Friends-S01E02-part 1

opening act 暖场序幕

stand-up comedian 暖场搞笑秀

bang sb. over the head with a club

mastodon 乳齿象

They have issues like 'glacier's getting kind of close.' 他们关心的是...

How about I'll catch up with you in the Ice Age? 咱们到冰河世纪那边见好吗?

That would be no. 不可以。

Marty‘s still totally paranoid. Marty还是疑心病很重。

Are you through with that?  你喝完了吗?

The swallowing slowed me down. 我咽得太慢了。

little ball of paper 小纸团

That would be mine. 那个应该是我的。

ball it up 揉成纸团

I wish I was dead 我现在不想活了。

fluffed that pillow 拍枕头

I just don't wanna give them any more ammunition than they already have. 我只是不想给他们任何借题发挥的机会。(不想给他们更多的把柄)这句话要结合语境理解,Monica不想因为没有拍好枕头,从而给她父母更多的把柄。

lasagna 千层面

you're like all chaotic and twirly 你一副惊慌失措的样子

You don't see Ross getting all chaotic and twirly every time they come. 每次他们来从没见Ross露出惊慌失措的样子。

as far as my parents are concerned 在我爸妈心目中

Ross can do no wrong Ross从不犯错

thigh-master 健腿器

Oh, like I wasn't dreading tomorrow enough, having to give it back to him...

stomp on your heart 让你颜面无存

we'll run it by you 我们都会给你的 run something by somebody (also run something past somebody):to tell someone about an idea or plan so that they can give you their opinion (e.g. You’d better run it by your manager first.)

When do you have it on last? 你最后一次戴是什么时候?

right  before she lost it 她丢失之前

you don't get a lot of 'doy' these days 现在说呆子的人还真不多

You didn't. 你不是吧?

We're going in. 伙伴们,动手吧。

Do that for two hours, you might be where I am right about now.

Kinda puts that whole pillow thing in perspective, huh? 如此一来,就不用操心枕头的事情了吧?put-something-into-perspective. (idiomatic) To compare with something similar to give a clearer, more accurate idea. You can put your worries into perspective when you realise how many people in the world are so much worse off than you.

how do you fit into this whole thing? 你现在要怎么办?

go down to this sonogram thing 一起去做超声波检查

It's still ruined, right? 它(千层面)已经被搅烂了,不是吗?(网络例子:Don’t push him so hard. He is still a child.不要把他逼得太紧。他还是个孩子。)

have a thing for you 喜欢你

She wants to be something in cooking. 她想找一份烹饪的工作

We were going to have lasagna. 我们本来要吃千层面的。

Why bring it up? You know he latches on.  为什么要提到呢?你知道他死脑筋。

I know this is going to sound unbelievable selfish, but were you planning on bringing up the whole baby/ lesbian thing?  Because I think it might take some of the hear off me. 因为那样好歹能让我稍稍喘口气。

run into 遇见

They were not playing very well. 他们很不开心。

altar 祭坛

you always have been independent 你一直都很独立

There are people like Ross who need to shoot for the stars 注定做人中之龙

What's going on with you? 你最近怎么样?

你可能感兴趣的:(Friends-S01E02-part 1)