10.4 英语听力练习

therapy  n.治疗

Radiation therapy for cancer treatment can be effective.

desire  n/v. 渴望

A strong desire for power.

A total of nine furry friends freely wander around in the office and do whatever their little hearts desire.

monument  n.纪念碑,纪念物

An ancient monument

What is the roadside monument i see on my way to work every day.

exhaust  v.用完,耗尽,使筋疲力竭  n.尾气,废气

The country has exhausted its food reserves and has no way to deal with famine.(famine  n.饥荒)

reserves  v.保留,预定  n.储备,保护区

Please reserve a seat for me.

Once these plants use up their stored reserve or tap out the underground supply,they cease growing and start to die.

cease   v.停止

Money ceases to be a problem for us after a fund raising.

fund n.资金 v.为...提供资金

The parents donated a large sum of money to a charitable fund. (charitable   adj.慈善的)

charity  n.慈善机构,仁慈

The musicians have raised a large sum of money for charity.(musicians  n.音乐家)

It dosen`t take donations and doesn`t want to be see as charity.

charitable  adj.慈善的

Our school`s library was funded by charitable donations. 

scout  v.侦查 ,搜寻 n.侦查机

He scouted aroud to see what he could find.

What does it indicate when scout bees fly in a circle?

reckon  v.认为,估计

I reckon that i am going to get that job.

She just published book on the subject  which was reckoned to be quit good.
