43-Relaxing after a tired tirp 2022-10-31

I have insisted in walking for fourty minutes on every morning for twenty-one days. I got up at half pass five and walked around the gym, then I would read book and writed a note in chinese, these was what I did in the passed twenty-one days. 

There was somedays that I felt tired, especially my leg, but I beleve in that all will goog only for insisting walking. Two days ago, I wanted to have a search in a coalmine which is accessible in midnight, so I decided to go in night. there was only two trains service when we arrived at the station and the time between two trains was not enough for us, therefor we must lost one of the train and could come back by walking.

It's about five kilometres which we needed to walk by foot. we hurried up to the workface and tested gas drainage concentration one by one in 603 and 604 workface. This was a project which we did last year, we evaluated the efect by the gas drainage concentration which was the high the better. 

the date was so satisfiedn that we all felt very happy. It left ony ten minutes for the last train service so that we must run quickly. we taken the equipment and run quickly, it was so tired that i wanted to give up the chance to catch the train, but I persuated myself and catch the train and got from the coalming at four oclock. 

I went to sleep after bathing, It was relaxed when i waked up at nine oclock, my lege was not tired too, it was a pleasur trip in the coalmine. 

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