ksdbmerge.tools All Product Crack

ksdbmerge.Merge Tools for Cross-DBMS v1.3
ksdbmerge.MssqlMerge v1.26.1
ksdbmerge.MysqlMerge v1.10.3
ksdbmerge.SQLiteMerge v1.10.2
ksdbmerge.OracleMerge v1.0
ksdbmerge.PgsqlMerge v1.2.2
ksdbmerge.AccdbMerge v1.27

ksdbmerge.tools All Product Crack_第1张图片


ksdbmerge.Merge Tools for Cross-DBMS v1.3
Compare and synchronize database schema and data
For Oracle, MySQL and MariaDB, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS Access and cross-DBMS scenarios
Two-panel UI that is commonly used in industry-leading text-diff tools
Quick filters to show all/new/changed/new+changed
Merge changes in both directions
Lightweight: Cross-DBMS tool is less than 20 MB, tool for Oracle is around 10 MB and any other tool is less than 10 MB
Free versions with basic features, available for commercial use. No credit card, no registration, no ads, no hidden telemetry.
Pro versions with whole set of features at a reasonable price

ksdbmerge.OracleMerge v1.0
Compare and synchronize Oracle database schema and data
Scroll the gallery and click on the image title to open the use case with detailed steps. Use the Pro/Free toggle to switch application modes, if applicable.

ksdbmerge.MysqlMerge v1.10.3
Compare and synchronize MySQL & MariaDB schema and data
Scroll the gallery and click on the image title to open the use case with detailed steps. Use the Pro/Free toggle to switch application modes, if applicable.

ksdbmerge.AccdbMerge v1.27
Compare and synchronize MS Access projects and data
Scroll the gallery and click on the image title to open the use case with detailed steps. Use the Pro/Free toggle to switch application modes, if applicable.

ksdbmerge.SQLiteMerge v1.10.2
Compare and synchronize SQLite schema and data
Scroll the gallery and click on the image title to open the use case with detailed steps. Use the Pro/Free toggle to switch application modes, if applicable.

ksdbmerge.PgsqlMerge v1.2.2
Compare and synchronize PostgreSQL schema and data
Scroll the gallery and click on the image title to open the use case with detailed steps. Use the Pro/Free toggle to switch application modes, if applicable.

ksdbmerge.MssqlMerge v1.26.1
Compare and synchronize SQL Server schema and data
Scroll the gallery and click on the image title to open the use case with detailed steps. Use the Pro/Free toggle to switch application modes, if applicable.

