Young Sheldon S02E06

1.roll the clip 播放视频剪辑

roll the video 播放视频

1.have a flair for the creative arts

flair 天资,天分

3.haunted house 鬼屋

4.Good for you! 真厉害!真了不起!

5.How'd you swing that? 你是怎么办到的?

swing (口语)成功地处置,对付

let it have its swing 顺其自然

6.Take your time 慢慢来

7.I'm in no mood.我心情不好

I'm in (a) good mood.我心情很好 fetch 玩捡球游戏(狗狗)

9.How well do you know her? 你跟她有多熟?

10.look at you, just wheeling and dealing like a big-time Hollywood producer.

wheeling and dealing 想方设法,不择手段

11.put ... on the line 冒险;赌上了。。。

I'v put my reputation on the line. 我赌上了我的名声。

12.I'm gonna need you to back off just a little bit.

back off 后退(不要过多干涉)

13.No one's making out.

make out (俚语)亲热

14.Donations are through the roof.捐款很多

through the roof 。。。很多

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