


一、 开头段

(一) 话题引起

  1. 过去数年见证了一个社会现象。。。
    The past several years have witnessed a social phenomenon that…
  2. 人们慢慢意识到…
    There is a growing national awareness of …(主题词)
  1. 正:There is a growing national awareness of the importance of…
  2. 中:There is a growing national awareness of the importance and detriment of…
  3. 中:There is a growing national awareness of the pros and cons of…
  4. 负:There is a growing national awareness of the detriment of…
  1. 据说,关于……问题,没有什么国家比……更为严重
    In no country other than…, it has been said, is the problem of…more serious.
  2. 在中国几乎无人不知无人不晓这一现象:……。
    Almost no one in China fail to notice the phenomenon that…
  3. 近来,…常常登上报纸头版头条,这引发了公众激烈的讨论。
    Recently, it often hits the headlines of the newspaper that…, which has aroused a heated discussion among the public.
  4. 关于热门话题的关注
  1. 近来,在公众中有一个关于……的热门话题。
    These days , there is a hot topic among the generate public concerning…
  2. 最近,一个引起普通关注的热门话题是……
    These days, one of the hottest topics arousing general concern is……

(二) 图画描述


  1. 如图所示:As is shown in the picture,
    As is vividly shown in the ridiculous picture,(加修饰词)
    正如图所示:As is shown in the picture that,
  2. 图画描述公式
     地点+动作+核心事物,doing something(表示伴随状态)with+非核心事物的名词(表示周围环境和细节)
    In the sunshine stands a girl, wearing necklace and ribbon, with a smile on her face.
     添加修饰语:adj.+ n.或adv.+ v.
    In the sunshine graciously stands a pretty American girl in traditional Chinese costume, wearing necklace and the like, with a sweet smile on her face.
     如果是两幅或者多幅图
    找两图的关系->对应关联词->分别描述图画,用衔接词连接几幅图 连接词:转折,递进,与此同时,多少年之后…
     中文文字说明(不是每一幅画下面都有)
  1. The caption reads, …
  2. Just as the caption indicates, …
  3. The subtitle reads, …

(三) 图画总结

  1. 尽管图画简单,但寓意深刻
    Simple as the picture is, the symbolic meaning of it is as deep as the ocean.
  2. 这个暗示不仅信息丰富,而且具有教育意义
    The implication is not only informative, but instructive as well
  3. 作者的真实目的不是图画本身,而是要引导我们去探索图画背后究竟隐藏着什么
    The author’s real purpose is not the picture itself, but to lead us to find what hides behind the picture.
  4. 这幅画所描述的似乎有一些夸张,这已经引起了社会的广泛关注
    What is depicted in the picture seems exaggerated, which has attracted extensive attention of the society.
  5. 但是,这真的是作者想要告诉我们的吗?当然不是了。
    But is this what the author tries to tell us? Certainly not

二、 中间段

(一) 具体意义(意义引出)

  1. 毫无疑问,这幅画的目的是告诉我们应该充分重视……
    Undoubtedly, the propose of the drawing is to show us that due attention should be paid to……(主题词名词或词组)
  2. 显然,这幅画象征性地揭示了我们日常生活中一个常见的社会现象:……
    Apparently, the drawing symbolically reveals a common social phenomenon in our daily life……
  3. 这幅极富寓意且令人深刻的图画,微妙地揭示了…… 和 ……之间的关系
    The metaphorical and impressive picture has subtly revealed the relationship between … and …
  4. 这幅画通过强调……是一种精神力量,无论周围世界如何艰难,它都能够支撑我们这一事实,阐述了……的真正含义
    This picture illustrates the meaning of …, by stressing the facts that…is a kind of mental strength, which can support us no matter how hard the world around us becomes.
  5. 事实上,作者想传达给我们一个非常明显的信息:……对一个人的成长而言极其有害。
    Actually, the author strives to send out an abundantly clear messages that … is of extreme detriment to one’s success。
  6. 在图画背后或“隐藏”在……(图中核心事物)里的含义显而易见:…(正面主题词)不仅必要而且必不可少…(负面主题词)不仅有害而且危害极大…(中立主题词)有害性和重要性并存
    What lies behind the picture or ”buried” in… is clear: …is not only necessary but indispensable as well, …is not only handful but damaging as well. The importance of … coexists with the detriment of that.
  7. 不言而喻,图画的象征含义是……,这已经超越了图画本身。
    It goes without saying that its symbolic message that/of…has gone beyond the picture itself.

(二) 意义阐述

  1. 下定义

  2. 联系社会
    A symbolizes B A是B的象征
    A is revealed B B表现出A
    A represents B A是B的象征
    The delicate flower symbolizes the children, overprotected by their parents, who are revealed as the greenhouse, protecting their children from storms, which represent the intense competition in the real world.

  3. 举例论证=引出例子+例子本身+例子总结+科学调查

  1. 引出例子
     我们人类历史上与这个话题相关的例子有很多,而下面这是是最具有说服力的
    Our human history has been filled with a wide variety of examples on his topic, with the following one being the most persuasive.
     在我所听到的、看到的和经历过的所有与这个话题相关的例子中,最让我印象深刻的是……
    Among all the touching facts relating to this topic that I have heard , noticed and experienced, the most impressive one is……
     我找不到比……更有说服力的例子了。
    I can think of no better examples than……
    There is no better illustration than the examples of ……
     可以给出大量的例证,而下面这个就足够了。
    Numerous illustrations can be given, but this will suffice.
  2. 例子总结表达
     ……的例子告诉我们:……
    The case of … teaches us that …
    The experience of… teaches us that…
     这只是我所听到的众多案例中的一个,类似的故事每天都在上演
    It is only one of the various examples I have heard(read/encountered), similar stories happen every day.
    This is not an isolated example. In reality, many people will do similarly in the same situation.
  3. 科学证明
     根据最近的一项国家机构进行的调查,接近79.2%的受访者持有相同的观点,他们认为……
    According to one latest survey conducted by a certain national organization, approximately 79.2% of the respondents hold the same view that……
     最近一项调查可以支持我的观点。这项由……进行的调查,在调查了……之后,发现大部分受访者宣称……
    A resent survey can back up my point. The survey conducted by…, after polling …, has found that a significant percentage of respondents claimed that…
     万能句:某人,因为…方面的成功而著名,人们总是记得他的…,那在其一生都散发着光辉
    …(人名), honored for his success in …, is always remembered for his… which shine through every chapter of his life.
  1. 原因后果=引出原因+具体愿意+引出后果+具体后果
  1. 引出原因的句子
     除了一下几点,我找不到更好的理由了。第一,第二……
    I can think of no better reasons than the following ones.
    Firstly ,…. Secondly ,….
     不难找到一些理由来解释
    It is no difficult to come up with some causes accounting for …
     到底是什么引起了这种现象?这是个发人深省的问题。首先,……。此外,…….。
    What exactly contributes to this phenomenon? It is a thought-provoking question. To begging with,… in addition,…
     考虑到这个问题的重要性,有必要指出其背后的原因
    Considering the significance of the present situation, it is necessary to point out the causes behind it.
  2. 具体原因
     Due to a lack of pertinent law and regulations,….
     Social authority might not take the responsibility to…
     A lack of the individual consciousness of … results in …
  3. 引出后果的句子
     因此
    So,…/as a result…/consequently…
     似乎不止一个直接或间接的影响与 ……(主题词)相关,这些我们无法忽略,第一,第二…
    There seem to be more than one direct or indirect effects involved in …, which none of us can fail tot notice. Firstly , secondly…
     如果我们视而不见的话,上述问题将会产生一系列后果。首先,…….更糟糕的是……
    The problem mentioned above is bound to generate several consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to it. First and foremost,… what’s worse…
  4. 具体后果
     First and foremost, furthermore, last but not least
     Even worse
     More importantly
  1. 对立观点分析=引出争议+正方观点理由+反方观点理由
  1. 引出争议
     事实上这一问题有待商榷
    In fact, this matter is still open to discussion.
     当谈及…,仁者见仁智者见智
    When it comes to …(主题词),views may vary from person to person
  2. 正方观点+理由+(例子)
    On one hand, some people might hold the view that…(观点)
    Furthermore , they also claim that…(理由)
    For example,例子
  3. 反方观点+理由+(例子)
    On the other side the rest might hold the other side of this picture. Moreover, they also argue that…(理由)
    For instance,.例子

(三) 意义总结

  1. 虚拟语气的省略句
    【正面】Were there no such policy/thing, never would we ….
    【负面】Were the opposite facet of this situation to continue , we would pay a high price.
  2. 汝非鱼安知鱼之乐
    【句式】How can you , not being a child ,know the sadness of him

三、 结尾段

(一) 归纳评论

  1. 考虑到这个现象的方方面面,我们应该牢记……
    Considering every aspects of this phenomenon, we should bear in mind that …
  2. 情况如此危急,是时候采取措施解决这个……的问题了。
    The situation being so serious, it is high time that we took measures to solve the problem of …
  3. 如果使用起来不小心或者没有节制,……将会是一把双刃剑
    If used carelessly or without restraint, … could be a double-edged sword

(二) 建议措施

  1. 取其精华去其糟粕
    Therefore, we should take advantage of the fruits and avoid the opposite facet.
  2. 不同主体不同做法
    【媒体】mass media,such as television and internet, should make every effort to propagate and + advocate/stop/prevent/end/put an end to it.
    教育公民:the government has the responsibility to educate every citizen to do sth.
    立法:It is essential that laws and regulations should be worked out and enforced to do sth.
    行动:as for ourselves, we ought to take practical actions to do sth.
    意识:the public should enhance the consciousness of…

(三) 憧憬未来

  1. 通过这些措施,我们有理由相信问题被解决
    With these measures taken, it is reasonable for us to believe that the problem will be solved in the future.
  2. 只有…才
    Only with there measures taken can we do sth.
    -Expect a bright future 期待美好未来
    -Make a dreams come true 让梦想成真
    -Put an end to this trend 截止趋势
    -Make life more meaningful 让生活更有意义
    -Come across various challenges 迎接挑战
  3. 伴随着恰当的法律和警觉的民众,这个问题迟早会被解决
    With appropriate law and alert public, it will only be a matter of time before the problem becomes a thing of the past.
