吴恩达机器学习——Andrew Ng machine-learning-ex2 python实现


Exercise 2: Logistic Regression

1. Logistic Regression

1.1 Plotting

1.2  sigmoid function

1.3 Cost function and gradient

1.4 Optimize

1.5 Predict

2.  Regularized logistic regression

2.1 Plotting

2.2 Cost function and gradient

2.3 Optimize

Exercise 2: Logistic Regression


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.optimize as opt


1. Logistic Regression

1.1 Plotting


def read_file(file):
    data = pd.read_csv(file, header=None)
    data = np.array(data)
    return data

def plotData(X, y):
    plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4), dpi=150)
    X1 = X[y == 0, :]
    X2 = X[y == 1, :]
    plt.plot(X1[:, 0], X1[:, 1], 'yo')
    plt.plot(X2[:, 0], X2[:, 1], 'k+')
    plt.xlabel('Exam 1 score')
    plt.ylabel('Exam 2 score')
    plt.legend(['Admitted', 'Not admitted'], loc='upper right')

## Load Data
X = data[:, 0:2]
y = data[:, 2]

## ==================== Part 1: Plotting ====================
print('Plotting data with + indicating (y = 1) examples and o indicating (y = 0) examples.')
plotData(X, y)
print('Program paused. Press enter to continue.')


吴恩达机器学习——Andrew Ng machine-learning-ex2 python实现_第1张图片

1.2  sigmoid function


       logistic regression函数的公式为:

       h_{\Theta }\left ( x \right )=g\left ( \Theta ^{T}x \right )


       g\left ( z \right )=\frac{1}{1+e^{-z}}

def sigmoid(x):
    return 1 / (np.exp(-x) + 1)

1.3 Cost function and gradient

       logistic regression的损失函数为



       吴恩达机器学习——Andrew Ng machine-learning-ex2 python实现_第2张图片

def costfunction(initial_theta, X, y):
    m = np.size(y, 0)
    cost = (-y.T.dot(np.log(sigmoid(X.dot(initial_theta)))) - \
    (1 - y).T.dot(np.log(1-sigmoid(X.dot(initial_theta))))) / m
    return cost

def gradient(initial_theta, X, y):
    m, n = X.shape
    initial_theta = initial_theta.reshape((n, 1))
    grad = X.T.dot(sigmoid(X.dot(initial_theta)) - y) / m
    return grad.flatten()

## ============ Part 2: Compute Cost and Gradient ============
m, n = X.shape
X = np.c_[np.ones(m), X]
initial_theta = np.zeros((n + 1, 1))
y = y.reshape((m, 1))

#cost, grad = costFunction(initial_theta, X, y)
cost, grad = costfunction(initial_theta, X, y), gradient(initial_theta, X, y)
print('Cost at initial theta (zeros): %f' % cost);
print('Expected cost (approx): 0.693');
print('Gradient at initial theta (zeros): ');
print('%f %f %f' % (grad[0], grad[1], grad[2]))
print('Expected gradients (approx): -0.1000 -12.0092 -11.2628')
theta1 = np.array([[-24], [0.2], [0.2]], dtype='float64')
cost, grad = costfunction(theta1, X, y), gradient(theta1, X, y)
#cost, grad = costFunction(theta1, X, y)
print('Cost at initial theta (zeros): %f' % cost);
print('Expected cost (approx): 0.218');
print('Gradient at initial theta (zeros): ');
print('%f %f %f' % (grad[0], grad[1], grad[2]))
print('Expected gradients (approx): 0.043 2.566 2.647')
print('Program paused. Press enter to continue.')


吴恩达机器学习——Andrew Ng machine-learning-ex2 python实现_第3张图片

1.4 Optimize


## ============= Part 3: Optimizing using fminunc  =============
initial_theta = np.zeros(n + 1)
result = opt.minimize(fun=costfunction, x0=initial_theta, args=(X, y), method='SLSQP', jac=gradient)

print('Cost at theta found by fminunc: %f' % result['fun'])
print('Expected cost (approx): 0.203')
print('%f %f %f' % (result['x'][0], result['x'][1], result['x'][2]))
print('Expected theta (approx):')
print(' -25.161 0.206 0.201')
print('Program paused. Press enter to continue.')


吴恩达机器学习——Andrew Ng machine-learning-ex2 python实现_第4张图片

1.5 Predict


def predict(theta, X):
    m = np.size(theta, 0)
    rst = sigmoid(X.dot(theta.reshape(m, 1)))
    rst = rst > 0.5
    return rst

## ============== Part 4: Predict and Accuracies ==============
prob = sigmoid(np.array([1, 45, 85], dtype='float64').dot(result['x']))
print('For a student with scores 45 and 85, we predict an admission ' \
         'probability of %.3f' % prob)
print('Expected value: 0.775 +/- 0.002\n')

p = predict(result['x'], X)

print('Train Accuracy: %.1f%%' % (np.mean(p == y) * 100))
print('Expected accuracy (approx): 89.0%\n')



吴恩达机器学习——Andrew Ng machine-learning-ex2 python实现_第5张图片

2.  Regularized logistic regression

2.1 Plotting


吴恩达机器学习——Andrew Ng machine-learning-ex2 python实现_第6张图片

2.2 Cost function and gradient


def costfunction(initial_theta, X, y, lamb):
    m, n = X.shape
    initial_theta = initial_theta.reshape((n, 1))
    y = y.reshape((m, 1))
    cost = (-y.T.dot(np.log(sigmoid(X.dot(initial_theta)))) - \
    (1 - y).T.dot(np.log(1-sigmoid(X.dot(initial_theta))))) / m \
    + lamb / (2 * m) * initial_theta.T.dot(initial_theta)    
    return cost

def gradient(initial_theta, X, y, lamb):
    m, n = X.shape
    y = y.reshape((m, 1))
    initial_theta = initial_theta.reshape((n, 1))
    grad = X.T.dot(sigmoid(X.dot(initial_theta)) - y) / m \
    + lamb / m * initial_theta
    return grad

2.3 Optimize

initial_theta = np.ones(n)
lamb = 1
cost = costfunction(initial_theta, X, y, lamb)
grad = gradient(initial_theta, X, y, lamb)

result = opt.minimize(fun=costfunction, x0=initial_theta, args=(X, y, lamb), method='SLSQP', jac=gradient)

p = predict(result['x'], X)

print('Train Accuracy: %.1f%%' % (np.mean(p.flatten() == y) * 100))
print('Expected accuracy (approx): 83.1%\n')




