禁用传统支持和启用安全引导_如何为Windows 10启用或禁用安全登录

禁用传统支持和启用安全引导_如何为Windows 10启用或禁用安全登录_第1张图片


禁用传统支持和启用安全引导_如何为Windows 10启用或禁用安全登录_第2张图片

Windows is the most targeted operating system on the planet. That means you should fortify your PC’s defenses to stay safe both online and offline. This guide shows you how to enable or disable Secure Sign-In for Windows 10.

Windows是地球上最具针对性的操作系统。 这意味着您应该加强PC的防御能力,以确保在线和离线安全。 本指南介绍如何为Windows 10启用或禁用安全登录。

Secure Sign-In is an additional component on the Windows 10 login screen. It doesn’t prevent anyone from accessing your PC if they have your credentials. Instead, Windows 10 removes the login fields until you type a string of keys. After that, enter your password or PIN as usual.

安全登录是Windows 10登录屏幕上的附加组件。 如果有您的凭据,它不会阻止任何人访问您的PC。 而是,Windows 10会删除登录字段,直到您键入密钥字符串为止。 之后,照常输入密码或PIN。

This feature aims to thwart malware. Malicious code could reside in the background and spoof the Windows 10 login screen to capture your credentials. Because apps and programs typically don’t have access to the Ctrl+At+Del command, you can bypass the fake login screen by using Secure Sign-In that’s activated by typing this three-key command.

此功能旨在阻止恶意软件。 恶意代码可能驻留在后台,并且欺骗Windows 10登录屏幕以捕获您的凭据。 由于应用程序和程序通常无权使用Ctrl + At + Del命令,因此您可以使用通过键入此三键命令激活的安全登录来绕过假登录屏幕。

使用Netplwiz命令启用或禁用 (Enable or Disable Using the Netplwiz Command)

To start, launch the Run command by pressing the “Windows” and “R” k
