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偶然注意到PX4日志中老是出现类似于2000.01.01 00:00:00这种日期(有兴趣的可以搜索一下千年虫问题),于是结合代码进行了一波分析。

最后定位到gmtime_r(FAR const time_t *timer, FAR struct tm *result)这个函数以及struct tm这个结构体。

 * time.h
 * /
struct tm
  int tm_sec;     /* second (0-61, allows for leap seconds) */
  int tm_min;     /* minute (0-59) */
  int tm_hour;    /* hour (0-23) */
  int tm_mday;    /* day of the month (1-31) */
  int tm_mon;     /* month (0-11) */
  int tm_year;    /* years since 1900 */
  int tm_wday;    /* day of the week (0-6) */                         /*not supported by NuttX*/
  int tm_yday;    /* day of the year (0-365) */                       /*not supported by NuttX*/
  int tm_isdst;   /* non-0 if daylight savings time is in effect */   /*not supported by NuttX*/


这里需要注意到的是tm_year是从1900.01.01 00:00:00年开始计的。称为系统时间System Time。

gmtime_r()是根据从1970.01.01 00:00:00后的秒数换算过来的。称为格林威治时间/Unix time。



 * libc/time/lib_gmtimer.c
 * Function:  gmtime_r
 * Description:
 *  Time conversion (based on the POSIX API)

FAR struct tm *gmtime_r(FAR const time_t *timer, FAR struct tm *result)
  time_t epoch;
  time_t jdn;
  int    year;
  int    month;
  int    day;
  int    hour;
  int    min;
  int    sec;

  /* Get the seconds since the EPOCH */
  /* 纪元开始 1970.01.01 00:00:00*/
  epoch = *timer;
  sdbg("timer=%d\n", (int)epoch);

  /* Convert to days, hours, minutes, and seconds since the EPOCH */

  jdn    = epoch / SEC_PER_DAY; // 天数
  epoch -= SEC_PER_DAY * jdn; // 减去 天数 * 一天的秒数

  hour   = epoch / SEC_PER_HOUR; // 小时数
  epoch -= SEC_PER_HOUR * hour; // 减去 小时数 * 一小时的秒数

  min    = epoch / SEC_PER_MIN; // 分钟数
  epoch -= SEC_PER_MIN * min; // 减去 分钟数 * 一分钟的秒数

  sec    = epoch; // 最终秒数

  sdbg("hour=%d min=%d sec=%d\n",
       (int)hour, (int)min, (int)sec);

  /* Convert the days since the EPOCH to calendar day */

  clock_utc2calendar(jdn, &year, &month, &day); // 确定日期,自1970.1.1之后的

  sdbg("jdn=%d year=%d month=%d day=%d\n",
       (int)jdn, (int)year, (int)month, (int)day);

  /* Then return the struct tm contents */

  result->tm_year = (int)year - 1900; /* Relative to 1900 */
  result->tm_mon  = (int)month - 1;   /* zero-based */
  result->tm_mday = (int)day;         /* one-based */
  result->tm_hour = (int)hour;
  result->tm_min  = (int)min;
  result->tm_sec  = (int)sec;

  return result;



/* Only handles dates since Jan 1, 1970 */
/* 处理1970.1.1之后的日期  */
static void clock_utc2calendar(time_t days, int *year, int *month, int *day)
  int  value;
  int  min;
  int  max;
  int  tmp;
  bool leapyear;

  /* There is one leap year every four years, so we can get close with the
   * following:

  value   = days  / (4*365 + 1);  /* Number of 4-years periods since the epoch 多少个四年 */
  days   -= value * (4*365 + 1);  /* Remaining days 剩余天数 */
  value <<= 2;                    /* Years since the epoch 左移两位,乘以4,得到从EPOCH后的年数 */

  /* Then we will brute force the next 0-3 years */
 // 简单匹配接下来的0到3年
 // 将剩下的天数分配到接下来的3年
  for (;;)
      /* Is this year a leap year (we'll need this later too) */

      leapyear = clock_isleapyear(value + 1970);

      /* Get the number of days in the year */

      tmp = (leapyear ? 366 : 365);

      /* Do we have that many days? */

      if (days >= tmp)
           /* Yes.. bump up the year */

           days -= tmp;
           /* Nope... then go handle months */


  /* At this point, value has the year and days has number days into this year */

  *year = 1970 + value;

  /* Handle the month (zero based) */

  min = 0;
  max = 11;

      /* Get the midpoint */

      value = (min + max) >> 1; // value = (min + max)/2

      /* Get the number of days that occurred before the beginning of the month
       * following the midpoint.

      tmp = clock_daysbeforemonth(value + 1, leapyear); // (value + 1)月开始前过了多少天了

      /* Does the number of days before this month that equal or exceed the
     * number of days we have remaining?

      if (tmp > days)
          /* Yes.. then the month we want is somewhere from 'min' and to the
       * midpoint, 'value'.  Could it be the midpoint?

          tmp = clock_daysbeforemonth(value, leapyear);
          if (tmp > days)
              /* No... The one we want is somewhere between min and value-1 */

              max = value - 1;
              /* Yes.. 'value' contains the month that we want */

           /* No... The one we want is somwhere between value+1 and max */

           min = value + 1;

      /* If we break out of the loop because min == max, then we want value
       * to be equal to min == max.

      value = min;
  while (min < max);

  /* The selected month number is in value. Subtract the number of days in the
   * selected month

  days -= clock_daysbeforemonth(value, leapyear);

  /* At this point, value has the month into this year (zero based) and days has
   * number of days into this month (zero based)

  *month = value + 1; /* 1-based */
  *day   = days + 1;  /* 1-based */


然后返回到gmtime_r()函数可以确定,struct tm结构体的赋值源头所在。







/* CLOCK_REALTIME refers to the standard time source.  For most implementations,
 * the standard time source is the system timer interrupt.  However, if the
 * platform supports an RTC, then the standard time source will be the RTC
 * for the clock_gettime() and clock_settime() interfaces (the system timer
 * is still the time source for all of the interfaces).

#define CLOCK_REALTIME     0

/* If an RTC is supported, then the non-standard CLOCK_ACTIVETIME is also
 * supported to manage time based on the system timer interrupt separately from
 * the RTC.  This may be necessary, for example, in certain cases where the
 * system timer interrupt has been stopped in low power modes.
 * CLOCK_ACTIVETIME is only recognized by clock_gettime() and clock_settime().



 * sdlog2.c
bool get_log_time_tt(struct tm *tt, bool boot_time) {
    struct timespec ts;
    px4_clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); // 请注意,时间由我定
    /* use RTC time for log file naming, e.g. /fs/microsd/2014-01-19/19_37_52.px4log */
    time_t utc_time_sec = 0;

    if (_gpstime_only && has_gps_3d_fix) {
        utc_time_sec = gps_time_sec;
    } else {
        utc_time_sec = ts.tv_sec + (ts.tv_nsec / 1e9);

    if (utc_time_sec > PX4_EPOCH_SECS) {
        /* strip the time elapsed since boot */
        if (boot_time) {
            utc_time_sec -= hrt_absolute_time() / 1e6;

        /* apply utc offset (min, not hour) */
        utc_time_sec += _utc_offset*60;

        struct tm *ttp = gmtime_r(&utc_time_sec, tt);
        return (ttp != NULL);
    } else {
        return false;


 * px4_time.h
#elif defined(__PX4_LINUX) || defined(__PX4_NUTTX) || defined(__PX4_DARWIN)

#define px4_clock_gettime clock_gettime
#define px4_clock_settime clock_settime


 * Name: clock_gettime
 * Description:
 *   Clock Functions based on POSIX APIs

int clock_gettime(clockid_t clock_id, struct timespec *tp)
  uint64_t msecs;
  uint64_t secs;
  uint64_t nsecs;
  uint32_t msecs;
  uint32_t secs;
  uint32_t nsecs;
  int ret = OK;

  sdbg("clock_id=%d\n", clock_id);

  /* CLOCK_REALTIME - POSIX demands this to be present. This is the wall
   * time clock.

  if (clock_id == CLOCK_REALTIME || clock_id == CLOCK_ACTIVETIME)
  if (clock_id == CLOCK_REALTIME)
      /* Do we have a high-resolution RTC that can provie us with the time? */

      if (g_rtc_enabled && clock_id != CLOCK_ACTIVETIME)
          /* Yes.. Get the hi-resolution time from the RTC */
/////////// 使用RTC //////
          ret = up_rtc_gettime(tp);
          /* Get the elapsed time since power up (in milliseconds) biased
           * as appropriate.
        /* 获取从系统上电后的时间 不上电不走数 */
          msecs = MSEC_PER_TICK * (g_system_timer - g_tickbias);

          sdbg("msecs = %d g_tickbias=%d\n",
               (int)msecs, (int)g_tickbias);

          /* Get the elapsed time in seconds and nanoseconds. */

          secs  = msecs / MSEC_PER_SEC;
          nsecs = (msecs - (secs * MSEC_PER_SEC)) * NSEC_PER_MSEC;

          sdbg("secs = %d + %d nsecs = %d + %d\n",
               (int)msecs, (int)g_basetime.tv_sec,
               (int)nsecs, (int)g_basetime.tv_nsec);

          /* Add the base time to this. */

          secs  += (uint32_t)g_basetime.tv_sec;
          nsecs += (uint32_t)g_basetime.tv_nsec;

          /* Handle carry to seconds. */

          if (nsecs > NSEC_PER_SEC)
              uint32_t dwCarrySecs = nsecs / NSEC_PER_SEC;
              secs  += dwCarrySecs;
              nsecs -= (dwCarrySecs * NSEC_PER_SEC);

          /* And return the result to the caller. */

          tp->tv_sec  = (time_t)secs;
          tp->tv_nsec = (long)nsecs;

      sdbg("Returning tp=(%d,%d)\n", (int)tp->tv_sec, (int)tp->tv_nsec);
      sdbg("Returning ERROR\n");

      errno = EINVAL;
      ret = ERROR;

  return ret;


 * rtc.h
 * Pre-processor Definitions
/* Configuration ************************************************************/
/* CONFIG_RTC - Enables general support for a hardware RTC.  Specific
 *   architectures may require other specific settings.
 * CONFIG_RTC_DATETIME - There are two general types of RTC:  (1) A simple
 *   battery backed counter that keeps the time when power is down, and (2)
 *   A full date / time RTC the provides the date and time information, often
 *   in BCD format.  If CONFIG_RTC_DATETIME is selected, it specifies this
 *   second kind of RTC. In this case, the RTC is used to "seed" the normal
 *   NuttX timer and the NuttX system timer provides for higher resoution
 *   time.
 * CONFIG_RTC_HIRES - If CONFIG_RTC_DATETIME not selected, then the simple,
 *   battery backed counter is used.  There are two different implementations
 *   of such simple counters based on the time resolution of the counter:
 *   The typical RTC keeps time to resolution of 1 second, usually
 *   supporting a 32-bit time_t value.  In this case, the RTC is used to
 *   "seed" the normal NuttX timer and the NuttX timer provides for higher
 *   resoution time.
 *   If CONFIG_RTC_HIRES is enabled in the NuttX configuration, then the
 *   RTC provides higher resolution time and completely replaces the system
 *   timer for purpose of date and time.
 * CONFIG_RTC_FREQUENCY - If CONFIG_RTC_HIRES is defined, then the frequency
 *   of the high resolution RTC must be provided.  If CONFIG_RTC_HIRES is
 *   not defined, CONFIG_RTC_FREQUENCY is assumed to be one.
 * CONFIG_RTC_ALARM - Enable if the RTC hardware supports setting of an
 *   alarm.  A callback function will be executed when the alarm goes off



int fantasy_test_main(int argc, char *argv[])
    PX4_INFO("Hello Sky!");

    time_t timeSec = time(NULL);//1970.01.01

    struct tm tt;

    struct tm *timeinfo = gmtime_r(&timeSec, &tt);

    PX4_INFO("The time is %d-%d-%d  %d:%d:%d  \n",\

    return 0;

时间一直是从2000.01.01 00:00:00开始的,并且只有USB上电时间才增加,难道电池没电?


# vehicle_gps_position.msg
uint64 time_utc_usec        # Timestamp (microseconds, UTC), this is the timestamp which comes from the gps module. It might be unavailable right after cold start, indicated by a value of 0 

最后的总结,确定当前系统时间时,先获取已经经过的秒数,再调用struct tm *timeinfo = gmtime_r(&timeSec, &tt);就能获取tm的时间了。

先接受一次GPS卫星授时吧,需要3d fix。


                            By Fantasy
