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40引用率 视频GIS鼻祖文章,主要讲述如何融合地理要素和视频
阅读时间: 2021/1/24晨 雨 春节临近
Milosavljević, A., et al. (2010). “GIS-augmented video surveillance.” International Journal of Geographical Information Science 24(9): 1415-1433.
A typical system of conventional video monitoring connects each video camera directly to a corresponding display screen. Therefore, we have as many screens as video cameras. In these kinds of systems, serious problems can occur when the scale of the monitoring system grows larger than human capacity. Security personnel (安保人员) must mentally map each surveillance monitor image to the corresponding place in the real world, and this complicated skill (复杂技能) requires experience and training (KAWASAKI, N. and TAKAI, Y., 2002. Video Monitoring System for Security Surveillance based on Augmented Reality, In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, 4-6 December 2002, Tokyo, Japan, 180-181). To enable multi-camera coordination and tracking, Sankaranarayanan and Davis (SANKARANARAYANAN, K. and DAVIS, J.W., 2008. A Fast Linear Registration Framework for Multi-Camera GIS Coordination, In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS’08), 1-3 September 2008, Santa Fe, NM, 245-251.) emphasised the importance of establishing a common reference frame to which each of these cameras can be mapped. They suggested the use of GIS as a common frame of reference because it not only provides a solid ground truth, but more importantly provides spatial semantic information (e.g., locations of roads, buildings, sensitive areas, etc.) for use in applications such as tracking and activity analysis.
Our solution to this problem relies on use of augmented reality techniques applied to GIS. In this approach, a GIS stores the necessary geospatial and contextual information about features that can be identified from a camera image. Furthermore, a GIS-based approach enables the inverse task of selecting and pointing an appropriate camera to some georeferenced feature or event.
The advantages of 3D GIS over 2D GIS raise from the fact that it enables
visualisation and understanding of terrestrial phenomena and features that are only discernible in three dimensions. It also makes better presentations to those with little or no experience within the mapping.
Registration in augmented reality is a process that merges virtual objects generated by a computer with real-world images captured by a camera.
PTZ is an abbreviation for Pan-Tilt-Zoom, and in the terminology of video surveillance, it indicates cameras that can rotate in the
horizontal (pan) and vertical planes (tilt) and change their level of magnification (zoom).
When a PTZ camera is in the role of observer, the first group of parameters is fixed and determined by the camera mounting position. These parameters need to be measured (using GPS for example) and provided to the system for further use.
In this paper, we present a method for registration of geospatial data applicable to outdoor video surveillance systems consisting of several PTZ cameras. Registration is based on transforming these relative camera view parameters into the absolute position, orientation, and field of view required by the 3D GIS. Once the 3D GIS and camera views are aligned, it is possible to identify geospatial objects from the camera image 视频查地图要素, as well as to overlap the virtual scene with the real one. Inverse transformation of the view parameters allows for selecting and pointing the appropriate camera by some georeferenced feature or event 地图要素查视频.
We suggested application of such system in emergency situation management and urban planning.
王美珍 (2011). 单幅图像中地物目标几何量测研究, 南京师范大学.
Lategahn, H. and C. Stiller (2014). “Vision-only localization.” IEEE Transactions on intelligent transportation systems 15(3): 1246-1257.
Milosavljevic, A., et al. (2016). “Integration of GIS and video surveillance.” International Journal of Geographical Information Science 30(9-10): 2089-2107.
Lisanti, G., et al. (2016). “Continuous localization and mapping of a pan—tilt—zoom camera for wide area tracking.” Machine Vision and Applications.
Lisanti, G., et al. (2016). “Continuous localization and mapping of a pan—tilt—zoom camera for wide area tracking.” Machine Vision and Applications.
these solutions are domain-specific and have no general applicability.
fiducial markers are likely to be occluded and impair the quality of tracking.
The main drawback of all these methods is that they assume that the scene is almost stationary and changes are only due to camera motion, which is a condition that is unlikely to happen in real contexts.
Beyond the fact that these solutions are domain-specific and have no general applicability, the main drawback is that fiducial markers are likely to be occluded and impair the quality of tracking.
The main contributions of the solution proposed are:
– We define a method for on-line PTZ camera calibration that jointly estimates the pose of the camera, the focal length and the scene landmark locations. Under reasonable assumptions, such estimation is Bayes-optimal, is very robust to zoom and camera motion and scales beyond thousands of scene landmarks. The method does not assume any temporal coherence between frames but only considers the information in the current frame.
– We provide an adaptive representation of the scene under observation that makes PTZ camera operations independent of the changes of the scene.
– From the optimally estimated camera pose we infer the expected scale of a target at any image location and compute the relationship between the target position in the 2D image and the 3D world plane at each time instant.
Differently from the other solutions published in the literature like [4], [7], [8] and [9], our approach allows performing on-line PTZ camera calibration also in dynamic scenes. Estimation of the relationship between positions in the 2D image and the 3D world plane permits more effective target detection, data association and real-time tracking. Some of the ideas for calibration contained in this paper were presented with preliminary(初步) results under simplified assumptions in [20,21]. Targets were detected manually in the first frame of the sequence and the scene was assumed almost static through time. Therefore we could not maintain camera calibration over hours of activity, neither support rapid camera motion.
Milosavljević, A., et al. (2017). “A method for estimating surveillance video georeferences.” ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 6(7): 211.
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