【研究生学术英语读写教程翻译 中国科学院大学Unit4】

研究生学术英语读写教程翻译 中国科学院大学Unit1-Unit5

    • unit4 Magic Numbers神奇数字:数学方程式可以美丽吗?

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unit4 Magic Numbers神奇数字:数学方程式可以美丽吗?

Paul Dirac had an eye for beauty. In one essay, from May 1963, the British Nobel laureate referred to beauty nine times. It makes four appearances in four consecutive sentences. In the article he painted a picture of how physicists saw nature. But the word beauty never defined a sunset, nor a flower, or nature in any traditional sense. Dirac was talking quantum theory and gravity. The beauty lay in the mathematics.


What does it mean for maths to be beautiful? It is not about the appearance of the symbols on the page. That, at best, is secondary. Maths becomes beautiful through the power and elegance of its arguments and formulae; through the bridges it builds between previously unconnected worlds. When it surprises. For those who learn the language, maths has the same capacity for beauty as art, music, a full blanket of stars on the darkest night.


“The slow movement of the Mozart clarinet concerto is a really beautiful piece of music, but I don’t print off a page of the score and put that on my wall. It’s not about that. It’s about the music and the ideas and the emotional response,〞 says Vicky Neale, a mathematician at Oxford University. “It’s the same with a piece of mathematics. It’s not how it looks, it‘s about the underlying thought processes.〞


Brain scans of mathematicians show that gazing at formulae considered beautiful by the beholder elicits activity in the same emotional region as great art and music. The more beautiful the formula, the greater the activity in the medial orbito-frontal cortex. “So far as the brain is concerned, maths has beauty just like art. Ther
