Visual Studio2019 与 MySQL连接 版本关系

Refer: VS 连接MySQL | mysql-for-visualstudio 的安装-CSDN博客



MySQL :: MySQL Product Archives

《MySQL application development》
Installs the MySQL Server and the tools required for MySQL application development. This is useful if you intend to develop applications for an existing server.

This Setup Type includes:

* MySQL Server 2.7.42

* MySQL Workbench
The GUI application to develop for and manage the server.

* MySQL for Excel
Excel plug-in to easily access and manipulate MySQL data.

* MySQL for Visual Studio
To work with the MySQL Server from VS.

* MySQL Connectors
Connector/Net, Java, C/C++, OBDC and others.

* Examples and tutorials
To help you get started with your development.

* Documentation
Allows you to read the documentation offline.

VisualStudio mysql-for-visualstudio mysql-connector-net mysql-connector-odbc Mysql数据库服务器
版本 2019 1.2.9 8.0.28 5.1.13 5.7.9
安装包 mysql-for-visualstudio-1.2.9.msi mysql-connector-net-8.0.28.msi mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.13-winx64.msi



安装位置 C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Connector Net 8.0.28\Assemblies\v4.5.2

Visual Studio2019 与 MySQL连接 版本关系_第1张图片

Support information for Companion Products:

Visual Studio2019 与 MySQL连接 版本关系_第2张图片

Support information for MySQL for Visual Studio:

Visual Studio2019 与 MySQL连接 版本关系_第3张图片

​​​​    并且规定mysql-for-visualstudio 必须先于 mysql-connector-net安装:

如果你的 VS 是2019及以上的版本,请务必下载安装 MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2.9 及其以上的版本。

Visual Studio2019 与 MySQL连接 版本关系_第4张图片

软件/插件 Visual Studio MySQL for Visual Studio MySQLConnector/NET MySQL数据库服务器
下载地址 MySQL :: Download MySQL for Visual Studio (Archived Versions) MySQL :: Download MySQL Connector/NET (Archived Versions) MySQL :: Download MySQL Installer
版本 2019 5.7.9-winx64

二、开发使用如下VS 2019 + EF6 + MySQL:

Entity Framework 学习系列(2) - MySql Database First 开发方式 - 我是小柒 - 博客园 (
