


mediocre,second-rate, average, indifferent, inferior, middling, ordinary,pedestrian,undistinguished

鸿沟/差距gulf,discrepancy,chasm, abyss

阻碍stymie,hamper, hinder, obstruct, inhibit, frustrate, thwart

time constraint


Shallow understandings masquerading deep ones is very common.

a novice can quickly get to the cutting edge

1.join communities with right characteristics

(eg:加入和你有共同目标,比如一起想练口语的社区)go to  environments where incentives align with improving the skill you want.

If you want to learn a  language, the best way is through immersion. This is because having an environment which necessitates non-stop practice makes learning so much easier  than one where practice is  always a deliberate effort.


More exposures to information , separated in time, will result in better retention than if you cram them in one burst.(比一次性狂记要好)


表现稍逊slightly underperforming


out of sync, not on the rhythm


1.It's comforting to see when the experience I've gained from my own learning challenges converge on the serious work scientists  are doing to understand the brains and how we learn.

It's comforting to …

converge 观点趋同【写作】

2.Sustained hard work can help set off your own exponential growth of learning in a domain as well.

3.However, genes only created a small head start.(用在天赋与后天努力的话题)

Intelligence is malleable.智力是后天可塑的。

Innate differences do matter and some people are born with more talent than others.

Intelligence is partially genetic and partially environmental.


4.bear out证实

Twin studies and natural experiments seemed to bear that out.

A and B bear little resemblance 不相像

painfully dull

build scaffolding to support new ideas

mentally prime … to精神上做好准备做……

to prepare someone for a situation so that they know what to do使准备好〔应付某个情况〕

prime sb to do sth.


paraphrasing with sparse  notes while reading(根据少量笔记复述)

the Feynmen technique费曼技巧

taking pause during reading session to quickly recap what you just read.

take precedence / the top priority



a.hunt for questions

b.deliberately connect it to things you care about

Curiosity is the antidote to boredom, but if you don't cultivate curiosity about a subject, you can't blame it later for being boring…


negate the potential to…

emotional regulation

be more amenable  to improvements


The person who walks by looks familiar, but you forget where you met him/her.

set up for peak performance

no all-nighters, no last-minute cramming(不熬夜,不抱佛脚)



x  give preference to the wants and needs of your current self

a wide collection of snacks

Make temptation less tempting or  the goal more motivating.

pair indulgence with you want-to goals


start thinking like a runner, if you want to go jogging regularly.


future connectedness

muster up sufficient psychological resources


eg: I am capable of change, even if it is difficult(积极的自我暗示)

a series of "why"questions

vicious, virtuous

lead lives devoid of all pleasure(过度、不提倡)

have a sedentary lifestyle

excessive work

succumb to temptation

commitment contracts(有点像定下契约的那种, 打卡退保证金的形式)

pamper oneself

The sight of… (cakes )makes one's mouth water(描述食物好吃的表达)


hyperopia, productivity-oriented at all cost

make your memory more robust



1.深加工信息( pay attention to deeper meaning,make connections with what you already know, paraphrasing)


The recall strategy is superior to recognition



保证充足的睡眠+午休power nap

间隔练习space out your practice


More connections help(回想相关的概念)

Plan ahead and visualize the context

Practice testing练习测试
