《How To Read A Book》全浸阅读(2)-用一本书,重塑英语阅读的习惯-


by "reader" we mean people who are still accustomed, as almost every literature and intelligent person used to be, to a large share of there information about and their understanding of the world from the written word. 

阅读者是指那些习惯从文字中,而不是对话和观察中,获取大部分信息与认知的人。在现实中,特别是网络世界,很多人已经放弃了阅读,因为电视电台视频音乐等已经让他们的信息吸收措手不及。作者的观点是,现代电子媒体其实并不能帮助人们对这个世界认知的更多,信息太多对理解世界不是帮助,而是障碍。他认为,现代媒体的设计机制就是让人们不需要思考而做出决定,“make up his  own mind with the minimum difficulty and effort”, 在电子媒体中,所有的想法都像电影《盗梦空间Inception》中一样“implant”人们的大脑,他们只需要在需要使用这些信息与想法的场合按下播放键就可以了。

什么才是一个积极的阅读者?作者用了棒球的例子来比喻active reading:“catching the ball is just  as much as pitching or hitting it. Both the pitcher and the catcher are active,only the ball is passive. 阅读也一样,作者和读者都是主动的,一个主动传导想法和信息,一个主动尝试理解和接受。而active reading,具体描述来说,有两方面:1. one reader reads better than another,first,by reading more actively,and second, by performning each of the acts involved more skillfully. Reading is a complex activity, it consist of a large number of separate acts, all of which must be performed in a good reading. 他说,阅读是一个复杂的行为,包括很多细节,一个阅读者需要把每一个细节处理得很好才能算一个积极的阅读者。

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