

有意识和无意识的学习(Conscious and Unconscious Learning)

Did you ever take an important exam?


Preparing for a big test demands learning and learning takes real cognitive effort. We take unknown concepts, make them familiar, and rely on our minds to store and recall this learned information.

准备大考试需要学习,而学习则需要真正的认知努力。 我们采用未知的概念,使其熟悉,并依靠我们的思想来存储和回忆这些学到的信息。

I sometimes have a dream about an important exam. The dream is the same each time and it happens maybe once a year. I wake up very suddenly, with a palpable feeling of threat. In that moment, I am fully convinced I’m either late, under-prepared or mixed up about details of an important exam, about to happen right now!

有时我梦见一次重要的考试。 每次梦想都是一样的,可能一年一次。 我突然醒来,感到明显的威胁。 在那一刻,我完全相信我对重要考试的细节已经迟到,准备不足或感到困惑,马上就要发生了!

Except the exam isn’t real of course. My unconscious mind is choosing to mess with me for reasons best known to itself! The feeling evaporates quickly too.

当然考试不是真的。 我无意识的头脑选择以我自己最熟知的原因来惹我! 感觉也很快消失。

No, the exam stress dream is just an echo. A footprint of mental exertions expended on learning. It takes effort to learn!

不,考试压力的梦想只是回声。 大量的脑力劳动花费在学习上。 需要努力学习!

学习需要努力 (Learning Takes Effort)

When we learn something new, we must engage our conscious mind until the learning is practised and internalised. Our goal is to require less conscious effort, so that our unconscious takes on the heavy lifting for us.

当我们学习新的东西时,我们必须吸引我们的意识,直到实践和内化学习为止。 我们的目标是减少自觉的努力,以使我们的无意识承担起我们的沉重负担。

Take a complex task, like driving a car. When learning to drive, we must engage fully and consciously to learn. We concentrate and focus until more elements of the activity gradually become second nature.

承担一项复杂的任务,例如开车。 在学习驾驶时,我们必须充分有意识地参与学习。 我们专心致志,直到更多的活动内容逐渐成为第二天性。

“Check mirrors, indicate, then make the manoeuvre’… I remember repeating this to myself hundreds of times as I learned to drive. I no longer need to say it out loud of course, but there was a time when the conscious reminder was very useful.

“检查后视镜,指示,然后进行操作”。我记得当我学会驾驶时,对自己重复了数百次。 当然,我不再需要大声说出来,但是有一段时间,有意识的提醒非常有用。

Can you find the spelling mistake? :) 您能找到拼写错误吗? :)

协同学习 (Collaborative Learning)

At work, I dwell in a complex context that demands all kinds of learning. I’m sure you are the same.

在工作中,我住在需要各种学习的复杂环境中。 我确定你是一样的。

Software Development attracted me for precisely this reason: you learn every day, and the journey never ends!


There is a good reason to use Scrum in a complex context like Software Development: it helps teams to learn together. Scrum makes collaborative learning part of the interactions between people in teams.

在诸如软件开发这样的复杂环境中使用Scrum是有充分理由的:它可以帮助团队共同学习。 Scrum使协作学习成为团队中人与人之间互动的一部分。

Teams learn more about context, customers, plans or ways of working at the Daily Scrum, Sprint Planning, the Sprint Review or the Sprint Retrospective.


Scrum, including the events, cannot exist without something else: empiricism. Empiricism describes the ability of a Scrum Team to inspect a customer need, a plan to meet it or a way of working, and adapt those things if needed. With empiricism, Scrum asks team to consciously learn together.

包括事件在内的Scrum不能没有别的东西:经验主义。 经验主义描述了Scrum团队检查客户需求,满足需求的计划或工作方式,并在需要时进行调整的能力。 Scrum凭经验主义要求团队有意识地一起学习

There is a process to learning like this. I had a bit of an ‘aha!’ moment when I saw it for the first time, and I believe it is relevant to Scrum Teams too.

有这样的学习过程。 我有点“啊哈!” 当我第一次看到它的那一刻,我相信它也与Scrum团队有关。

步骤1:我不知道我不知道 (Step 1: I don’t know what I don’t know)


We start the process in a state of unconscious incompetence.


We need to become aware of a gap in our knowledge.


Perhaps we are encountering a new problem or using new technology. We could be first to market with something innovative, or using a practice for the first time.

也许我们遇到了新问题或正在使用新技术。 我们可以率先以创新的方式推向市场,或者是第一次使用某种实践。

But… we don’t know what we don’t know! In a Scrum Team working in a complex context, you will become aware of things you don’t know frequently.

但是……我们不知道我们不知道! 在复杂环境下的Scrum团队中,您将了解一些自己不经常知道的事情。

Take product backlog refinement for example. Refinement is a dance with unknowns and an effort to tame uncertainty until we have just enough information to start something meaningful. In order to reach that point, we need to identify things we don’t know yet, and ways to find answers.

以产品积压细化为例。 精炼是一种未知的舞蹈,它努力抑制不确定性,直到我们掌握足够的信息来开始有意义的事情为止。 为了达到这一点,我们需要确定尚不了解的事物以及找到答案的方法。

步骤2:我的知识有缺口 (Step 2: I have a gap in my knowledge)


Realising the gap in our knowledge moves us to conscious incompetence: we are suddenly aware of something we do not know yet.


Throughout my software development career, there have been countless moments of discovery like this. Those moments typically start when I became aware of a gap in my own knowledge.

在我的软件开发生涯中,有无数这样的发现时刻。 这些时刻通常从我意识到自己的知识空白时开始。

As a newbie developer, I would frequently hear terms dropped into technical discussions that I could not explain. I would write them down, do my homework after the conversation, and have those little ‘aha!’ moments. You could drown in jargon and terminology if you allowed these gaps to fester, and this homework was an important part of my own learning journey.

作为一个新手开发人员,我经常会听到一些术语无法解释的技术讨论。 我会把它们写下来,在谈话后做功课,还有一点点“啊哈!” 片刻。 如果让这些鸿沟消失,您可能会被术语和术语淹没,而这项作业是我自己学习过程中的重要组成部分。

For example, I remember an opportunity to use Materialised Views for the first time. I had never heard of them before! Initially, they seemed like some kind of magic to me, and I remember being determined to bridge the gap in my knowledge.

例如,我记得第一次有机会使用物化视图。 我以前从未听说过它们! 最初,它们对我来说似乎是一种魔力,我记得自己决心弥合我的知识鸿沟。

第三步:填补差距 (Step 3: Plugging the Gap)


To bridge the gap, I needed to spend time doing some research first. I needed to work towards conscious competence.

为了弥合差距,我需要先花时间做一些研究。 我需要为有意识的能力而努力。

I needed to build something small to allow a meaningful test. The first tests were unremarkable failures, but I learned something with every small failure. Gradually, over time, working within the constraints of the problem I was trying to solve, and the tool that I was learning, I moved closer and closer to done.

我需要构建一些小的东西以进行有意义的测试。 最初的测试是很少的失败,但是我每一次小的失败都会学到一些东西。 随着时间的流逝,在我试图解决的问题和我所学习的工具的限制下,我越来越接近完成。

In many ways, at this stage of learning, I was using short cycles of learning, the classic idea of the Deming or Shewhart Cycle: Plan, Do, Check, Act.


Source) 来源)

In order to engage my own learning, this was a very conscious process. What am I trying to understand this time? How will I test that? Run the test, evaluate results, decide next steps. Consciously develop competence.

为了参与我自己的学习,这是一个非常有意识的过程。 这次我想了解什么? 我将如何测试? 运行测试,评估结果,决定下一步。 自觉发展能力。

The same cycles apply to learning in a Scrum Team. In the Daily Scrum we check what we can get done today. We act throughout the day, making code commits that demonstrate short learning cycles. Our increment builds in small steps of learning every day, and our Continuous Integration systems give us feedback which we can check: We might need to act on that feedback, especially if tests are failing, or something doesn’t work in the deployment...

相同的周期适用于Scrum团队的学习。 在每日Scrum中,我们检查了今天可以完成的工作。 我们全天采取行动,使代码提交显示出较短的学习周期。 我们的增量建立在每天学习的小步骤上,并且我们的持续集成系统向我们提供了可以检查的反馈:我们可能需要根据该反馈采取行动,尤其是在测试失败或部署中不起作用的情况下。 。

Next morning, we get together again and ask ‘how are we doing today’? Are we still on track to achieve our Sprint Goal? Feedback in the Daily Scrum might mean we need to act too.

第二天早上,我们又聚在一起,问'我们今天过得怎么样'? 我们是否仍有望实现Sprint目标? Daily Scrum中的反馈可能意味着我们也需要采取行动。

步骤4:我现在知道了! (Step 4: I know it now!)


When teams first run Daily Scrums, it can feel awkward. Standing in a circle around a whiteboard, giving a little speech one by one. It can feel ritualistic.

当团队第一次运行Daily Scrums时,会感到很尴尬。 围成一圈站在白板周围,发表一点讲话。 感觉上有礼节性。

However, with time, when Scrum Teams move into a state of unconscious competence with the Daily Scrum, they start to see the real value in the event: the opportunity to learn together quickly and respond to feedback from each other.

但是,随着时间的流逝,当Scrum团队进入Daily Scrum的潜意识状态时,他们开始看到该事件的真正价值:有机会快速学习并相互回应反馈。

When teams ignore the Daily Scrum, they miss opportunities to act on this feedback, and put their Sprint Goal at risk.


Learning the Scrum framework is no different to learning something like Materialised Views. Once they are learned, we become unconsciously competent. But the process doesn’t end there!

学习Scrum框架与学习物化视图一样。 一旦了解了它们,我们就会潜意识地胜任。 但是过程并没有就此结束!

步骤5 ++:重复! (Step 5++: Repeat!)


Now it’s time to get better! Keep looking for those gaps in your knowledge, friends. Never tire of becoming conscious of what you or your Scrum Team needs to learn.

现在该变得更好了! 不断寻找知识上的空白,朋友。 永不厌倦地意识到您或您的Scrum团队需要学习的知识。

Scrum对于团队学习很有用 (Scrum is useful for Team Learning)

Learning takes effort! In complex contexts, opportunities to identify something we don’t know are frequent. Understanding the journey to Unconscious Competence can help accelerate this process.

学习需要努力! 在复杂的情况下,经常有机会发现我们不知道的东西。 了解无意识能力的过程可以帮助加快这一过程。

One of the main reasons to use Scrum in a complex context like Software Development is that it helps teams to learn together. Scrum provides containers for team learning and calls them Events: Sprint Planning, the Daily Scrum, the Sprint Review and Retrospective.

其中一个主要的原因使用Scrum在像软件开发复杂的背景是,它可以帮助团队一起学习。 Scrum提供了用于团队学习的容器,并将其称为事件:Sprint计划,每日Scrum,Sprint审查和回顾。

Empiricism also helps Scrum Teams to learn together. Transparency prompts us to be open to understanding new things. Inspection and adaptation help us to consciously learn and improve until we develop new conscious competence. These can then eventually become a part of how we do things, unconsciously.

经验主义还可以帮助Scrum团队一起学习。 透明度促使我们对了解新事物持开放态度。 检查和适应可以帮助我们自觉地学习和改进,直到我们发展新的自觉能力。 这些最终可能无意识地成为我们做事的一部分。

If you can help your Scrum Team to learn in this way, I hope it will help you to accelerate building your competences and become more successful together.


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