Leetcode 1349. 参加考试的最大学生数



1. 状态压缩

在m行n列seats中,对于每一行,每把椅子可分为坐人(状态1)和不坐人(状态0)两种状态。在先不考虑学生坐法是否满足题目要求的前提下,每行共有2^n种状态。1 <= n <= 8,这在暗示我们可以用状态压缩。如状态state=100010表示第0和第4把椅子坐人。

2. 合法性检查

(1) 保证学生没有坐在坏的椅子上。我们把椅子的好坏状态用chair记录,好椅子"."记为0可以坐人,坏椅子"#"记为1不可以坐人。如椅子"#.##.#"可表示为101101。我们只需将椅子的好坏状态,与学生状态进行按位与操作,保证chair&state==0即可。
(2) 检查学生左右两侧是否有人。我们将状态state分别左移,右移一位,并与该状态进行按位与操作,即检查state&(state<<1)==0 and state&(state>>1)==0即可。
(3) 检查学生左上右上两侧是否有人。我们将上一行的状态last_state左移一位,右移一位和这行状态state进行按位与操作,即检查state&(last_state<<1)==0 and state&(state>>1)==0即可。

3. 状态转移方程

dp[row][state] = max(dp[row-1][last_state]) + state.count(1),其中state.count(1)表示该状态state坐人的数量。


1. 带状态压缩的动态规划算法

我们可以先把合法状态保存下来,但是最坏情况下,没有坏的椅子,只需保证左右两侧没有人,不需要考虑椅子好坏情况,合法状态仍然 。

from typing import List
from functools import reduce

class Solution:
    def maxStudents(self, seats: List[List[str]]) -> int:
        m, n = len(seats), len(seats[0])
        # 将不可用的椅子设置为1,如'#.##.#'设置为101101,即为45
        # 遇到.时进行与运算结果为0,表示可以坐人
        # 如状态010010,与101101进行与操作,即010010&101101=0,表示该状态合法,学生没有坐在坏的椅子上
        chair = [0] + [reduce(lambda x, y: x | 1 << y, [0] + [j for j in range(n) if seats[i][j] == '#']) for i in range(m)]
        # print(chair)  # 示例 1: [0, 45, 30, 45]

        dp = [[0 for _ in range(1 << n)] for _ in range(m + 1)]
        for row in range(1, m + 1):
            for state in range(1 << n):  # 遍历本行所有合法状态
                if state & chair[row] == 0 and state & (state << 1) == 0 and state & (state >> 1) == 0:
                    for last_state in range(1 << n):  # 遍历上一行所有合法状态
                        if state & (last_state << 1) == 0 and state & (last_state >> 1) == 0:
                            dp[row][state] = max(dp[row][state], dp[row - 1][last_state] + bin(state).count('1'))

        return max(dp[m])

2. 带备忘录的回溯算法


from typing import List
from functools import reduce

class Solution:
    def maxStudents(self, seats: List[List[str]]) -> int:
        def backtraceWithMemo(row: int, state: int):
            if state in memo[row]:
                return memo[row][state]
            if row == m:
                return bin(state).count('1')

            count = 0
            for next_state in range(1 << n):  # 遍历下一行所有合法状态
                if next_state & chair[row + 1] == 0 and next_state & (next_state << 1) == 0 and next_state & (next_state >> 1) == 0:
                    if state & (next_state << 1) == 0 and state & (next_state >> 1) == 0:
                        memo[row + 1][next_state] = backtraceWithMemo(row + 1, next_state)
                        count = max(count, memo[row + 1][next_state])

            count += bin(state).count('1')
            return count

        m, n = len(seats), len(seats[0])
        chair = [0] + [reduce(lambda x, y: x | 1 << y, [0] + [j for j in range(n) if seats[i][j] == '#']) for i in range(m)]

        # 记录以某一行某个状态下为根的子树的最大学生数
        # 如memo[2][100001]代表第2行状态下100001,第2行(包含)到第m行的最大学生数
        memo = [{} for _ in range(m + 1)]
        return backtraceWithMemo(row=0, state=0)


  1. https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/maximum-students-taking-exam/solution/xiang-jie-ya-suo-zhuang-tai-dong-tai-gui-hua-jie-f/
  2. https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/maximum-students-taking-exam/solution/er-fen-tu-zui-da-du-li-ji-by-lightcml/

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