArray实例)则可以省略左键路径。

The portion of the key path after the operator, known as the right key path, specifies the property within the collection that the operator should work on. All the collection operators except @count require a right key path. Figure 4-1 illustrates the operator key path format.


4-1 运算符键路径格式

Collection operators exhibit three basic types of behavior:


  • Aggregation Operators coalesce a collection’s objects in some way, and return a single object that generally matches the data type of the property named in the right key path. The @count operator is an exception—it takes no right key path and always returns an NSNumber instance.
  • 聚合运算符 以某种方式合并集合的对象,并返回通常与右键路径中指定的属性的数据类型匹配的单个对象。@count运算符时一个例外,它没有右键路径并总是返回一个NSNumber实例。
  • Array Operators return an NSArray instance containing some subset of the objects held in the named collection.
  • 数组运算符 返回一个NSArray 实例,该实例包含命名集合中保存的对象的一些子集。
  • Nesting Operators work on collections that contain other collections, and return an NSArray or NSSetinstance, depending on the operator, that combines the objects of the nested collections in some way.
  • 嵌套运算符 处理包含其他集合的集合,并根据运算符返回一个NSArray或NSSet实例,它以某种方式组合嵌套集合的对象。
样本数据(Sample Data)

The descriptions that follow include code snippets demonstrating how you invoke each operator, and the result of doing so. These rely on the BankAccount class, presented in Listing 2-1, which holds an array of Transaction objects. Each of these represents a simple checkbook entry, as declared in Listing 4-1.

以下描述包括演示如何调用每个运算符的代码片段,以及执行此操作的结果。这些依赖于清单2-1中所示的类BankAccount,它拥有Transaction对象的数组。其中每个代表一个简单的支票簿条目,如Listing 4-1所示。

Listing 4-1 Transaction对象的接口声明

@interface Transaction : NSObject
@property (nonatomic) NSString* payee;   // To whom
@property (nonatomic) NSNumber* amount;  // How much
@property (nonatomic) NSDate* date;      // When

For the sake of discussion, assume your BankAccount instance has a transactions array populated with the data shown in Table 4-1, and that you make the example calls from inside the BankAccount object.


表4-1 Transactions对象的示例数据

payee 值 amount 格式为货币的值 date 格式为月,日的值
Green Power $120.00 Dec 1, 2015
Green Power $150.00 Jan 1, 2016
Green Power $170.00 Feb 1, 2016
Car Loan $250.00 Jan 15, 2016
Car Loan $250.00 Feb 15, 2016
Car Loan $250.00 Mar 15, 2016
General Cable $120.00 Dec 1, 2015
General Cable $155.00 Jan 1, 2016
General Cable $120.00 Feb 1, 2016
Mortgage $1,250.00 Jan 15, 2016
Mortgage $1,250.00 Feb 15, 2016
Mortgage $1,250.00 Mar 15, 2016
Animal Hospital $600.00 Jul 15, 2016
聚合运算符(Aggregation Operators)

Aggregation operators work on either an array or set of properties, producing a single value that reflects some aspect of the collection.



When you specify the @avg operator, valueForKeyPath: reads the property specified by the right key path for each element of the collection, converts it to a double (substituting 0 for nil values), and computes the arithmetic average of these. It then returns the result stored in an NSNumber instance.



NSNumber *transactionAverage = [self.transactions valueForKeyPath:@"@avg.amount"];

transactionAverage的格式化结果为$ 456.54。


When you specify the @count operator, valueForKeyPath: returns the number of objects in the collection in an NSNumber instance. The right key path, if present, is ignored.



NSNumber *numberOfTransactions = [self.transactions valueForKeyPath:@"@count"];



When you specify the @max operator, valueForKeyPath: searches among the collection entries named by the right key path and returns the largest one. The search conducts comparisons using the compare: method, as defined by many Foundation classes, such as the NSNumber class. Therefore, the property indicated by the right key path must hold an object that responds meaningfully to this message. The search ignores nil valued collection entries.



NSDate *latestDate = [self.transactions valueForKeyPath:@"@max.date"];



When you specify the @min operator, valueForKeyPath:searches among the collection entries named by the right key path and returns the smallest one. The search conducts comparisons using the compare:method, as defined by many Foundation classes, such as the NSNumber class. Therefore, the property indicated by the right key path must hold an object that responds meaningfully to this message. The search ignores nil valued collection entries.



NSDate *earliestDate = [self.transactions valueForKeyPath:@"@min.date"];



When you specify the @sum operator, valueForKeyPath: reads the property specified by the right key path for each element of the collection, converts it to a double (substituting 0 for nil values), and computes the sum of these. It then returns the result stored in an NSNumber instance.



NSNumber *amountSum = [self.transactions valueForKeyPath:@"@sum.amount"];

格式化结果amountSum为$ 5,935.00。
数组运算符(Array Operators)

The array operators cause valueForKeyPath: to return an array of objects corresponding to a particular set of the objects indicated by the right key path.


在使用数组运算符时如果任何leaf对象nil, valueForKeyPath:方法会引发异常。


When you specify the @distinctUnionOfObjects operator, valueForKeyPath: creates and returns an array containing the distinct objects of the collection corresponding to the property specified by the right key path.


要获取transactions 中的transactions 的payee属性值集合,并且忽略重复值:

NSArray *distinctPayees = [self.transactions valueForKeyPath:@"@distinctUnionOfObjects.payee"];

结果distinctPayees数组包含以下每个字符串的一个实例:Car Loan, General Cable, Animal Hospital, Green Power, Mortgage.



When you specify the @unionOfObjects operator, valueForKeyPath: creates and returns an array containing all the objects of the collection corresponding to property specified by the right key path. Unlike @distinctUnionOfObjects, duplicate objects are not removed.


要获取transactions中transactions 的payee属性值集合:

NSArray *payees = [self.transactions valueForKeyPath:@"@unionOfObjects.payee"];

结果payees阵列包含以下字符串:Green Power, Green Power, Green Power, Car Loan, Car Loan, Car Loan, General Cable, General Cable, General Cable, Mortgage, Mortgage, Mortgage, Animal Hospital。请注意重复项。


嵌套运算符(Nesting Operators)



对于下面的描述,请考虑第二个数据数组moreTransactions,使用表4-2中的数据填充,并与原始transactions数组(从“ 示例数据”部分)一起收集到嵌套数组中:

NSArray* moreTransactions = @[<# transaction data #>];
NSArray* arrayOfArrays = @[self.transactions, moreTransactions];


payee 值 amount 格式为货币的值 date 格式为月,日的值
General Cable - Cottage $120.00 Dec 18, 2015
General Cable - Cottage $155.00 Jan 9, 2016
General Cable - Cottage $120.00 Dec 1, 2016
Second Mortgage $1,250.00 Nov 15, 2016
Second Mortgage $1,250.00 Sep 20, 2016
Second Mortgage $1,250.00 Feb 12, 2016
Hobby Shop $600.00 Jun 14, 2016


When you specify the @distinctUnionOfArrays operator, valueForKeyPath:creates and returns an array containing the distinct objects of the combination of all the collections corresponding to the property specified by the right key path.



NSArray *collectedDistinctPayees = [arrayOfArrays valueForKeyPath:@"@distinctUnionOfArrays.payee"];

结果collectedDistinctPayees数组包含以下值:Hobby Shop, Mortgage, Animal Hospital, Second Mortgage, Car Loan, General Cable - Cottage, General Cable, Green Power.



When you specify the @unionOfArrays operator,valueForKeyPath:creates and returns an array containing the all the objects of the combination of all the collections corresponding to the property specified by the right key path, without removing duplicates.



NSArray *collectedPayees = [arrayOfArrays valueForKeyPath:@"@unionOfArrays.payee"];

结果的collectedPayees数组包含以下值:Green Power, Green Power, Green Power, Car Loan, Car Loan, Car Loan, General Cable, General Cable, General Cable, Mortgage, Mortgage, Mortgage, Animal Hospital, General Cable - Cottage, General Cable - Cottage, General Cable - Cottage, Second Mortgage, Second Mortgage, Second Mortgage, Hobby Shop.



When you specify the @distinctUnionOfSets operator, valueForKeyPath:creates and returns an NSSet object containing the distinct objects of the combination of all the collections corresponding to the property specified by the right key path.


This operator behaves just like @distinctUnionOfArrays, except that it expects an NSSet instance containing NSSet instances of objects rather than an NSArray instance of NSArray instances. Also, it returns an NSSet instance. Assuming the example data had been stored in sets instead of arrays, the example call and results are the same as those shown for @distinctUnionOfArrays.

