**Big Bang Theory S12 E7-E9 口语整理**

 【1】if he tries himself out now, he'll sleep better tonight.如果他现在把精力耗光, 晚上会睡得比较熟。

 【2】sorry, I haven't had a second to myself. 抱歉,前面一直忙的不可开交。

 【3】Do I detect a little swagger in your step?某人好像春风得意马蹄疾啊。

【4】I have sole discretion .全凭我一人处置。hold on别着急。

【5】kissing of the buttocks 溜须拍马。 form a line 排队

【6】have trouble history 有过节。 give me a fair shot 公报私仇。

【7】bring it in!抱一个          hang in there.加油吧      koi 鲤鱼。  

【8】I'm gonna be stuck at work for a while. 我还得加会儿班。 just so decisive.太杀伐果决了。

【9】 I just came by to pay you a compliment.我只是表扬你一下。

【10】Nice try,想得美。 denying things left and right.这个不行那个不准。

【11】Your proposal is also in the mix.你的计划书也在考虑范围内。

【12】but your request is definitely in the running.但绝对优先考虑你的要求。 

【13】  I smell a rat.我闻到了可疑的味道。

【14】Show me the money. 让我赚大钱。    hold a grudge 记仇。

【15】I need everyone to back off.你们都别干涉我。 pros and cons lists.利弊分析表

【16】 meta-scoring system.元打分系统。       Are you trying to get us caught?你想害我们被发现吗。

【17】free up more money.放出更多资金。   hear me out.听我说完。 sap 倒霉鬼

【18】What-cha doin?你在干什么      so spill.老实招来

【19】I'm just running some errands.我只是要去办事。 Got to stay hydrated.我得随时补充水分

【20】 I would literally do anything.我什么都愿意做。some sort of long con 放长线钓大鱼。

【21】checkmate 将军【象棋用语】。so it comes and goes?所有你这也没个准数。

【22】  you are stretching the truth. 你在扭曲真相              lay on the guilt,激发内疚感

【23】don't freak out.先别慌              she just need some downtime.她只是需要自己的时间静静。

【24】 life insurance人寿保险           they made a very compelling case.他们的理由特别令人信服。

【25】its quantum efficiency is off the charts.量子效率简直突破天际【爆表】

【26】Don't make any sudden moves.别轻举妄动。stereotype 刻板印象;

【27】If anything, I'm overconfident, edging into smug. 真要说,那我也是信心过足,都快接近臭显摆了。

【28】transitive property 传递性。 back at ya,你也是。   it's my cover story.借此掩饰过去。

【29】sign on for a lifetime of mediocre sex. 过一辈子平淡无奇的床笫生活。

【30】 feel free to look around.随便逛吧。 voila !奇迹发生。 I am freaking out.我都要疯了。

【32】get the lay of the land,踩点。 she's on her way up!.她马上就到了。

【33】be right out. 马上出来; come off 脱下。 a word.聊两句;借一步说话。 

【34】  we need to get going.我们得走了。close-up magic近景魔术。little eccentricities 小怪癖

【35】deep-seated psychological disturbance深层的心理障碍

【36】a picture's worth a thousand words.一图千言。    nothing beats ....无敌。    selfie 自拍。

【37】Don't beat yourself up.别太为难自己。we're in the middle of a game.我们在玩游戏。

【38】I'm bonding with your mom.我在和你妈联络感情。 all your action figures are on fire,你的手办全部着火了。

【39】I'm in my PJs,我穿着睡衣。  you are a delight,你真讨人喜欢。  watch closely看好了。

Even after she threw  you under the bus, you're still gonna defend her.哪怕她让你背黑锅,你还要为她说好话。

【40】bottomless intellectual curiosity 深不可测的求知欲。 bibliography 参考文献。    avocado 牛油果

【41】 there are hundreds of citations to track down.有数百条引文要查询。grad student 研究生

  childlike innocence 烂漫童心。I' m having an affair. 我出轨了。  took him out 干掉他了。 

He doesn't wait until you're all the way dead to eat you.他不会等你全部死透,就把你吃了。 

couldn't keep one's hands off you.对你上下其手。   cutthroat 残酷      haunted house 鬼屋

can't you just rub his nose in that? 拿这件事去跟他炫耀不久够了吗。

my Russian's a little rusty.我的俄语也有点不利索了。

kind of rolls right off your tongue.还有点朗朗上口。

does not bear the weight of further examination. 无法进行更深入的研究。

be snarky恶毒      pretend to be okay 故作坚强     wee 赞哦!  you guys look all comfy,你们挺放松自在啊

down by seven 稍微落后。   pep talk鼓励的话                what a rush!真爽。

We worked our butts off on this paper.我们为这篇论文拼尽心力

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